
May 19, 2023

Curry Leaves Prawn Soup | Carbonara Pasta | CookBook | Souping Book |Homegrown

Searching for inspiration from a Cook Book

Mencari inspirasi dari Buku Memasak

Fall for soupy food and solid drink like smoothies /

Terjebak dengan makanan bersup atau minuman pekat ala smoothies

So flip pages of cook book. While flipping the pages, I remember the steamed pumpkins in the fridge and the cooked oats that was well kept. 

Fused them together in the blender; Hopefully it will become creamy. 

Went out to get some curry leaves. The leaves will be sautee and heat up together in the fused chilled soupy. 

Love being outside while picking the curry leaves. Ok, while sauteeing, garlics were added together. Making soup is kind of special so I sauteed it with coconut oil. 

Sauteed in one pot, yet the aroma spread. Two prawns added in, to add flavour. 

Pour blended oats and pumpkins, sparked my appetite when seeing pieces of curry leave floated on the surface. 

Already hot and cooked, ready to eat. Eat with toast. Actually can eat soup only that is filling as the oats and pumpkins are complex carbo.  Btw kids ate Carbonara. Signing off for today's food diary.:))


Jadi menyelak muka surat ke sehelai sehelai. Semasa menyelak tu, teringat labu dan oats yang telah di masak dan di simpan dalam peti sejuk.

Campur dua bahan ni, lumatkan dalam mesin, harap jadilah berkrim.

Keluar petik daun kari. Daun kari untuk ditumis dan panaskan sup yang sejuk tu.

Suka berada di luar semasa mengait daun kari. Ok dengan bawang putih di tumis sekali. Macam istimewa pula sup ni, jadi tumisnya dengan minyak kelapa. 

Tumis setempat, aroma merebak.  Ada udang dua ekor  dimasukkan sekali penambah rasa.

Tuang oats dan labu tadi, mengamit selera dengan daun kari yang tumis tu.

Dah panas dan dah masak, siap untuk di makan. Makan dengan roti bakar, sebenarnya makan begitu sahaja sudah mengenyangkan kerana oats kan karbo. Opps budak² makan Carbonara. Ok Menandatangani untuk mengakhiri diari makanan hari ini. :))



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