
Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts

April 6, 2016

Diri sendiri | Dalaman

Dengar pernafasan diri sendiri juga rasa tenang, bila suasana senyap sunyi dengupan jantung pun boleh didengari.
Bila dengar pasti nak buat sesuatu angkat tangan ke berdiri bengkok badan ke depan atau ke belakang, baring baru angkat seperti pic di bawah,  apa posisi pun, berhenti seketika, tumpu kepada pernafasan. Me time yang biasa di minta ramai tu, iaitu sambil pejam mata, pastikan rehat di antara kening biar dahi rehat fikir sihat, segar, nyaman..


Posisi babYpose iatu tersemnbam di lantai tu lebih tenang kerana kepala lrbih rendah dari badan, pengaliran darah lebih ke wajah menjadi lebih pink :)

January 24, 2016

jom bersenam | work out

Blog ini dulu berkenaan senaman, (nama babYpose tu nama posisi senaman yang paling senang ) saya tak berniat untuk menukar tujuan berblog. Dulunya senaman satu keutamaan kehidupan tetapi  bila ada orang-orang penting bersama, tentang bersenam pun nak cerita, tentang mereka juga dalam senarai.

Baru ni saya rasa malas betul nak bersenam kerana badan tersangat berat. Selepas buat analisa baru sedar kerana permakanan. Dengan pembetulan itu saya cuba bersenam kembali, berjaya melakukannya lebih mudah dan lama juga dapat bersenam. Salah satu posisi yang diperoleh ialah berdiri di atas kepala ini.

1. Duduk melutut
2. Letak dahi / ubun kepala di lantai
3. Letak suku disebelah telinga
4. Jari-jari  digenggam kedua belah tangan
5. Kaki lurus, hanya jari kaki di lantai
6. Angkat bahagian pinggul
7. Kaki berjalan ke badan
8. Perlahan angkat kaki
9. Rehat, rasa darah menurun ke bumi. Otot ditarik graviti seperti dinaikkan ke atas.

Selamat mencuba :D .Post sebelumnya biar berteman

September 11, 2014

posisi tubuh / body posture

Dari buku Fast exercise mengatakan mendukung anak adalah salah satu senaman segera, jadi saya ingat masa kami tak da stroller dan carrier dah tak muat. Terpaksa dukung Faiq sambil berjalan untuk ke pasaraya membeli stroller. Sambil jalan sambil fikir senam tangan yang aktif dari bahu ke siku dan pengelangan tangan. Tulang belakang lurus, hidung kembang kempis di bandar kuching sarawak. Saya google posisi yang betul sepeti dibawah.

From the book Fast ecercise had mention one of the fast work out is carrying bany around. it reminded me when we didnt have stroller and Faiq had outgrown the carrier, i walked while positively think its good for upper anf lower arm as long as the spine remains straight. i google the correct posture above  the pic up above was me in kuching city.

May 19, 2014

Pilates: The Secret to an Amazing Body / Senaman Pilates

lakukan di taman rumah, saya cuba tapi banyak siput lepas hujan ni...tetap nyaman...

photo and article from,,20307047,00.html

Easier than you 

Pilates is the workout to turn to for a flat tummy. A 2008 study found that Pilates mat exercises engage and strengthen the deeper ab muscles responsible for a sleek, flat stomach. But Pilates isn’t just about whittling your waistline: It can also give you exceptional whole-body toning and graceful posture, plus make your daily activities (like hoisting groceries) easier to do.

Ready to get a Pilates body of your own? We’ve partnered with New York City–based expert Kristin McGee (she's trained LeAnn Rimes), to bring you the ultimate 20-minute Pilates workout. Do it three times a week for a month to drop up to 6 allover inches.

May 7, 2014

knee infront plank pose / lutut kedepan posisi push up

pelatih faiq belum 1 tahun 

posisi memerlukan tenaga di tangan dan tumpuan di otot perut memgangkat tulang belakang dan tampunan dari jari sebelah kaki. seperti pic di bawah atau atas :) tumpu pernafasan lepas dan tarik sama panjang.
photo from

the core muscle to support the spine, stronger hands while lifting knee. focus on breathing

May 6, 2014

push up low plank / senam posisi push up

new instructor with oneside relaxing toes :) almost 2 years fadya

senam push up rendah, hanya tapak tangan dan jari kaki di lantai mengangkat tubuh. menguatkan ketahanan sambil bernafas perlahan. sepatutnya badan lurus melawan graviti. senyuman adalah salah satu cara menenangkan minda sayang..:) terima kasih buat demo 
ni. nafas rasa segar

photo of google

the right low push up plank pose. the endurance to stay in the position to test the strenght on arms and tummy muscle to lift up straight. good for spine and stronger arms. breathe feel fresh

March 6, 2014

Persediaan senam setempat / prepare one place practice

English vesion below

Berdiri tegak, bernafas perlahan, tunduk kebawah sambil lepas nafas, tapak tangan di lantai, lutut membengkok, lompat ke belakang, bernafas dan berehat di posisi ini, dimana jari kaki di lantai dan tapak tangan sahaja. Jika sukar, letak separuh badan dilantai. Posisi sedikit cardio apabila lompat, fokus pada menguatkan hujung kaki dan seluruh badan lurus, dan nafas dengan tenang mengikut minda tentukan

English version

Stand upright, breathe slowly. Bend down while breathe out., whole palm on the ground, knee bended, jump to the back, breathe and stay in the position. Where toes and palms only on the floor, if cant, let half the body landed. A bit of cardio exercise when jump. Focus on stronger from feet and strainghten the body and breathe calmly as mind had told. Care for your body is care for your life.

January 25, 2014

Rutin Malam

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Faiq at eating time

Exercise princess

The view at sister's

"I make milo for two because sipping hot drink is still soothing for adult like me"

After dinner, watching tv is my next favorite thing to do. It is a long way to reach to our tv area as the dishes are need to be cleaned first, the table to be cleared before. I separate the leftover food in small plastic and sometimes they are transit in fridge or else straight in the dustbin.My better half helps along if the kids do not need any attention. I fix their milk and fix me and hubby a cup each of milo. I fix milo on the kitchen cabinet where i put four jars filled with sugar, anlene milk powder, oats and milo separately. Its convenient for us to have a quick drinks nightly.Sometimes if time permits, I get to sit on a sofa in the living room and enjoy the simple decor that we did.

-Dinner at the nook when the maid not around-The decor observation takes very short time because I pray at the end of the schedule and bring milo for two up and have it after overslept while waiting for the kids asleep as my son goes to bed at 9pm and sleep after two bottles of milk. -The trial position living room -"The cold milo warm the night and give' good night sleep".I would like to express my gratitude to my aunt who made milo for her kids before bed which I do now for myself and hubby.

April 19, 2013

Son ex ice :)

Assalamualaikum kawan2 yg diingati selalu, sy dh ada instagram babypose nanti tinggal link, bole sy follow :)

April 4, 2013

senam bersama anak, exercise with son

English version below ;  Next mission is to write in Arabic - hadiri kelas bahasa Arab sekeluarga :)

Assalamualaikum kawan-kawan yang diingati selalu,

Saya akan mencari masa untuk bersenam, hero saya yang namanya bermaksud yang terunggul, dan hidup senang dan orang atasan akan turuti bila nampak saya bersenam, extise itulah sebutannya untuk exercise. Jadi saya terangkan padanya tentang lagu yang telah menjadi kegemarannya iaitu

"Your mother" by Yusuf Islam
saya terjemahkan supaya saya sendiri faham

Who should I give my love to?                           Kepada siapa patut saya beri kasih sayang saya
My respect and my honor to                                hormat dan taat setia saya
Who should I pay good mind to?                         Kepada siapa patut saya perihatin minda dan akhlak
After Allah                                                            yang baik selepas Allah
And Rasulullah                                                    dan Rasulullah
Comes your mother                                             adalah emak saya
Who next?Your mother then my father               Siapa tu, emak saya dan bapa saya

Jadi saya berkata sambil bersenam adalah untuk kita menjaga diri, juga mensyukuri pemberian pertama Allah yang nyata iaitu jiwa dan tubuh yang sihat, makan makanan yang berkhasiat adalah ibadah sebab badan dan minda meneruskan untuk mengingat Allah, perbuatan solat membuktikan kepercayaan kita, dan yakin dalam minda dan hati untuk fokus.

Sebab saya suka berbalik fokus pada pernafasan, kerana rasa begitu ajaib pemberian ini, dan sangat tenang. Terutama bila keseorangan, saya bernafas udara,angin, oxigen, tah apa cuma Allah yang mengetahui.

intention, innerpeace, interest

Greeting to friends with remembrance,
I will find time to do some physical and breathing exercise. Of course my hero who's name means well off, superior, will join me when he saw me doing it. Extise he would say it for exercise.
While doing I explain to him about the song of his favorite

 " Your mother by Yusuf Islam"

Who should I give my love to?
My respect and my honor to
Who should I pay good mind to?                        
After Allah                                                           
And Rasulullah                                                   
Comes your mother
Who next?Your mother and then father                                      

I told him that exercise is to appreciate the gift of Allah that so obvious. And to be healthy and selective in food taking is to take care of body that we start of then to continue submission by action, and mind and heart to focus on.

I love the beauty of come back to focus on our breathing is so serene and peace, which is miracle. especially when I am alone, I have the air or breathe oxygen or what, only Allah knows.

nafas, niat, naluri,

photo ; you feel your strong now, Alhamdulillah

March 22, 2013

Jom angkat berat/ lets weight lifting

Please scroll down for english version

Saya rasa tangan saya lebih kuat dgn cubaan mengangkat berat badan sendiri. Duduk bersila, letak tangan kanan blakang lutut. Tangan kiri disebelah peha. Untuk meringankan berat, kaki kiri tumpang atas kaki kanan. Bernafas pjg, dua belah tapak tangan  menapak di atas lantai, siku dibengkokkan dan lurus mengangkat seluruh badan. Otot perut mengempis dan menarik keatas. Bernafas dgn tenang.

I feel my hands are stronger after tryinh to lift my own body weight. I sat down in lotus pose, slightly raise right leg towards the side. It gives space for my right hand against back of my knee. Left hand besides the thigh. To lighten the weight put the left feet on the right feet near the ankle. Breath in, palms on and grip the earth. Elbow bended a bit and abruptly straighten to lift the whole body. Stomach muscle in and pull up. Breath calmly
Awareness , alert, alter,


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