
Showing posts with label school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school. Show all posts

January 5, 2016

first school day / saya pemenang

Syukur dah selesai hantar Faiq Fadya ke sekolah. Fadya ambil masa sebab masih toilet training. Lebih suka selesai di rumah. Harap esok lebih mudah.

Pukul 7 dah berangkat dan swimming littlr caliphs anjukan
Tak da foto, cuma yang lama Faiq gi sekolah dan kelas renang. Little caliphs mengajar ikut sunnah. Tahu berenang dan tunggang kuda. Pagi tadi saya duk doa ja, sampai Fadya tanya what are you doing tak cakap dengan dia. Sebenarnya saya tak perlu lalui ini kerana perkembangan kanak kanak, umur yang sesuai ialah 6 tahun tapi saya hantar umur  3 - 4 tahun. Universa atau kerajaan pun ambil umur 6 thn. Ikut budak juga, ada yang senang. Dari sekolah ni banyak perubahan keatas Fadya, lebih bertanggungjawab macam tahun lepas ada exam. Dia nak pegi sekolah cakap guru nak tanya dia. Tchr wanna ask me. Hari kedua tchr nak tanya lagi. Pegi sekolah untuk pratis sukan atau concert pun tak nak ponteng. Siap pratis kat umah lari sambil cakap go fadya go fadya, yetdrngar suara kawan dan guru kut. Gambar bawah tu dia i am the winnaa mulut besar saya menang. 
I am the winner, tengok mulutnya.

January 3, 2016

selfie vs camerahubby /doa

Bila tengok foto saya dengan Faiq ni, teringin sangat nak suruh hubby petik sekali lagi camera tu. Tula hakikatnya waktu makan jangan mengganggu sesiapa pun yang baru nak makan. Kalau hubby sudi pun Faiq tak sudi nak bergambar lagi. Dia pun dah pandai cakap dia "busy". Fadya lagi siap cakap "fadya tired" fadya penat", bila saya ajar membaca atau untuk bergambar. Perkataan ni semua mungkin dari saya atau kartun peppa pig cartoon character. Duk berblog ni, teringat esok, dalam hati mendoakan Faiq mudah dan happy ke sekolah, itu lebih penting. InshaAllah. Dah siapkan beg dan uniform.

Wahai Tuhanku, lapangkanlah bagiku, dadaku -Surah Taha 20:25.  Dan mudahkanlah bagiku, tugasku - Surah Taha 20:26

Ini salah satu activiti, baca tafsir al quran. Ambik ayat yang menusuk hati. Moga ayat yang lain pun ingat juga tapi Alhamdulillah setengah ayat saya teringat-ingat ja.

Love always..

August 21, 2014

Naik bas / Bas ride / pesanan / message

lepas makan singgah makan yogurt ke jadi macam ni

Hari ni Faiq akan menaiki bas bersama guru dan kawan-kawan ke universiti berdekatan kerana sekolah menyewa dewan disana. Saya menyediakan sarapan dan air untuk Faiq.

Teacher whatsapp untuk ingatkan pergi awàl dan keperluan untuk dibawa sekali. Saya balas whatsapp kepada teacher.

"Semua ok, cuma Hari ni Faiq minum susu awal, bila nampak Faiq macam nak perhatian suara terlebih bising, terlebih lari dan perlu bertenang, suruh Faiq minum air dulu dalam pukul 1 baru ada susu."

Sekarang saya rasa kurang yakin pula, patut ke saya whatsapp macam tu kat guru?

Today Faiq is going on a bas to a university nearby as they rent a hall there.
I had prepared breakfast and water bottlle for him.

Teacher whatsapp to remind us that Faiq needs to go early and some stuff to bring along. I replied to teacher like this.

"All set, it just that today Faiq had milk early in the morning, if he looked restless and need attention or to be calm, ask him to drink water first, by 1 pm he'll get his milk"

Now i am not sure should i send message like that to the teacher?".

July 3, 2014

Sedih, cuba empati / Sad, try emphaty

Memang sedih bila Pemilik Tadika/principal Faiq tegur yang Faiq tak mau buat itu ini...dalam kata pendek Faiq tak dengar kata.Tambah-tambah depan Faiq..kalau boleh bagitau la masa Faiq tak da. Saya dengar ja..
Beberapa isu jugakla..

Hari ini saya bangkitkan satu isu dan yang  berhubung kait isu yang sama saja dulu.
Principal cakap Faiq makan nak bersuap ambik masa sampai 45 minit...
Faiq tak sama dengan budak lain..

Yang ni terpaksa saya suarakan..Saya cakap pasti dia lain tapi dari segi apa, Principal cakap budak lain makan apa saja, tak memilih..

Saya call en hubby, dia kata sekolah ada "slack" kat mana-mana tu...en hubby kata nanti tukar sekolah kut...

tak mungkin sebab saya terbaca surah Al-Ahzaab :16

Katakanlah "Kalaulah kamu melarikan diri dari kematian atau dari pembunuhan maka perbuatan melarikan diri itu tidak sekali-kali mendatangkan faedah kepada kamu dan kalaulah kamu pada hari ini terlepas sekalipun, maka kamu tidak juga akan menikmati kesenangan hidup melainkan sedikit masa sahaja.

Saya pun cakap tak pa la nanti saya call Principal dulu...sebab saya tangkap komen en hubby slack sekolah tu mungkin ada salah pengurusan mungkin betul jugak saya rasa..saya pun masuk diri (empati) saya bahagian Principal dan sekolah ...

Jadi saya call Principal.

Saya mula dengan soalan bagaimana hendak kendali Faiq untuk memudahkan guru-guru...belum principal jawab, saya sambung lagi..

Faiq dah makan lambat dan kena suap lagi...jadi saya cadangkan skip je sesi tu..nanti Faiq balik makan kat rumah lagipun cuma 2 jam je lambat, saya sedia snack dulu ( ya saya letak Faiq lebih masa yang disarankan oleh Principal sebab nak buat homework bersama murid lain)

Principal cepat ja suka hati cakap nanti dia cakap dengan Teacher kelas tak perlu suap Faiq lagi..

Principal cakap dia hormat keputusan saya untuk tak beri makan dulu tu atau sedia bekal... nanti dia bagi tau progress Faiq..

Dalam hati saya tak pasti kenapa Teacher suap nasi kat Faiq. Faiq bole makan dengan camca ataupun tangan. Faiq memilih tu saya faham, rasa budak lain pun ada citarasa masing2.

Kesimpulan Teacher suap Faiq tu membuang masa duduk di kerusi makan, jadi Principal tak suka..saya pernah dengar aircond pun tak boleh tinggal seminit pun kalau murid tak da, kadang tu join class lagi sebab nak save current. satu ketika tingkap tanpa grilĺ terbuka sebab guna kipas.

Insiden ini menyedarkan saya bahawa Principal tak dapat tegur Teacher, Faiq tàk ditegur makan sendiri. Komunikasi memang penting. Nanti sambungla :) Walaupun senyum saya soĺat hajat jugak nak tenang..

June 26, 2014

Teguran / Advice

english version below

Bila dapat tahu ada gabungan franchise sekolah daerah lain dengan sekolah Faiq, perasaan saya menjadi tak menentu tertanya ada kebaikkan atau tidak dengan murid makin ramai ni...

Saya mengimbas kembali awal tahun ni, ada guru yang berhenti kerja di sekolah itu sebab bahagian pengurusan yang tidak memuas hati, dan memberitahu bahawa ramai yang tak menghantar budak-budak di situ. Oleh sebab demikian sekolah itu kosong, memang saya nampak perubahan di rak kasut pun sudah menunjuk murid sangat kurang.

Bila hantar Faiq pada awal tahun ni memang guru akan datang memberitahu itu ini tentang Faiq..."saya ni baru ja melatih minda untuk pandai tengok hikmah dari teguran, tengok kebaikan atas situasi...

Saya mengaku dalam perbualan dengan guru tapi pasti menghabiskan ayat.."yang penting kita memupuk minat Faiq ke sekolah"...dan guru setuju...

Hari ni...saya dapati rak kasut penuh sampai melimpah ke lantai...punya ramai murid...rasa sedih pulak...
mungkin guru pun tak sempat nak perhatikan Faiq lagi...

Setiap teguran saya ambik tindakkan...tak pernah terlintas Faiq baru nak masuk empat tahun, guru dah nak suruh dia itu ini...saya anggap Faiq mesti kena boleh juga...bagi ajaran dengan teladan...

contoh...Buat apa weekend...Faiq mungkin tak pasti apa weekend.. terangkan... atau berlakun dengan suami soal jawab ini...

sampai Faiq ada kemahiran mendengar... masa 3 tahun lebih...dia akan tanya "So how baby"  bila keadaan yang kelam kabut tanya saya,  itu soalan saya pada suami hehe...biasa la bila howw babyyy hehe...(macammana ni sayang)

sambung soalan weekend tu jawaban Faiq ialah...went to the town house  pegi ke "rumah pekan"...mungkin guru tak faham sebab kami panggil rumah maktokwan ni rumah town house... saya ingat lagi anak buah saya kata hotel rumah condominium/aparment tu:) Bergantung pada persepsi seseorang cakap murid-murid pergi tesco, aeon...Faiq lain macam duduk kat rumah tapi dia perbetulkan bukan tapi..rumah lain...

Saya latih minda bersyukur bila menerima teguran (apa orang kata ni) sebab mata mana lagi boleh tolong tengok kalau bukan kawan-kawan, guru-guru yang saya hormati...jadi terima kasih kepada mereka nampak juga kebaikkan kita atau sebaliknya.... ya bila sebaliknya susah skit kan...yang ni membuatkan kita lebih tabah dengan tindakkan, ringan ja menerima..bila tahu solusi...latihan minda perlu lebih..

Ingin naik sebelum matahari...


English Version
When they acknowledge me that the other part of the town's school franchise had merged with Faiq's school, my mind divided itu goodness or otherwise..with increament numbers of kids.

Flashing back early this year, there were teachers back off and left the school due to the unsatified management system, even told me that I could see the only few kids there. Infact the shoe rack showed the few numbers..

When sending Faiq in the morning, sure the teacher came told this and that about Faiq..that he supposed to do this above his age or at his age...everytime I knotting head but ending with saying, we must make him love school anyway...( at that time i started train my mind to see good things of any situation...)

Today I realised that shoe rack are fulled and filled the floor too with many sadden me that I figure there is some adjustment on teacher parent communication would be less as lack of focus and time on Faiq...

Every advice I took it with action, it didn't crossed in mind that Faiq was just turning 4, was ok for him to be like that, he had to move further i figure, with teaching by parents as role model, by action for him to observe and do with thinking..

Example ...Where did you go during the weekend...maybe Faiq was not familiar with the word we explained to him...infact we husband and wife acted like we teacher and kid, to demo it to him...sometimes he imitate us..."so how baby" the question i asked husband at sighing time...

answered Faiq was went to the house or town house...we know this because we call it grandys house is town house so he pick it up..I remember my nephew called condominum or apartment, hotel...different perseption to accept..

Teacher told us like other kids anwers are Tesco, aeon but Faiq's kind of the staying in the house..

I train my mind to be grateful receiving advise as ( what people say) as where could I possibly find eyes that could see the good and bad in us... if not friends, family, teachers that i respect...when receiving goodness is easy instead of the other way round...but that is the training all about...the strength developed...

I want to rise before the sun...

February 24, 2014

Homework / Motorskil

Faiq tahu yang parents biasa menaip jarang menulis, jadi dia minta computer. Motorskil Faiq memegang mouse, menekan button kiri sambil menarik mouse ke atas dan bawah, nampak cekap.. Faiq masa 2 tahun lebih dah tahu screen, keyboard dan mouse. Belajar dari Siri TV Oliver, babyTV Astro.

Faiq wonders why he has to write after school then he asked for computer. His motorskill holding mouse while ptessing left button and pull from up and down. It seems thar strong grab he manages to make quite an abstract. He knows mouse, screen, keyboard, computer from Oliver of babytv, Astro.

Faiq at 3.9 years old holding mouse while focus on screen. (Sst in the photo) befote I let him type with colored fonts.

Sambil memegang mouse sambil fokus di screen, not bad.

February 20, 2014

Wake up shayang..

Jom Fadya, hantar Faiq ke sekolah
Lets send Faiq to school sayang

Tak nak flash *

February 10, 2014

Mak, Did I grow up according to plan?

 english version below

Lepas nafas panjang ja lepas hantar Faiq ni, dalam hati tertanya bagaimana la mak saya hantar saya ke sekolah, adakah mudah (ceh wah tak guna perkataan negatif iaitu "susah" :))

Hari ini teacher tanya saya adakah saya nampak perbezaan tak, dimana Faiq lebih senang turun dari kereta dan lebih happy, saya pun cuma bertanya balik kenapa sebabnya, tak boleh nak fikir sangat sebab berzikir je so that semua smooth.. Teacher sambung cerita sebab "the kid" tu tak hadir sekolah dah beberapa hari dah. Sejak saya cakap tak perlu berbincang dengan ketua guru. Teacher yang sambut Faiq ni cakap dia dah jumpa ketua guru. Ketua guru cakap Faiq sorang je yang nak kawan dengan the kid (mesti thrill budak ni terlantas dalam hati). Tapi saya terus cakap saya harap Faiq bermain depan mata guru-guru, dan bersyukur semua guru-guru pun aware tahu the kid tu macam tu. Yang tu penting boleh la tolong tengok-tengok, Faiq pun kena la sentiasa di pesan oleh saya, dan harap teacher pun buat demikian. you have long way to go Faiq, i pray okay.
Begitu juga saya sentiasa meminta mak mendoakan saya sentiasa bahagia dunia akhirat.

 faiq dalam hotel seri pengantin, janda baik, mama attend seerah Rasul saw 2013

english version
"I exhale and thankful but crossed in mind how mom took me to school whether it was easy or otherwise (just to use positive word here instead of negative like "hard" :))
The teacher asked whether I see any different today and know why that Faiq is happy and excited today. I asked why as in my heart I prayed hard to make the morning as easy as can be but  the teacher said because the "kid" did not come yesterday and told me that they talked to the headteacher and she said nobody wants to play with the kid but Faiq is kind of friendly with him.
I continue about the matter just to kill two birds with one stone or to have a matter solved by saying again to the teacher, I told Faiq to play near and around the teacher as the teacher could see him and observe him amongst the kids.I thankful that the matter has taken in good hand and there awareness about it.

February 6, 2014

message to observe / pemerhatian dan doa

English version below

Pada mula Faiq happy nak ke sekolah tetapi bila sampai dia menjadi sebaliknya. Jadi saya bertanya kepada guru,"macam mana ni" dengan tone seperti ingin dapatkan solusi untuk situasi ni.

Dan saya sambung, Faiq senang bangun dan bersiap pagi ni. Dia ambik breakfast lagi. Baru cikgu pandang saya penuh ambil berat. Dengan cepat saya kata ok cikgu ambil beg dia saya bawa dia ke pintu, sebab saya pun tak mahu berbincang dengan cikgu depan dia.

Lepas Faiq masuk dalam, cikgu suruh saya jumpa dengan ketua guru, saya cakap Faiq ok, inshaAllah.

Beberapa saat kemudian, tiga orang guru datang ke kereta saya, guru yang berlainan kelas menyampaikan cerita yang Faiq kena tolak dengan seorang budak dimana ibunya juga sangat mengganggu ketenteraman sekolah, sambung guru-mengadu pada saya. Mereka menyuruh saya berjumpa ketua guru.

Saya rasa tak perlu, yang penting saya akan pesan pada Faiq selalu mendekati guru-guru apabila;.l bermain, sentiasa bersama guru bila pergi mana pun. Yang sebenarnya menyampaikan mesej ni pada guru-guru juga. Ini satu cara menyenangkan guru memerhati Faiq.

Salah satu guru memberitahu lagi yang dia masih risau dengan murid tu, jadi saya cakap saya berdoa dulu, salah seorang guru pun sambut aha doa dulu sambil senyu, saya sambung pula lagipun Faiq yang berumur 3 tahun ni ada guru-guru yang caring dan saya beritahu mereka saya akan pesan pada Faiq yang guru dia akan lindungi dia dan dia juga akan ikut bermain di mana guru berada sahaja supaya senang guru memantau.

Salah seorang juga mengatakan bahawa Faiq pandai dan dah tahu apa yang diajar, dalam hati saya bersyukur pada Pencipta.

English version

Sunday, 20 October 2013

The morning start was smooth but at school Faiq showed reluctancy. I asked the teacher "how" like sharing the matter with her, what she would know the solution. I told may be Faiq's bored of getting in the car because we have been road travelling since he was born yet he still follow this morning.

It was easy to get him dressed this morning I told her. He even had breakfast. Then the teacher looked concerned. I told her it is okay and spontaneously asked her to help me pick Faiq's bag up as I get him to the door by force, because when I prolong talking infront of him, then I do not how that would affect him.
At the door, another teacher welcmed him, I leave him there and went down straight to car, then the teacher told me to talk to his class teacher. I said to her never mind as he is fine, Godwill.
But three of them, the teachers of different classes came at my car window and told stories, that a trouble maker kid disturbs the class, Faiq being pushed by him, the mother complained about the teachers and about her son was not taken care of and infact warned them would make a police report if never change.
They asked me to talk to the headmitress, I said I pray first and will speak to Faiq to play around teachers and be near teacher always because he is a small, the teacher will protect him.

And i looked at his class teacher and asking her supports because Faiq's 3 year old and this is his journey that is he is lucky enough to face it with caring and loving teachers around that I am grateful for, I told them.
The teacher said Faiq is clever and knows most everything whats being taught. In the heart I thank to the Creator.

January 27, 2014

"memastikan keperluan mencukupi, masih lagi ada yang perlu diperhatikan"

"I make sure his basic needs fulfilled in the morning and yet still something to figure in"

After he wakes up in the morning, I assume he wants milk or bath straight a way. Then, a quick dry and put on clothes. Make him sit and give him a slice of bread. Then I get ready and make him see me going then I said lets go.He prefers slippers or his normal shoes than his school shoes. I let him. Then I said to him to climb in his car seat. Buckle him. Give him choice to have milk, water or bread.On the way he would show me trucks, busses of tractors. Or else power line or playground.He also sings along Islamic musics "Bismillah Alhamdulillah".

Sometime it is easy for him to get down from the car to go in the school. Sometimes its hard and I wonder why and need to figure it out.

On his first few weeks in school

January 22, 2014

"I have a blessed 2014 in bliss and must seize it"

Tuesday, 14 January 2014 - the date i composed...

Though it was the first week of school and I was figuring out how to make Faiq back into the system of a school schedule and mood. I bumped with a new teacher and told me that Faiq is kind of different kid, he walked around with food in hand and the other kids follow him. He showed that he knew what he's learning, and expect something new.

The teacher said she wants my permission or green light for her to raise her voice with Faiq. If the next day Faiq hesitates to go to school I have to explain it to him that the teacher scolded him because...

I spoke to teacher that the teacher need to get him into the school or learning environment or atmosphere as this is the first week of school. At the back of my mind, I know it is not easy to handle many kids. I told the teacher make it clear to him that he needs to sit while eating and let him know that his peers ( usually the girls) are doing the same.

As I recalled I send Faiq to school is first to get him to have peers for him to learn from. I believe kids learn from friend of their age. So since school holiday, I also took leisure off thinking of school, I got panicked too.

So the teacher said ok for us to get him to school first then only get him interested in sitting down to learn not stray to explore during class.

I feel and focus of what I will fascinate about this is to get Faiq most improved student this year of 2014.


 after sport's day 

January 16, 2014

I am glad for the humming birds to wake us up in the morning

The post was written on Oct 2013

And the morning prayers energize me and the prayers keep me going. After I folded my prayer mat, I open our bedroom windows' curtains with gratefulness how the beautiful views I see it every morning. Sometimes it crosses in my mind whether will I get a better view next or at the same time or both. Just some thoughts to have more of the world when I look at the sky and the trees' line that separate the earth near me.

I tied curtains in the middle like tying a girl's long hair with the curtain pins. I find it so nice and cozy with the plain curtains that flow down nicely and moves when the wind blows in.

Not long I had to turn to the messed bed and leave the relax view behind and quick thinking where and how should I start again my morning...

It takes a fast decision to make at that point whether to make the bed or make the milk for the kids...

1. Fix milk for kids
2. Make the bed to wake the kids up
3. Kiss him
4. Walk with the kids to the bathroom
5. Give him tooth paste and the brush
6. Bathe him while he brushes teeth
7. Towel
8. Let him put on his clothes or uniforms by himself
9. Let him sit and give him Gardenia raisins bread

Then his sister's turn, repeat the same thing with less talking for them to focus on doing.
But no.9. Give her a bottle of milk.

While I get dress up and grab my bag and fill the school bag with 1 set of clothes, small towel and brunch box and water bottle.

Call them down, carry Fadya down straight to the car and faiq walked himself to the car. But he stops for insects or bugs at the porch. And say "look mama, ants. Then i would "how many? Or what colour?".

Once they are in the car, I buckle them up in the car seats. Give the milk to faiq as fadya's sticks at her.

Switch on the Yusuf Islam compilation, the kids love the songs even sing along.

If we arrive early, faiq's teacher would be there to greet him with a pleasant smile that cheered sheikh the name they call faiq.

I thank God for at least a quarter of my day had done, sometimes end up breakfast out with my loving husband and lovely daughter Fadya. Lucky me and love it so much when that happens. I know the rest of the day would be better til night and the next.
Fadya at breakie time

View from the window

I would like to thank my best friend Mrs Lyna Osman for getting me back of my blog for her encouragement and reminder In our conversation this afternoon. Thanks and lots of love, Fair

January 15, 2014

I cite Ya Lateef from the beginning to have ease and peace

Thursday, 17 October 2013 - i wrote this earlier on.

From yesterday, I determine not to have any extra matter to attend to for instant like Faiq wants to stay in the car instead getting down into the school so I cited "Ya Lateef" which is I remember only that two words a special friend of mind told me to cite to our kids before going to sleep. In fact I was there when she said to her daughter goodnight and sweet dreams but her daughter came back and ask her to cite duas at her crown head, then the mother said she has a friend who is me with her now and continue asking her daughter try to sleep first then she will come later and doa.

So I cite from yesterday while doing anything to something, and today I realise it was easy in the beginning but in the Faiq said "I want to see papa". I simply reply 'but we are late already". It happened like this before I fulfill his request since my hubby's office is just before his school. He met papa and went to school happily.

But today I did not do that, I sent him, I did not talk much. More action this time, it was ok til at the school's door. Then he was calm, I went to the car and talk to one of  his friend's mother who is a teacher said it is okay to force which is the only way I had.

I went back to the teacher and gave his milk, I just did not want to waste it, and saw he's in the assembly. Alhamdulillah, I have made it to be more like rule maker and managed to make him obey and hope he knows I and him did the right thing today.

I search the meaning of Ya Lateef at  Powerful Dua Wird --Ya Lateef - O Gentle
-Ya Lateef /Ya Latif - O Gentle / Subtle

Allah is gentle with His servants. he provides for whom He wills, and he is the Strong the Mighty.
Allahu Latifun bi 'ibadihi, yarzuqu man yasha'u, wa huwa l'-Qawiyyu l-'Aziz
From His beautiful and excellent Names is (Ya Lateef -O Gentle) Al-lateef: the meaning is the Ever-Discreetly Gentle, most affectionate, the knower of all sublities, The Subtle One, The Gracious, The One who is kind to His slaves and endows upon them, Most affectionate or knower of innermost secrets. He is the most delicate, fine, gentle, beautiful one. He is the one who knows the finest details of beauty. The finest of His beauties are hidden in the secrets of the beauties of the soul, wisdom, and divine light.
Subtle/Gentle: (1) so slight as to be difficult to detect or analyze, (2) operating in a hidden way [American Heritage Dictonary, 3rd Edition]. Latif: in the Arabic language: (1) the One who gives us our wants in a subtle way, (2) the One who does not wrong his servants even a little bit, (3) the One who shows grace to His creation by giving them their needs with gentleness and subtlety, (4) the One who knows the hidden delicacies of affairs [Fayruzabadi, The Encompassing Dictionary].
Whoever reads this Name Ya Lateef daily, Allah will grant abundance in his rizq (sustenance) and cause all his tasks to be accomplished without difficulties.
It is the noble attribute of Allah that saves one from poverty, misery, sickness, loneliness or any adversity, for Allah will surely grant him deliverance – Insha-Allah. ( For the one that has the ‘Ijaza-permission to recite Ya Lateef which is part of our daily Wird in our Tariqah )
( the hint is that the word lateef reminds you of lutf.. and basically ‘lutf in food’ the pleasure in eating. So, rizq is easy to remember and others (poverty, misery & sickness) are non-lutf stuff)

March 5, 2013

school, song, salam

My son wakes up with enthusiasm to school, straight to shower and put on school uniform and eat a piece of raisins bread. Then I go down to have my breakfast, have vitamins with peppermint tea.

In the car we both listen to Yusuf Islam's compilation. One of the beautiful songs is Heart of A Muslim

part of the lyrics...

In our poor meager state,
little food on our plate
Mother said she was glad
always sharing what we had
When I asked how can we share
what's not enough?
She said our heart filled with love

At the school, he takes my hand as how he salams with me and kiss back of my palm and I said to him pray everything will be fine today and you'll see papa at noon, love you.
sorry it takes ages to upload a new pic for now, above is the pic of his at the age of 1 year old 
advance, arise, align with love


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