
March 6, 2014

Persediaan senam setempat / prepare one place practice

English vesion below

Berdiri tegak, bernafas perlahan, tunduk kebawah sambil lepas nafas, tapak tangan di lantai, lutut membengkok, lompat ke belakang, bernafas dan berehat di posisi ini, dimana jari kaki di lantai dan tapak tangan sahaja. Jika sukar, letak separuh badan dilantai. Posisi sedikit cardio apabila lompat, fokus pada menguatkan hujung kaki dan seluruh badan lurus, dan nafas dengan tenang mengikut minda tentukan

English version

Stand upright, breathe slowly. Bend down while breathe out., whole palm on the ground, knee bended, jump to the back, breathe and stay in the position. Where toes and palms only on the floor, if cant, let half the body landed. A bit of cardio exercise when jump. Focus on stronger from feet and strainghten the body and breathe calmly as mind had told. Care for your body is care for your life.


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