Bahasa dan video semint di bawah :)
English version and one minute video below :)
Arnab terlalu ganas kelaparan atau suka kesegaran, dalam video bagai meragut
Nasib tak gigit jemari, naluri merasa arnab menganas..
Coincidently just read about Leopar below, had their own way to teach their kids to hunt. The mother Leopard hunt a deer, but not hurt to much but a bit of bleed to weaken the deer to move. The deer is placed infront of the young leopard mouth to allure for it to attack or grab the live stock in the picture below.

That's how leopard teach the junior to hunt. As for our rabbit fluffy, we just feed, never tried to train for eat freely. Recently, it is hard to get the hays for Fluffy due to lockdown , so I cut pegaga (water crest), grass, small plants like salad, fluffy just ran and bite agressively. I felt guilty that didn't reallize that she prefers grass all this while, at no time the green long grass started to disappear. I was thinking if ever we have a chance to travel, would we have to find rabbit care or find someone to take care of Fluffy. Another method that we're not sure (whether it will work or not) is to put plenty of potted plants around her enclosure, but her drinking water would be a challenge. Perhaps prepare many bottles of water. Would this be sufficient?
Kebetulan baru terbaca tentang harimau bintang mengajar seni memburu kepada anaknya. Ibu harimau bintang menerkam rusa setakat luka, darah mengalir hanya melemahkan pergerakkan rusa, lepas tu bawa rusa yang cedera letak depan anak harimau bintang. Dari situ, anak rimau akan belajar menerkam rusa yang bergerak-gerak.
Manakala arnab di rumah sudah lama tidak merasa rumput kering, hanya diberi serat pellets. Dulu pernah beri rumput dan adakala beri kebebasan ia berlari di remput tak pula Fluffy berhenti makan rumput atau pokok-pokok lain. Tergerak nak potong rumput, pegaga, pokok-pokok kecil, masukkab potongan semua itu didalam bekas. Ada sekali tu, mama genggam je potongan rumput tu, ingat nak letak dalam bekas yang sedia ada di kawasan Fluffy, syukur letak cepat-cepat, rupanya Fluffy menganas, terus meragut daripada tangan mama. Kadang terfikir juga kalau dah tak PKP dan boleh rentas bagai, siapalah nak jaga Fluffy. Atau letak bebanyak pokok pokok renek kat tepi rumahnya, dan letak botol air beberapa boleh ke Fluffy meneruskan kelangsungan hidup tanpa manusia. Cukup kah camni?
Selamat sejahtera❤️