english version below
Sememangnya rasa lega bila budak-budak masuk kereta, duduk di kerusi kanak-kanak dan memakai tali pinggang keledar kerana rasa dah usaha untuk menjaga keselamatan dan budak-budak pun relax saja. Tetapi sekarang kesabaran dah diuji bila Fadya enggan duduk di tempatnya dan lebih-lebih lagi,dia pandai berlakun relax saja tanpa memberontak bila diletak di kerusinya. Apabila kereta dah bergerak, dia pun mula bergerak mengeluarkan dirinya dari ikat seatbelt tu dan juga dari klip yang kami letak di bahagian dadanya, tetap dia berjaya melepaskan dirinya.

Saya bagitau mak saya bahawa sekarang tak semudah dulu membawa budak-budak keluar kerana Fadya nampaknya sudah macam Harry Houdini seorang ahli silap mata yang boleh melepaskan diri di dalam air dimana dia diikat dengan tali besi dan dikunci.
Sekarang ni terdetik dihati mungkin bagitau suami lega budak-budak duduk dikerusi masing-masing mungkin tanpa kata Alhamdulillah, biasanya saya akan ucapkan.
atau tak bagus kut memberitahu tentang anak-anak boleh duduk di car seat di mana anak orang lain tak mahu. Mungkin memberi tekanan pada mereka yang rasa kenapa anak mereka tak boleh duduk, saya tak rasa begitu sebabnya kalau duduk atau tak duduk itu pilihan masing-masing. Saya harap apa yang saya beritahu itu bergantung pada niat kerana elok atau tak elok akan diceritakan kerana ingin berkongsi.
I have been saying to myself and to hubby sometimes that getting in car is the most relax time for me because the kids sit on their seats even buckled up. But now the test for my patience is here when Fadya can release herself after we have buckled her and add another clip at the belt near her chest area. She slowly pull her legs, and stand on her chair. It worries me and scared that she might fall. Then I told mom that it is hard to go out now coz Fadya likes to explore in the car from the back to the front and back to the middle. Mom said fasten seat belt for her. I told her I did, it seems like Fadya is like Harry Houdini, she can escape no matter how.
Now it crossed in my heart maybe, it is not nice to tell that our kids sit on the baby seats while some kids do not want to or perhaps I told hubby that is a relief when they are in the baby seat without citing Thank Allah, maybe.
Maybe I give them a hard time that they can't achieve that, I do not think so, everybody has their own choice. I hope whatever I tell here is just to tell because I would tell the not so nice thing as well.
Harry Houdini - wikipedia mobile
For the song by Canadian band Kon Kan, see Harry Houdini (song)."Houdini" redirects here. For other uses, see Houdini (disambiguation).Harry HoudiniHoudini in 1899BornEhrich WeissMarch 24, 1874Budapest, Austria-HungaryDiedOctober 31, 1926 (aged 52)Detroit, Michigan, United StatesOccupationIllusionist, magician, escapologist, stunt performer, actor, historian, film producer, pilot, debunkerYears active1891–1926Spouse(s)Wilhelmina Beatrice "Bess" Rahner(1894–1926; his death)SignatureHarry Houdini (born Erik Weisz in Budapest, laterEhrich Weiss or Harry Weiss; March 24, 1874 – October 31, 1926) was a Hungarian-Americanillusionist and stunt performer, noted for his sensational escape acts. He first attracted notice as "Harry Handcuff Houdini" on a tour of Europe, where he challenged police forces to keep him locked up. Soon he extended his repertoire to include chains, ropes slung from skyscrapers, straitjackets under water, and having to hold his breath inside a sealed milk can.In 1904, thousands watched as he tried to escape from special handcuffs commissioned by London'sDaily Mirror, keeping them in suspense for an hour. Another stunt saw him buried alive and only just able to claw himself to the surface, emerging in a state of near-breakdown. While many suspected that these escapes were faked, Houdini presented himself as the scourge of fake magicians andspiritualists. As President of the Society of American Magicians, he was keen to uphold professional standards and expose fraudulent artists. He was also quick to sue anyone who pirated his escape stunts.Houdini made several movies, but quit acting when it failed to bring in money. He was also a keen aviator, and aimed to become the first man to fly a plane in Australia. Even the circumstances of his death in 1926 were dramatic and mysterious.