Bila berhenti kat caltex, bapa turun (sekarang ni parents bersama kami) nak beli majalah cars, mak pula beli majalah Lisa katanya ada lisa surihani, saya tak sempat nak baca lagi pun. Bila srmua menghadap rak majalah di situ, Faiq cakap "I want this" dia nak majalah upin ipin, kenapa pula, dia cakap "got Lion dance". Oh saya cakap yang tu pun noleh perasan. Fadya pula duk tengok majalah warna pink, seperti biasa tengok mainan pun yang warna pink je dah tarik keluar. Saya cakap letak dulu, nanti fikirkan dulu. Tengok-tengok bapa dah belikan untuk mereka. Asyik tunjuk je, dalam majalah tu, bawa ke sekolah juga.
When we stopped at caltex, dad got down to get Cars magazine, mom grab lisa's magazine because it has Lisa surihani in it. I have yet to read about it.
All of us just stared at magazines rack, Faiq said "i want this" dia nak magazine upin and ipin, i asked why? He said it has Lion dance, then i see oh you can realised that. Fadya also eyeing one gor her, pink attracts her not the magazine, and she pulled it out, i said put it back, think it over first. But right after that i saw they holfing one each bought by dad. From then on they hold it and show around in favt faiq bring it to school.

Pink is more attractive.
held tight coz of lion head