My dad who is a caring person and also a concerned one towards his children. Being a father of many kids, he could not wait til the last kid to finish university and get a job, so that he could lay back and relax, relief of a so called the tasks were finished. Though that was his intention to wash hands (I've got the idea of wash hands from himself as I observed his gestures when chatting with friends, relatives or peers on us) but he goes on with his caring character waiting for my brother to have his own house as marriage is secondary, well my brother already owned a house now then my dad would be relief and yet he is not.
One question, was my mom being jealous :) Naaah...don't think so :D
Time goes by, I have many nephews and two nieces but the two nephews who lived next door that is a new task for my dad by choice. The task gets going and the going gets tasks :). My dad is still can not put his hands together or to express the phew!! finished! and let them hanging relaxed.
He sweats to make sure the two grandkids of next door to grow up and finish school then he will be relieving a retired man! Our conversation during our holiday in an island, his own nephews who are my cousins said to him, Pak Long or Eldest Uncle, "you have nothing to think anymore, all is done by the children", my dad immediately counter that phrase that he has bunch of things to think about my nephews. He wants his hands are full of his grandchildren like sending to school, accompany them, taking them to places etcetera etcetera by choice could made him feel young.
This all make me think of how our life would be with my kid, the task is there and will always be there and loving it. My husband does not dream to have free of task as in the beginning. A task make him multitasker in fact :) We have many plans for the kid and yet the plans come back to us, there is no way to make the task stop rolling, the task will only keep handing hands or changing hands maybe rest when we must, just to never quit. The tasks relate to another are there and will be less and get easy Godwill, insyaAllah, only one choice is to raise two open palms together to pray for it from Him.

And I have another side story of washing hands. We family, together with my parents went out for a movie. We bumped with a country number 1 singer Dato' Siti Nurhaliza with her husband. My dad was so excited that he got a chance to shake hands with them. On the way home, my mom said to my dad that my dad would not want to wash his hands ever as he shook hands with the beautiful celebrity but my dad said he would wash his hands clean as he didn't shake hands with Dato' Siti Nurhaliza (photo above) but he only did with her husband, sighed :)
One question, was my mom being jealous :) Naaah...don't think so :D