
February 17, 2014

persepsi berlainan

Bila terbaca komen blogger Lydsunshine tu saya ingin terangkan kenapa saya buat dwi bahasa. Saya rasa semua boleh agak untuk latihkan minda supaya menambahkan vocab dan lebih memahami bahasa kedua. 

Lagipun masa saya bekerja dengan syarikat oil and gas,  saya berjumpa dengan ramai principals manufacturer dari luar negara. Berbahasa inggeris untuk dokumen, tentang harga barang atau untuk urusan pejabat boleh la berinteraksi... tapi bila sekali sekala pergi lunch, sembang tentang general dah kalut cari ayat. 

Merekai menyoalkan tentang agama secara sindiran  seolah pilihan agama disebabkan tertekan dengan peraturan negara, atau sebab parents dah Islam, anak terpaksa ikut.

Saya terangkan, kalau parents tak muslim pun, saya akan pilih Tuhan yang tidak menyerupai apa-apa yang pernah dilihat atau yang boleh dibuat sendiri seperti dengan tanah liat. Sebenarnya saya ada memberi contoh masa perbualan tu.

Rasa tak logik kalau tak da Tuhan nak kira semua semulajadi, kepada siapa la nak diminta tolong  jika ditinggal seorang diri.  Susah juga nak explain pada orang tiada Tuhan dari yang ada agama lain. Tuhan segalanya, ada Tuhan sudah mencukupi.

Mereka mengatakan yang mereka buat kerana nereka baik bukan kerana ganjaran (pahala), kalau nak berbahas kenapa mereka ambil gaji bila membeti pengetahuan mereka hmm...tak tahu la

Lagipun agama Islam, jika menjadi warak masih boleh mengisi permintaan naluri atau nafsu, kalau agama lain terpaksa bertahan seperti agama lain tak bole berkahwin dan tidak berkeluarga. 

Mereka ada cakap saya ni bole baca Al-Quran dengan tak faham apa-apa, tah ke tulis apa dalam tu,. Saya mengaku betul tak faham tapi mukjizat surah menenangkan diri dan minda dan rasa selamat yang ttak dapat gambarkan dan takkan sama perasaan dengan membaca tafsirnya.

Harga minyak naik kerana kita masih bergantung dari produk mereka ni. Kereta buatan sendiri dah ada, harap mesin analisa mesin di pelantar semua nanti kita buat sendiri pula. Waulupun faktor kecil, malaysia ni bumi Allah , sesiapa pun boleh mencari rezeki di sini. InshaAllah.

english version below

When I saw the blogger Lydsunshine;s comment, I wanted to clarify a bit why I chose two languages, I guess everyone would know because to practice mind to think in the languages and also to improve in vocab as well.

Moreover, I had worked in an oil and gas company before, had experienced a hard time to figure what words to explain better. It was easy to interact on office matters, on prices of items but once in awhile discussing general rules during lunch with foreigners manufacturers' principals, I felt I wanted to explain and didn't want to shut down especially on my religion when they said that malaysians are tensed without freedom on believe wise. As seem I am what I am because of parents are.

That's when I had explained, even though the parents are not, I would choose the one that is I never seen that my feel its right or something that not I craft or carve it. To whom should I call for help if I am left alone, while in oversea the only to survive is to the One, actually it is harder to explain to the non-believers. 

They stated when they do something good because they are honest and because they are good not because they being bribe to be one. Like deeds. If I were to debate why then they exchanged their expertise to money (salary). Its better to shut down before it boiled up.

As it in my religion, being pious is the ultimate aim but it didn't suppress me to not have family and to get married.

They said I read Quran without understanding the meaning, I agreed but it soothe the soul, calm the mind and it shoo away the worries.

February 14, 2014

Physical excercise sebahagian dari diri

Salam Jumaat, Semalam telefon mak, saja tanya khabar. Mak cakap kakak datang ambil dia dan bapa, nak bawa derang ke tempat physio therapy, tapi rasa tak jadi sebab tutup atau dah lewat. Tapi saya rasa ketinggalan pulak bila mak bagitau kakak ambik dia pun sebab dia baru balik gym yang berdekatan dengan umah mak tu...oh mana aci saya terfikir untuk diri ni yang dah lama tak bersenam. Jeles. Sememangnya saya suka fokus pada diri dulu sebab bersyukur pun kita diri yang dipinjam olehNya la yang kita mahu jaga kan
baru boleh jaga orang lain. Nak senam lepas ni, rengangan yang penting untuk peredaran darah. Berenang pun boleh juga, tapi kesian kat jangtung sebab terpaksa mengempam lebih. Kalau senam yoga atau pilates, take time to nafas, rengang, pastu relax :)

English version
Yesterday, called mom just to say hello. She said my sister came and pick her and dad, supposedly they are going to physotherapy centre, I couldn't here or catch what she said, but I heard it was closed. Then they went somewhere else, but she told that my sister came have her gym class that is really triggered me and awaked me that I did not do physical work out anymore, that is not nice. I do not feel me. To start everything even love is to love myself and focus on my self but neglected it somehow. Guess right after I want to do stretch and feel the different and a bit positive twists. Though swimming is good too, but pity to heart that needs to pump more but with stretching is more open the lung and breathe for better blood circulation, then relaxing slow breathing :)

February 11, 2014

Expresi mak iphone / bapa check in

English version below

 Expresi mak saya 

Kami sekeluarga menghadir satu majlis di mana ada beberapa speech tentang kewujudan sesuatu seperti kalau tak de zuckerberg tak ade facebook, tak de steve job tak de iphone, tak de ingva tak de ikea, lepas tu mak saya menyambung bahawa tak de ibu tak de la anak-anak yang memeriah majlis tu :)

Emak saya sangat suka lagu mother dimana liriknya "kepada siapa Kasih sayang, penghormatan kita patut diberi selepas Allah dan Nabi Muhammad saw,; ialah kepada ibu. Jadi dia lega tak perlu mengingati anak2nya dengan adanya lagu tu.

Expresi bapa

Bapa sememangnya happy bila salah seorang anaknya mempunyai rumah dekat klcc. Dia sembang-sembang dengan anak-anak saudaranya. Respons anak-anak saudaranya sangat   prnuh minat

begini "Bila lagi Pak Long nak jemput kami, kami tak sabar nak check in, tempat best macam tu baru best nak check in ni, tak payah susah, kami masak untuk pak long," Paklong pun tanya saya,,check in hotel, saya cakap check in kat hanphone, bagitau depa dah sampai situ :)

English vetsion

Mom's expression

We family attended one function the speech made by member of family, they mentioned the existence of modern world like there is no facebook if there is no zuckerberg, there is no iphone if there is no iphone, there is no ikea if there no ingvar, my mom simply continues there Ibu (mother) there are no her kids to make the function successful, it seems she wanted to be mentioned too. She love the song of mother where the lyrics day "eho should i givr my lovr snd respect afyrr Allah and Rasulullah, whos next? Mother.

With the song she no need to remind her kids already.

dad's expression

It seems that my dad is happy that one of his children has a place near klcc.

So he just small talk to his nieces about it, this is their response 

"Pak long,, so when are you inviting us, ee are excited to check in, that is the best place to check in. Pak long no need to treat us but ee go and cook for you pak long, we cant wait to checkin, then my dad turned and ask check in hotel? I said check in at the phone to mark that they have been there :)

February 10, 2014

Mak, Did I grow up according to plan?

 english version below

Lepas nafas panjang ja lepas hantar Faiq ni, dalam hati tertanya bagaimana la mak saya hantar saya ke sekolah, adakah mudah (ceh wah tak guna perkataan negatif iaitu "susah" :))

Hari ini teacher tanya saya adakah saya nampak perbezaan tak, dimana Faiq lebih senang turun dari kereta dan lebih happy, saya pun cuma bertanya balik kenapa sebabnya, tak boleh nak fikir sangat sebab berzikir je so that semua smooth.. Teacher sambung cerita sebab "the kid" tu tak hadir sekolah dah beberapa hari dah. Sejak saya cakap tak perlu berbincang dengan ketua guru. Teacher yang sambut Faiq ni cakap dia dah jumpa ketua guru. Ketua guru cakap Faiq sorang je yang nak kawan dengan the kid (mesti thrill budak ni terlantas dalam hati). Tapi saya terus cakap saya harap Faiq bermain depan mata guru-guru, dan bersyukur semua guru-guru pun aware tahu the kid tu macam tu. Yang tu penting boleh la tolong tengok-tengok, Faiq pun kena la sentiasa di pesan oleh saya, dan harap teacher pun buat demikian. you have long way to go Faiq, i pray okay.
Begitu juga saya sentiasa meminta mak mendoakan saya sentiasa bahagia dunia akhirat.

 faiq dalam hotel seri pengantin, janda baik, mama attend seerah Rasul saw 2013

english version
"I exhale and thankful but crossed in mind how mom took me to school whether it was easy or otherwise (just to use positive word here instead of negative like "hard" :))
The teacher asked whether I see any different today and know why that Faiq is happy and excited today. I asked why as in my heart I prayed hard to make the morning as easy as can be but  the teacher said because the "kid" did not come yesterday and told me that they talked to the headteacher and she said nobody wants to play with the kid but Faiq is kind of friendly with him.
I continue about the matter just to kill two birds with one stone or to have a matter solved by saying again to the teacher, I told Faiq to play near and around the teacher as the teacher could see him and observe him amongst the kids.I thankful that the matter has taken in good hand and there awareness about it.

February 9, 2014

Night Safari

Night safari, Singapore

Ticket : S$15 - S$20 - sorry tak berapa sure  harga tiket sebab kakak tersayang yang sponsor.  Alhamdulillah.

Taxi fare from Hotel Royal Scott at Orchard Road  to Night Safari - Sorry tak perasan juga sebab di belanja oleh kakak tersayang.

Nanti dinner after night safari boleh cerita cost berapa sebab kami sponsor :)

Run for your life
you snap me

February 8, 2014

relief - lega

english version below  
Lega bila dapat tahu yang Faiq lebih suka respons yang cepat. Bila dia bagitau sesuatu atau mahu sesuatu, tengah main ke saya pasti response atau express dengan emosi teruja.
Tapi bila dia pegang gunting, dengan cepat saya ambil gunting tu tapi mulut perlahan-lahan bagitau dia yang gunting tajam kena simpan dulu. Bila besar boleh guna. (susah juga nak keep calm ni)
Saya tunjuk emosi teruja atau bersama-sama main bila Faiq bermain tetapi bertenang bila dia main yang merbahaya, supaya dia tidak rasa "thrilled" untuk ulangi lagi.

Memang menjadi kebiasaan bila nampak yang tak elok nak cepat response tunjuk marah atau tinggi suara, jadi Faiq jadi lebih thrilled, saya tahu ini sebab dia suka tunjuk tempat dia lukis di dinding masa dia belum satu tahun lagi. Masa tu saya cepat bagi dia kertas untuk di tulis. Bila dia tunjuk lagi saya cakap kalau nak tulis kena atas kertas ok. Dia boleh rasa ada kommunikasi di situ,

Bila dia gaduh pun saya, tarik Fadya atau Faiq dan cakap kena jaga adik, atau bagi abang main dulu. Jadi bila ton suara biasa, mereka rasa relax..tapi Fadya memang bila gaduh gigit tangan abangnya. Jadi saya buat tak terkejut, Faiq pun ingat biasa. Saya cakap Fadya gigi untuk gigit food. (Dalam hati nak juga pukul ke tapi depan Faiq, so hold dulu) Tapi nampak keberkesanan yang Faiq tak cari-cari screwdriver atau plyer atau attention lagi, Fadya pun ingat gigit ni Faiq tak rasa sakit kut. Bila mereka datang saya lebih mendengar dan memberi respons. Pastu main-main sekali. Tapi ni baru pratikkan beberapa bulan je::)  Setakat ni rasanya perpatah "lagi marah lagi buat tu" macam betul, jadi lebih baik cakap dengan ton memberitahu apa yang patut mereka lakukan.

english version
Relief when I realised that Faiq prefers quick response from me. When he tells something or want something I must show some reaction or excitement like how I can abruptly got angry to something

But I have to keep calm when he did something not nice because it does not excite him when he sees me that I am calmed and say this is not nice not prolong the anger, no thrill for him to do it again.

When they fight also, Id be calmed and slow talk with Faiq that he needs to take care of his sister, and for Fadya I say she must learn to play with Faiq. Sometime Fadya bites Faiq, but I pulled Fadya I said your teeth is for food, but my reaction to Fadya not so bad, then Faiq feels it okay I guess. I think Fadya don't bite any more because she thinks it did give any effect. Faiq also dont search for screw driver and all because i give him to play for awhile then i said must keep it. Not sure about this practice as how it would lasts though this is I already practice for just few months.

See :)
Pens in hands

February 6, 2014

message to observe / pemerhatian dan doa

English version below

Pada mula Faiq happy nak ke sekolah tetapi bila sampai dia menjadi sebaliknya. Jadi saya bertanya kepada guru,"macam mana ni" dengan tone seperti ingin dapatkan solusi untuk situasi ni.

Dan saya sambung, Faiq senang bangun dan bersiap pagi ni. Dia ambik breakfast lagi. Baru cikgu pandang saya penuh ambil berat. Dengan cepat saya kata ok cikgu ambil beg dia saya bawa dia ke pintu, sebab saya pun tak mahu berbincang dengan cikgu depan dia.

Lepas Faiq masuk dalam, cikgu suruh saya jumpa dengan ketua guru, saya cakap Faiq ok, inshaAllah.

Beberapa saat kemudian, tiga orang guru datang ke kereta saya, guru yang berlainan kelas menyampaikan cerita yang Faiq kena tolak dengan seorang budak dimana ibunya juga sangat mengganggu ketenteraman sekolah, sambung guru-mengadu pada saya. Mereka menyuruh saya berjumpa ketua guru.

Saya rasa tak perlu, yang penting saya akan pesan pada Faiq selalu mendekati guru-guru apabila;.l bermain, sentiasa bersama guru bila pergi mana pun. Yang sebenarnya menyampaikan mesej ni pada guru-guru juga. Ini satu cara menyenangkan guru memerhati Faiq.

Salah satu guru memberitahu lagi yang dia masih risau dengan murid tu, jadi saya cakap saya berdoa dulu, salah seorang guru pun sambut aha doa dulu sambil senyu, saya sambung pula lagipun Faiq yang berumur 3 tahun ni ada guru-guru yang caring dan saya beritahu mereka saya akan pesan pada Faiq yang guru dia akan lindungi dia dan dia juga akan ikut bermain di mana guru berada sahaja supaya senang guru memantau.

Salah seorang juga mengatakan bahawa Faiq pandai dan dah tahu apa yang diajar, dalam hati saya bersyukur pada Pencipta.

English version

Sunday, 20 October 2013

The morning start was smooth but at school Faiq showed reluctancy. I asked the teacher "how" like sharing the matter with her, what she would know the solution. I told may be Faiq's bored of getting in the car because we have been road travelling since he was born yet he still follow this morning.

It was easy to get him dressed this morning I told her. He even had breakfast. Then the teacher looked concerned. I told her it is okay and spontaneously asked her to help me pick Faiq's bag up as I get him to the door by force, because when I prolong talking infront of him, then I do not how that would affect him.
At the door, another teacher welcmed him, I leave him there and went down straight to car, then the teacher told me to talk to his class teacher. I said to her never mind as he is fine, Godwill.
But three of them, the teachers of different classes came at my car window and told stories, that a trouble maker kid disturbs the class, Faiq being pushed by him, the mother complained about the teachers and about her son was not taken care of and infact warned them would make a police report if never change.
They asked me to talk to the headmitress, I said I pray first and will speak to Faiq to play around teachers and be near teacher always because he is a small, the teacher will protect him.

And i looked at his class teacher and asking her supports because Faiq's 3 year old and this is his journey that is he is lucky enough to face it with caring and loving teachers around that I am grateful for, I told them.
The teacher said Faiq is clever and knows most everything whats being taught. In the heart I thank to the Creator.

February 5, 2014

February 4, 2014

 Segmen: My Best Entry Bubblynotes.Com
Dah lama sangat kot Bubblynotes.Com tak melancarkan segmen...dan kini Tora datang lagi... ooopsss... salah pula... dan kini dengan ini saya lancarkan segmen ini khas buat rakan2 blogger di luar sana. *_^

Segmen: My Best Entry Bubblynotes.Com pernah dilakukan dulu sekali di SINI dan hari ini...segmen ini bermula dari, 4/2/2014 SEHINGGA 5/2/2014, jam 1.00 petang... Semua blogger tak kira yang baru atau lama, femes atau tak, retis atau tak dijemput untuk memeriahkan segmen ini... Tujuan? Nak rapatkan lagi silaturahim sesama kita, follow memfollow dan juga review entri2 terbaik dari blogger2 yang menyertai segmen ini yang dipilih oleh Pakcik Random.Org... 

Hanya 4 Langkah Mudah Diperlukan:
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1. 10 blog akan dipilih melalui Pakcik Random. ( 
2. Pemenang akan diumumkan pada 7/2/2014.
3. Para pemenang akan diminta untuk memberikan link satu entri terbaik mereka untuk direview oleh Cik Puan Bubbly dalam tempoh 3 hari dari tarikh pengumuman pemenang. If not... Pakcik Random akan roll the dice once again... ^_

The best painting adalah dari tingkap yang terbuka

english version below

Tingkap atau sliding door terbuka tanpa ditutupi oleh kain langsir yang tebal menjadi kegemaran. Tingkap terbuka seolah sebuah frame gambar yang hidup untuk interior rumah. Permandangan yang segar walaupun kecil, sesetengah tingkap terlindung dengan pagar konkrete tetapi masih tetap nampak langit atau pokok atau rumput yang hijau.
"Tingkap yang tidak dilindungi oleh perabut atau langsir adalah penghubung dunia luar dengan suasana dalam rumah".
 Saya bersyukur dengan ada tingkap yang tidak terlindung dengan langsir atau perabut (kerusi). Dengan membuka tingkap saya dapat merasai cahaya matahari, udara segar, kelihatan burung-burung.  Langsir yang  lembut yang simple hanya untuk menutup di waktu malam.

english version
My love of the windows or sliding doors exists when I appreciate nature, natural light, outdoor more than a nice fancy curtain or concrete to block me from the world outside.

"I rather not putting any curtains at the window just to have view which I call it a live painting". 

As for my home I used the thin and light material for curtain, I let them open but for the ground level, I choose the thicker one but during day time I would open them off, to make the green from out to be part of my interior. From there the fresh air came in, the green nature can be seen, the least you can see is the blue sky or clouds floating, that is lively.


February 1, 2014

Green for fresh air / Hijau yang menyegarkan

English version below

Masih ada pro dan con pokok dalam rumah tetapi sekurangnya memberi kesegaran untuk mata memandangnya.. botol atau jar kaca diguna balik untuk menjadi pasu kecil, jika di lebihkan batu-batu kecil, boleh memberi laluan cahaya mencerahkan ruang rumah.
Yang perlu selepas batu-batu kecil dimasukkan, tanah compost pula di masukkan dan seterusnya pokok hijau kegemaran anda seperti kaktus, pokok menjelar duit-duit, yang penting yang kurang memerlukan air dan cahaya matahari.

1.botol atau jar kaca yang ksong (biasanya yang dari botol jam atau sos sprgeti)
2.tanah kompost
3.batu-batu kecil
4.Pokok hijau kegemaran anda.

Dalam gambar adalah versi tanah penuh

English version

Still have pro and con indoor plants but at least the look of it gives fresh to the eyes. The recycle jar filled with small pebbles at the bottom then filled with only compost soil, snd ready to plant your favourite green plant, best are like cactus or money plant that is easy to grow with less watering and less sunlight.

The good things about the glass jar as a pot is it gives more sunlight  or see thru if the pebbles are added more.

Things are needed
1. Empty jar ( it could be jar that are for jam or speghetti sauce)
2. Compost soil
3. Pebbles
4. Your favourite green plant

In the photo is the full soil version.

January 31, 2014

Lion Dance

English version below

Rasa Faiq sangat kretif  memegang  majalah-majalah bersama flyers tak teratur di letak di mukanya kononya macam kostum lion dance. Dan ada prngikut dibelakangnya beraksi sambil berbunyi drum lagu lion dance tu. Tak sempat merakamkan video tetapi sempat snap gambar.

 english version

Faiq's too creative to create how the lion costume for the the lion dance. He took the magazines, flyers stacked together untidily and hold near his face. He acted around with the sound like of a drum. And a follower at behind imitate him, iI didn't film him but have photos taken. Thats so cute.

Lively, Fair

Harry Houdini - Her sensational escape acts /Fadya melepaskan diri

 english version below 

Sememangnya  rasa lega bila budak-budak masuk kereta, duduk di kerusi kanak-kanak dan memakai tali pinggang keledar kerana rasa dah usaha untuk menjaga keselamatan dan budak-budak pun relax saja. Tetapi sekarang kesabaran dah diuji bila Fadya enggan duduk di tempatnya dan lebih-lebih lagi,dia pandai berlakun relax saja tanpa memberontak bila diletak di kerusinya. Apabila kereta dah bergerak, dia pun mula bergerak mengeluarkan dirinya dari ikat seatbelt tu dan juga dari klip yang kami letak di bahagian dadanya, tetap dia berjaya melepaskan dirinya.

Saya bagitau mak saya bahawa sekarang tak semudah dulu membawa budak-budak keluar kerana Fadya nampaknya sudah macam Harry Houdini seorang ahli silap mata yang boleh melepaskan diri di dalam air dimana dia diikat dengan tali besi dan dikunci.

Sekarang ni terdetik dihati mungkin bagitau suami lega budak-budak duduk dikerusi masing-masing mungkin tanpa kata Alhamdulillah, biasanya saya akan ucapkan.

atau tak bagus kut memberitahu tentang anak-anak boleh duduk di car seat di mana anak orang lain tak mahu. Mungkin memberi tekanan pada mereka yang rasa kenapa anak mereka tak boleh duduk, saya tak rasa begitu sebabnya kalau duduk atau tak duduk itu pilihan masing-masing. Saya harap apa yang saya beritahu itu bergantung pada niat kerana elok atau tak elok akan diceritakan kerana ingin berkongsi.

I have been saying to myself and to hubby sometimes that getting in car is the most relax time for me because the kids sit on their seats even buckled up. But now the test for my patience is here when Fadya can release herself after we have buckled her and add another clip at the belt near her chest area. She slowly pull her legs, and stand on her chair. It worries me and scared that she might fall. Then I told mom that it is hard to go out now coz Fadya likes to explore in the car from the back to the front and back to the middle. Mom said fasten seat belt for her. I told her I did, it seems like Fadya is like Harry Houdini, she can escape no matter how.

Now it crossed in my heart maybe, it is not nice to tell that our kids sit on the baby seats while some kids do not want to or perhaps I told hubby that is a relief when they are in the baby seat without citing Thank Allah, maybe.
Maybe I give them a hard time that they can't achieve that, I do not think so, everybody has their own choice. I hope whatever I tell here is just to tell because I would tell the not so nice thing as well.

Harry Houdini - wikipedia mobile

For the song by Canadian band Kon Kan, see Harry Houdini (song)."Houdini" redirects here. For other uses, see Houdini (disambiguation).Harry HoudiniHoudini in 1899BornEhrich WeissMarch 24, 1874Budapest, Austria-HungaryDiedOctober 31, 1926 (aged 52)Detroit, Michigan, United StatesOccupationIllusionist, magician, escapologist, stunt performer, actor, historian, film producer, pilot, debunkerYears active1891–1926Spouse(s)Wilhelmina Beatrice "Bess" Rahner(1894–1926; his death)SignatureHarry Houdini (born Erik Weisz in Budapest, laterEhrich Weiss or Harry Weiss; March 24, 1874 – October 31, 1926) was a Hungarian-Americanillusionist and stunt performer, noted for his sensational escape acts. He first attracted notice as "Harry Handcuff Houdini" on a tour of Europe, where he challenged police forces to keep him locked up. Soon he extended his repertoire to include chains, ropes slung from skyscrapers, straitjackets under water, and having to hold his breath inside a sealed milk can.In 1904, thousands watched as he tried to escape from special handcuffs commissioned by London'sDaily Mirror, keeping them in suspense for an hour. Another stunt saw him buried alive and only just able to claw himself to the surface, emerging in a state of near-breakdown. While many suspected that these escapes were faked, Houdini presented himself as the scourge of fake magicians andspiritualists. As President of the Society of American Magicians, he was keen to uphold professional standards and expose fraudulent artists. He was also quick to sue anyone who pirated his escape stunts.Houdini made several movies, but quit acting when it failed to bring in money. He was also a keen aviator, and aimed to become the first man to fly a plane in Australia. Even the circumstances of his death in 1926 were dramatic and mysterious.

January 30, 2014

Pencarian 50 Bloglist

Jom memeriahkan lagi :)

gratitude - lebih nikmat, bersyukur dengan perbuatan dari mengucapkannya sahaja.

Version english below.

Sudah lama saya tak menyapu daun kering di laman rumah, jadi saya sapu terasa dapat menikmati bertapa nyamanya berbumbungkan langit yang biru dan berkipas kan angin dan udara yang segar. 

Saya draft blog hari selepas Maulidur rasul  dimana paginya kami bangun dan bersarapan di luar. Hala pulang kami singgah di nursery tengok pokok-pokok. Memang geram tengok pokok bunga tetapi dibawa pulang hanya pokok cactus dan tanah compost sebab saya ada recycle projek yang bermain di pikiran. Kami juga ke groceries shop untuk restock berberapa baeang kerana rancang nak rehat di rumah selebih hari itu. Tetapi bertentangan apa yang dirancang, saya kumpulkan kertas, kotak untuk direcycle, cans, botol plastik cuma yang saya tahu jarang mereka recycle botol kaca. Oleh itu, saya sendiri recycle botol-botol kosong tu dengan pokok ditanam di dalam botol seperti dalam gambar ni.

Yang boleh recycle saya tukar dengan duit :) Memang lega melihat kawasan yang kosong dan bersih, terpaksa simpan recycle untuk selamatkan pokok, dan beg pladtik yang yang kehidupan laut ingat bole makan tapi plastik yang disanka jeli fish. 

Alhamdulillah Faiq suka ke sekolah, jumpa cikgu bercerita tentang lipas yang dia nampak di luar rumah. Suami buat pest control sendiri sejak dah berhenti contract dengan rentokil.

I started by cleaning the porch floor and sweep it clear and find act of gratefulness having a shelter...

Yesterday was Maulidur Rasul birthday, we woke up and went out to have breakfast and stopped at plants nursery and get some plants and soil for my green fresh environment project. We went for groceries as well as we planned to stay indoor and relax. Instead, I was grouping the recycle stuff to papers, plastic and cans categories, after I have done that, the best feeling I ever feel clean and to see empty space and wide view in the house.

I leave the stacks outside and ready to weigh them and trade them with MONEY. At yhe same time to save the trees and ocean lives from eating plastic bags which they think it is jelly fish.

Alhamdulillah, Faiq was happy to school, when he met his teacher, he told about cockcroach he saw and the porch. My hubby did pest control DIY now, before we have Rentokil  to do it for us.

kindness from,

January 29, 2014

awakes me "selesa tapi, masih terasa kekurangan adalah untuk menyedarkan diri untuk bersenam dan menjaga diri"

 english version below

Bermulanya rasa rambut kurang sihat, tak mungkin kerana tak ambil vitamin double x dan tak pasti kerana berhenti bersenam sejak mengejar anak  yang baby pun dah 2 tahun, jadi serah keresahan pada suami supaya dia mendoakan walaupun dia kata tiada beza. Juga google senam dibawah untuk menyehatkan dan lakukan beberapa posisi. Dan dah ambil protin dan double X semula, inshaAllah. 

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

"I shield myself from the unpleasant but it came to awake me to be stronger with exercise that I missed"

I have noticed that my hair is not as healthy as before since vitamin Double X is out of stock at home. But back of my mind, I haven't done exercise as well. I think it is enough to do house chore and taking care of my two year toddler as it is require body movements too but maybe that is strenuous not relax and calming as breathing synchronicity with movements. I browsed for solutions and also ask my hubby to doa for my healthy hair too.
As I know the movements of run around is not the same with taking time to move our body while breathing slowly and feel in the heart that air comes in and soul is refreshed with mind that is focus on myself.

Hair loss is one of the most talked about and common conditions that people suffer from, and ironically is one of the most common problems that people want a solution for. But, instead of reaching for artificial methods to stop hair fall and stimulate hair growth, try an all natural method – yoga. Here are some of them:
Acupressure to relieve hair fall: (mom told me before "geser kuku dengan kuku") as she attended a seminar long time ago.
Balayam, literally meaning exercise for the hair, is an acupressure therapy which is useful in increasing the circulation in the scalp and is believed to stimulate the growth of hair. Originally practised a number of years ago, this exercise was made famous by Baba Ramdev. Balayam is a technique where the acupressure points associated with the growth of hair are massaged. These points, mainly present in the tip of the finger (under the finger nails) help stimulate hormones that promote hair growth and hair darkening, help improve circulation in the scalp, revitalise hair follicles and beat oxidative stress (one of the most common reasons for hair fall).
Steps to do this pose: Sit comfortably in padmasana, now bend your finger tips so that they face each other. Point your thumbs away from your fingers (do not rub the tips of the thumbs together). Now, rub the nails of one hand with the nails of the other hand. Make sure you rub only the broadest part of the nails together.
Yoga asanas to beat hair loss:
Downward facing dogAdho Mukho Svanasana: The downward facing dog pose strengthens the arms and shoulders, increases circulation to the head and face, stimulates the nerves of the scalp, tones the muscles and rejuvenates the body.
Steps to do this pose: Lie on your stomach on your yoga mat. Now, place your palms near your ears and point your toes downwards so that your heels are facing the ceiling. Now, exhale and push off your hands such that your buttocks are pointing towards the sky. In this pose you will look like an inverted ‘V’. Now push back onto your feet so that they are flat on the floor. You will feet a stretch on your hamstrings. Do not walk closer to your hands to put your feet flat on the floor, this defeats the purpose of doing this pose. Practice this regularly and you will slowly increase your flexibility and be able to flatten your feet.
UttanasanaUttanasana: This is a forward-bending pose that stretches out the hamstrings, and the muscles of the abdomen. It also makes the blood rush to your head, helping your body switch from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system, helping you relax.
Steps to do this pose: To perform this pose, stand straight. Raise your hands from the front to above your head as you inhale slowly. Then bend forward completely pushing your buttocks back till your palms touch the floor and your forehead touches your knees. If you cannot bend completely, or are uncomfortable with the stretch on your hamstrings, bend your knees a little. Stay in this pose till you are comfortable.. To return back to the standing position, as you inhale slowly bring your arms above your head, raising your upper body. Then as you exhale bring your arms down from front of your face. Do not jerk up. Remember to rise up from the hips, without straining your muscles.
VajrasanaVajrasana: This is a simple pose that is great to relax the mind and improve digestion. It is believed that a good digestive system is the key to a healthy body. Therefore this asana is ideal to improve hair growth. Vajrasana also massages the kanda spot about 12 inches above the anus that is the point of convergence for over 72,000 nerves.
Steps to do this pose: All you need to do is place a yoga mat on the floor. Kneel on the mat, and let the top surface of your feet touch the mat such that your heels are pointing upwards. Now gently place your buttocks on your heels. It is important to note that your heels are on either side of your anus. Now place both your palms on your knees, facing downwards. Close your eye and breath in deeply at a steady rate.
ApasnanApanasana: This asana helps relieve any gas built up in the stomach and abdomen and assists in better digestion, thereby purifying the blood improving the growth of hair by stimulating hair follicles. Apanasana is also a great pose for relaxing the back and the tense muscles of the neck and thighs. 
Steps to do this pose: Lie on your back, and place your palms on your knees. As you exhale pull your legs to your chest gently. Allow your legs to move with the strength of your thighs rather than using your arms to pull them in too much. When you inhale loosen your grip, allowing your legs to move completely away from your tummy. Do this for a few breaths at your own pace. Let your breath guide your movement. Hold this position for some time. Close your eyes, and if your mind is not at rest try counting your breaths. This helps reign in the mind and helps it calm down. When you feel calm, slowly lower your legs to the floor and relax.
SarvangasanaSarvangasana: This pose is essentially known for its ability to regulate the working of the thyroid glands and helps the head get ample supply of blood, helping in hair growth. Since the thyroid glands are responsible for the proper functioning of the entire body including the digestive, nervous and reproductive system, regulating metabolism and the working of the respiratory system and mitigating hair fall, this pose is a boon for those suffering from conditions like male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness and hair fall due to hormonal imbalance. Apart from that, it nourishes the spine with a good supply of blood and oxygen, helping you beat nervous system disorders, and improving your all round health.
Steps to do this pose: Lie on a yoga mat with your legs extending outwards. Now slowly raise your legs either by first folding them at the knees or by lifting them straight. Place your palms along your back and hips to support it, and raise your body while pointing your toes to the ceiling. All your weight should be on your shoulders. Make sure you breathe slowly and lock your chin into your chest. Your elbows should be touching the floor and your back should be supported. Hold this pose for as long as you are comfortable. To return to the lying position, slowly lower your body. Do not fall back to the lying position. (Read: Beat insomnia with yoga)
Tips to keep in mind: Do not do this pose if you suffer from any neck or spinal injuries. If you do have high blood pressure, perform this exercise only under supervision. (Read: How to choose a yoga class).
Breathing techniques that help in hair growth
KapalbhatiKapalbhati Pranayam: This is a form of breathing exercise that helps to oxygenate your body while strengthening the muscles of your stomach and abdomen. It also helps to give one’s scalp all the oxygen it needs to rejuvenate damaged hair and helps it grow. Kapalbhati pranayam also improves digestion, an added bonus when it comes to beating hair loss.
Steps to do this pose: Sit comfortably on your yoga mat. Keep your spine erect and your palms on your knees facing downwards. Now exhale through your nose and pull your stomach in towards your spine. When you loosen your stomach muscles you will automatically breath in. Quickly contract your stomach muscles again and exhale. Your stomach muscles should be doing the work of pushing out and pulling in air.  Do this initially about 50 times, you can increase the number of repetitions as you feel comfortable. After doing this form of breathing you will initially feel some soreness around the muscles of your stomach and abdomen. This is normal. 
Tip: Avoid doing this pose if you have high blood pressure, a hernia or heart disease.
Anulom VilomAnulom vilom: This breathing technique keeps your lungs healthy, fights free radicals produced due to stress, helps in the proper circulation of oxygenated blood throughout the body and can help relieve a cold by stimulating the inner mucosal lining. Because of its multiple benefits on the body and its systems, it also leads to the growth of healthy hair, by nourishing the scalp. The constant and regulated breathing also massages, cleanses and tones the entire nervous system making you feel much more relaxed. Apart from all this it also strengthens the heart, improves blood circulation, increases lung function, keeps the digestive system healthy, and most importantly gives your skin a lovely internal glow. (Read: Want glowing skin? Forget expensive creams and try yoga)
Steps to do this pose:
Sit on a mat on the floor. Cross your legs into the padmasana pose. If you cannot fold your knees completely, bend them as much as you can. In case of people with arthritis, they can sit on a wooden chair with a straight back. Now place one hand with the palms facing the ceiling. Place the the thumb of your other hand on one nostril and fold the index finger. Keep the ring finger extended so that it can be used to close the other nostril. Do not lift your elbow too high, your hand will get fatigued after a while. Leave it loose and by your side. Now inhale deeply through one nostril while keeping the other one closed with your finger. Now, open the other nostril and close the one you breathed in with and exhale. This is one cycle. To start the next cycle, breath in through the same nostril that you exhaled out of and repeat the process.
Remember, not to slouch or raise your shoulders while breathing in. Also, breathe in deeply using your lungs and try not to allow the air to fill in your stomach.
Tip: This pose can be done by everybody. Just be careful that you do not stress your body out too much. This asana is meant to make you relax not stress you out more.
Image source:,,

January 28, 2014

Pilihan hari ini menjadi ceria dengan kuasaNya

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

"I am cheered with His permits"

I know I blog about my morning most but its kind spontaneous feeling though I have called hubby and mom to share the story already. I am cheered by a beautiful cheerleader. She is only five years old, her name is Dania. She is helpful and care for Faiq at school.
Chak :)

She would say "Hi Faiq" and kiss him on the cheek sometime, even Yuen Shen did that too but Dania took and carried Faiq's bag to the class, see how thoughtful is Dania for Faiq.

Today at the car after Faiq went in, teacher Fariza told me that Dania wore scarf yesterday. The teacher asked her why all of a sudden she wears scarf,  and she answered

   "I want to look like Faiq's mom"  said Faiq's friend Dania.

How sweet and touched me in the heart. The the teacher continues that I have an admirer that all never thought. I feel embarrassed but say my scarf a little longer now because today I put on like Sophia Loren in convertible car and the teacher smile said sweet too.I like to find Dania's photos if I have in school's album. Dania is a beautiful girl, I think I ever told her that.

Wassalam with love,Fair

January 27, 2014

"memastikan keperluan mencukupi, masih lagi ada yang perlu diperhatikan"

"I make sure his basic needs fulfilled in the morning and yet still something to figure in"

After he wakes up in the morning, I assume he wants milk or bath straight a way. Then, a quick dry and put on clothes. Make him sit and give him a slice of bread. Then I get ready and make him see me going then I said lets go.He prefers slippers or his normal shoes than his school shoes. I let him. Then I said to him to climb in his car seat. Buckle him. Give him choice to have milk, water or bread.On the way he would show me trucks, busses of tractors. Or else power line or playground.He also sings along Islamic musics "Bismillah Alhamdulillah".

Sometime it is easy for him to get down from the car to go in the school. Sometimes its hard and I wonder why and need to figure it out.

On his first few weeks in school

January 25, 2014

Rutin Malam

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Faiq at eating time

Exercise princess

The view at sister's

"I make milo for two because sipping hot drink is still soothing for adult like me"

After dinner, watching tv is my next favorite thing to do. It is a long way to reach to our tv area as the dishes are need to be cleaned first, the table to be cleared before. I separate the leftover food in small plastic and sometimes they are transit in fridge or else straight in the dustbin.My better half helps along if the kids do not need any attention. I fix their milk and fix me and hubby a cup each of milo. I fix milo on the kitchen cabinet where i put four jars filled with sugar, anlene milk powder, oats and milo separately. Its convenient for us to have a quick drinks nightly.Sometimes if time permits, I get to sit on a sofa in the living room and enjoy the simple decor that we did.

-Dinner at the nook when the maid not around-The decor observation takes very short time because I pray at the end of the schedule and bring milo for two up and have it after overslept while waiting for the kids asleep as my son goes to bed at 9pm and sleep after two bottles of milk. -The trial position living room -"The cold milo warm the night and give' good night sleep".I would like to express my gratitude to my aunt who made milo for her kids before bed which I do now for myself and hubby.

Wiser to wish...

Thursday, 23 January 2014

I have experience that moves me to exactly that I want to own

Early on I wanted so much to have a business to develop income in my pocket, but I got "busyness"
Kiosk at Tesco Curve
Yummilicious Cupcakes


that I could not attend to anything even to snap photos of my activities at that time. I chose cupcakes as products and I produced them myself, the productions become heavy took my energy for the right things, people and activities.I tried even open a kiosk at Tesco, Mutiara Damansara, I got the supporters were my family, my mom came and bought many. It was fun but it is easy as I sell food and people come to us, we do not have to say please come and try and all, but off course they asked a lot of questions.The income that was my aim, not the busyness that get me so occupied til no time for others.

My hubby encourages activities that he can be part of it not like me spending in the kitchen when he is around. That awakes me too, so even blogging I get him involve like reading or get some ideas what to blog.He likes if i told jokes about my dad because my dad is a spontanneous jovial person.

"One example is that I baked cupcakes took sometimes to finish one batch yet it is not healthy but it is a happy moment to eat it. But my dad said "ala the easy way is to put two piece of daun or leaves (2 helai daun salad), apply mayonaise and add shrimps and ready to eat,  semua ni trick ja, charge dekat RM20/- as he had it at Ikea.

I think it is so true and funny too. I pray for income not extra coming moves to fill my time so i start saving with the money that I tend to buy flour, sugar and etc :)

January 23, 2014

"I praised the Prophet SAW for peace in me and relief to live"

To give birth to my lovely daughter Fadya who was born 12 Jan 2012. Praising Prophet made it easier for me to go out of a painless and uncomfortable situation to give birth to a beautiful baby girl. Alhamdulillah. It was planned birth date but it was the due date that nobody knew but me, that was very uncomfortable and slow preparation from the hospital. I was due but the thing was the nurses thought it was a plan and could take it slow that was challenging for me. I praised the Prophet with my heart that I could go through this. My lips kept praising, my heart consoling me that a human could make it and meant to make it like the prophet too. Getting done with it it was not easy as it was not in our hand to push others to make the progress fast but only with doa. I got calmed with the doas and praising to let the time came fast for me to go through the waiting time that  I anxiously waited for 9 months and to comfort myself by praising to SAW just for few minutes or hours it did not matter as long as my baby and me would be safe. Exhausted, excited and I asked from Allah to redha for me to Enjoy the gift He granted to me.

Last week we celebrated Fadya 2nd birthday. It was ad-hoc gift from my sister and my brother which hosted by my nephew, the dinner was meant for brother who is posting to San Jose for a new job, so it was a See you later dinner plus a small cake to mark the birthday for dearest Fadya. I love you and everybody loves you, shayang mama ni shangat-shangat ni..
Slice of cake for a great party

January 22, 2014

"I have a blessed 2014 in bliss and must seize it"

Tuesday, 14 January 2014 - the date i composed...

Though it was the first week of school and I was figuring out how to make Faiq back into the system of a school schedule and mood. I bumped with a new teacher and told me that Faiq is kind of different kid, he walked around with food in hand and the other kids follow him. He showed that he knew what he's learning, and expect something new.

The teacher said she wants my permission or green light for her to raise her voice with Faiq. If the next day Faiq hesitates to go to school I have to explain it to him that the teacher scolded him because...

I spoke to teacher that the teacher need to get him into the school or learning environment or atmosphere as this is the first week of school. At the back of my mind, I know it is not easy to handle many kids. I told the teacher make it clear to him that he needs to sit while eating and let him know that his peers ( usually the girls) are doing the same.

As I recalled I send Faiq to school is first to get him to have peers for him to learn from. I believe kids learn from friend of their age. So since school holiday, I also took leisure off thinking of school, I got panicked too.

So the teacher said ok for us to get him to school first then only get him interested in sitting down to learn not stray to explore during class.

I feel and focus of what I will fascinate about this is to get Faiq most improved student this year of 2014.


 after sport's day 

January 16, 2014

I am glad for the humming birds to wake us up in the morning

The post was written on Oct 2013

And the morning prayers energize me and the prayers keep me going. After I folded my prayer mat, I open our bedroom windows' curtains with gratefulness how the beautiful views I see it every morning. Sometimes it crosses in my mind whether will I get a better view next or at the same time or both. Just some thoughts to have more of the world when I look at the sky and the trees' line that separate the earth near me.

I tied curtains in the middle like tying a girl's long hair with the curtain pins. I find it so nice and cozy with the plain curtains that flow down nicely and moves when the wind blows in.

Not long I had to turn to the messed bed and leave the relax view behind and quick thinking where and how should I start again my morning...

It takes a fast decision to make at that point whether to make the bed or make the milk for the kids...

1. Fix milk for kids
2. Make the bed to wake the kids up
3. Kiss him
4. Walk with the kids to the bathroom
5. Give him tooth paste and the brush
6. Bathe him while he brushes teeth
7. Towel
8. Let him put on his clothes or uniforms by himself
9. Let him sit and give him Gardenia raisins bread

Then his sister's turn, repeat the same thing with less talking for them to focus on doing.
But no.9. Give her a bottle of milk.

While I get dress up and grab my bag and fill the school bag with 1 set of clothes, small towel and brunch box and water bottle.

Call them down, carry Fadya down straight to the car and faiq walked himself to the car. But he stops for insects or bugs at the porch. And say "look mama, ants. Then i would "how many? Or what colour?".

Once they are in the car, I buckle them up in the car seats. Give the milk to faiq as fadya's sticks at her.

Switch on the Yusuf Islam compilation, the kids love the songs even sing along.

If we arrive early, faiq's teacher would be there to greet him with a pleasant smile that cheered sheikh the name they call faiq.

I thank God for at least a quarter of my day had done, sometimes end up breakfast out with my loving husband and lovely daughter Fadya. Lucky me and love it so much when that happens. I know the rest of the day would be better til night and the next.
Fadya at breakie time

View from the window

I would like to thank my best friend Mrs Lyna Osman for getting me back of my blog for her encouragement and reminder In our conversation this afternoon. Thanks and lots of love, Fair

January 15, 2014

I cite Ya Lateef from the beginning to have ease and peace

Thursday, 17 October 2013 - i wrote this earlier on.

From yesterday, I determine not to have any extra matter to attend to for instant like Faiq wants to stay in the car instead getting down into the school so I cited "Ya Lateef" which is I remember only that two words a special friend of mind told me to cite to our kids before going to sleep. In fact I was there when she said to her daughter goodnight and sweet dreams but her daughter came back and ask her to cite duas at her crown head, then the mother said she has a friend who is me with her now and continue asking her daughter try to sleep first then she will come later and doa.

So I cite from yesterday while doing anything to something, and today I realise it was easy in the beginning but in the Faiq said "I want to see papa". I simply reply 'but we are late already". It happened like this before I fulfill his request since my hubby's office is just before his school. He met papa and went to school happily.

But today I did not do that, I sent him, I did not talk much. More action this time, it was ok til at the school's door. Then he was calm, I went to the car and talk to one of  his friend's mother who is a teacher said it is okay to force which is the only way I had.

I went back to the teacher and gave his milk, I just did not want to waste it, and saw he's in the assembly. Alhamdulillah, I have made it to be more like rule maker and managed to make him obey and hope he knows I and him did the right thing today.

I search the meaning of Ya Lateef at  Powerful Dua Wird --Ya Lateef - O Gentle
-Ya Lateef /Ya Latif - O Gentle / Subtle

Allah is gentle with His servants. he provides for whom He wills, and he is the Strong the Mighty.
Allahu Latifun bi 'ibadihi, yarzuqu man yasha'u, wa huwa l'-Qawiyyu l-'Aziz
From His beautiful and excellent Names is (Ya Lateef -O Gentle) Al-lateef: the meaning is the Ever-Discreetly Gentle, most affectionate, the knower of all sublities, The Subtle One, The Gracious, The One who is kind to His slaves and endows upon them, Most affectionate or knower of innermost secrets. He is the most delicate, fine, gentle, beautiful one. He is the one who knows the finest details of beauty. The finest of His beauties are hidden in the secrets of the beauties of the soul, wisdom, and divine light.
Subtle/Gentle: (1) so slight as to be difficult to detect or analyze, (2) operating in a hidden way [American Heritage Dictonary, 3rd Edition]. Latif: in the Arabic language: (1) the One who gives us our wants in a subtle way, (2) the One who does not wrong his servants even a little bit, (3) the One who shows grace to His creation by giving them their needs with gentleness and subtlety, (4) the One who knows the hidden delicacies of affairs [Fayruzabadi, The Encompassing Dictionary].
Whoever reads this Name Ya Lateef daily, Allah will grant abundance in his rizq (sustenance) and cause all his tasks to be accomplished without difficulties.
It is the noble attribute of Allah that saves one from poverty, misery, sickness, loneliness or any adversity, for Allah will surely grant him deliverance – Insha-Allah. ( For the one that has the ‘Ijaza-permission to recite Ya Lateef which is part of our daily Wird in our Tariqah )
( the hint is that the word lateef reminds you of lutf.. and basically ‘lutf in food’ the pleasure in eating. So, rizq is easy to remember and others (poverty, misery & sickness) are non-lutf stuff)


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