
Showing posts with label Food journal 2021. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food journal 2021. Show all posts

May 11, 2023

Kuey Teow Soup | Nyonya Kueh | Macaroni Cheese

Assalamualaikum/ Peace be upon you

Malay version and short video below / Versi Bahasa dan video pendek di bawah

Kuey Teow Soup and it's secret / Sup Kuey Teow dan rahsianya

Bought only Nyonya Kueh / Kueh Nyonya yang dibeli jer

There's come a time that I wanna sip soup, and munch it's condiment. Sounded like boba drink right? While sipping the tea could eat the tapioca pearl. All these made the drink turned to interesting drink.  

Back to the soup, I used Adabi soup pouch, sauteed the onions, garlic, anchovies and dropped in the soup pouch. Then add water, let it simmers. 

Boil kueyteow, fish cake, fish stuffed okra. Cut them into bite sizes and place kueyteow, fish cake, okra on top, and then pour soup. Ready to transit them to tummy :)) the secret is the adabi soup pouch is tasteful without any after taste..

Oh! kids didn't eat soup. So, I made Mac n' Cheese. Perhaps later I will share on how I cook it, eventhough everyone knows it😁

As for nyonya kueh, I served it as dessert. It's delicious and special taste of our local cuisines. That's the wrap up a blog of life for food that can't be separated. Thanks for reading🥰

Happy Thurday🌷

Ada masa, tiber nak hirup-hirup sup dan kunyah ramuannya macam lobak merah ke atau kobis. Bunyi macam teh boba pula, hirup airnya, pepak bola mutiara dalam teh tu. Semua ni buat minuman lebih menarikkan?

Berbalik ke sup, saya guna sup bunjut Adabi, tumis bawang, bawang putih, ikan bilis dan masukkan sup bunjut. Kemudian tambah air biar mengelegak.

Rebus kueyteow, kek ikan dan ikan sumbat bendi. Potong bahan tersebut ke saiz mudah dimakan. Susun dalam mangkuk, dan tuang sup. Sedia dipindah ke perut :)) Rahsianya ialah sup bunjut adabi ni tidak  meninggalkan apa apa rasa sampingan.

Oh anak² tak makan sup, jadi saya buat Mac n Cheese. Mungkin nanti saya akan kongsi cara buatnya, walau semua dah tahu macamana nak buat😁

Kueh nyonya, saya buat pencuci mulut lepas berbuka. Sedap dan istimewa rasanya, citrasa jamuan tempatan kita. Itu je liputan tentang blog kehidupan dengan makanan yng tak dapat dipisahkan. Terima kasih kerana sudi membaca🥰

Salam Khamis🌷

August 25, 2021

Chicken Floss - Homemade | Serunding Ayam Buat Sendiri

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

Toskan ayam yang telah direbus

Carik-carikkan ayam

I was thinking of making chicken floss just like the one that sold at bakery. The chicken floss from the bakery are unlike our local malay chicken floss. 

We  called  our chicken floss "serunding". Not fluffy as in the bread shop. Ours have more spicier taste than the brighter floss, which gave the natural chicken taste, which is I like it too. 

I wanted to make floss as I figure it is not so hard to do, as I saw it in a few of youtube videos. Some used water with many kind of sauces while the other used olive oil. 

As for our malay chicken serunding has more ingredients to make it more fibrous after stirred till dry. The lemon grass and lengkuas which is type of ginger that already ground tiny, yet could feel it at tips of the tongue. 

Nonetheless, for this time I'veI decided to make chicken floss like the bakery ones, using only powdered spice and seasoning. As for the garlic and ginger that I boiled together with chicken, I ground it as do not have the feeling to throw it whilst making it. Human attribution, I guess. 

I used two table spoon of oil, 2

tsp of powdered chillies, ground 8 garlic and 4 in of peeled ginger, sugar, salt, powdered broth and steak sauce. 

Stirred well in the pan til the floss dried, not moist from chicken and herbs juice.  When its ready, it reminded me of one of my childhood food  "pulut sambal" which means "glutinous rice with chili paste."  So I cooked the sticky

rice using a steamer and served it like how I had in my younger days :) 

Hope everyone have an awesome day.❤️

Saya teringat akan serunding ayam yang gebu dari kedai bakeri. Serunding ayam yang di jual di bakeri sangat gebu tak sama dengan serunding ayam melayu kita yang direndang dan digoreng kering. 

Di kedai serunding di panggil ayam floss, putih warnanya. chicken floss  "serunding" 

Walau serunding kita ada rasa yang tersendiri, floss ayam yang diletak atas roti juga sedap dengan rasa ayam semulajadi.

Saya berminat untuk membuat serunding putih yang tidak berapa berserat dan rasa tak susah setelah menonton beberapa video youtube cara membuatnya.

Setengah menggunakan minyak zaitun, ada yang menggunakan air bersama beberapa kicap dan sos. 

Serunding ayam melayu yang biasa terasa seratnya manakala floss ni hanya rasa ayam dan perasa, macam makanan segera, bahannya tak nampak tapi rasanya terserlah.

Walaupun bahan dikisar untuk serunding ayam, masih rasa seratnya. 

Jadi saya ingin cuba serunding kedai roti, dimana hanya mengunakan serbuk dan sos yang ada. Dalam menyediakan bahan saya rasa sayang pula, bawang putih dan halia yang direbus bersama ayam. Saya kisarkan walaupun  tahu takkan sehalus serbuk. Lumrah perasaan manusia, ini pun nak, itu pun nak..sayang sokmo, biar Allah SWT yang tentukan. 

Saya letak 2 sudu besar minyak zaitun, dua sudu teh serbuk cili, 8 biji bawang putih  dan 4 inci halia dikisar, gula, garam secukup rasa, sos steak.

Goreng dan kacau rata sampai kering tanpa ada kesan lembab dari jus ayam atau bawang putih dan halia.

Bila dah siap saya teringat pula makanan masa kecik-kecik dulu, "pulut sambal' tapi dengan serunding ikan, serunding ikan menyusul tak lama lagi agaknya? 

Saya kukus beras pulut bersama santan, hidang sepertimana telah tertera  di minda :)

Salam bahagia ❤️

July 30, 2021

Salad / Penyediaan yang mudah

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

Dalam video cara penyediaan salad paling simple.

 Biar sedikit makan salad, tapi selalu 

Salad are full of vitamins, and easy to get them fixed. Mix salad are easy to get at any grocery store. Depends on the type of vegetables that you find but all of them have a high water content but don't let the toxins come along. So wash them appropriately before consuming. It is better to have them raw as cooking them may destroy the nutrients. 

There are many ways to prepare salad, the classic way is with olive oil, honey, salt and pepper. When all in, mix well. As the way that I like to share is more simple.  Take the amount that you intend to have, get them wash. Make your own dressing like the above mention or buy the ready made dressing lie thousand island. The salad fills in the bowl, pour 1 or 2 tablespoons of dressing in the bowl. Close the lid and shake it well. 

Friday greetings. 

Salad mengandungi banyak vitamins. Penyediaannya juga mudah. Jangan biar toksik dari daunnya masuk ke tubuh pula, basuh dengan vege wash ke atau air garam terlebih dahulu. Dengan memasak salad, akan merosakkan khasiatnya. Jadi buat sendiri sos salad untuk salad mentah. Penyediaan yang mudah, jika bukan dari sos sedia dimakan, boleh ambil bahan dari dapur, madu, lada hitam, garam, jika ada cuka epal boleh di bancuh sekali, dan tuang atas salad dalam bekas bertutup. Seperti di video tu, sos salad dibeli, jadi cuma 2 bahan dan sebekas yang ada penutup. Isi salad bekas, bubuh sosnya, tutup bekas dengan penutup. Goncang.. Sedia dijamah. Jika ada telur rebus, potong letak atas daun disalut sos.

Baca Surah Kahfi, inshaAllah. 

Salam Jumaat. 

July 27, 2021

Oats Porridge / Bubur Oats

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah:) English version and one minute video below:) 

Sukatan yang betul untuk buat oats ni.. 

Mudah prosesnya tapi tetap satu persatu jugak, slow ja video tapi menjadi

The easiest breakfast is taking bread for breakfast. Coffee brewed put side by the breakfast saucer. Take bread and dip in coffee.  Once in the blue moon, actually supposedly as often as possible, taking oatmeal is always better. Waking up to a nice morning but finding it hard what food to make is first world problem too. 

Begins with boil water, if coway water just press red in, otherwise take kettle and heat the amway filtered water. Grab the oats jar, spooned the oats. The video taken, I took 7 table spoon of instant oats. Pour hit water at the oats' level in the bowl. Turned out so thick hard to drip in hehe.. After this, I measure 5 spoons are good enough for instant or rolled oats. More oats, less water, it happens sometime, pour skin milk settles the challenge of the day hehe.. 

Now can starts with topping, put in nicely as its easier to recognise whats eaten. As for tomorrow, could alternate cut fresh fruits. The varieties motivate us to take oatmeal as often. Sometimes, for some said the tumny feel not tight or full with soft food in the morning.  Takes time to get used to the eat clean low calaries. On the side, try to take a slice of bread, or else wait for awhile for the oats to absorb, sure feel fillings for hours. InshaAllah

Send prayers and love to our parents or loved ones. InshaAllah. 

Yang paling mudah untuk bersarapan ialah dengan roti kosong. Kopi dibancuh letak tepi, ambil roti cicah. Tetapi bukan sesekali sepatutnya seselalu buat oats itu yang terbaik. Bangun pagi pun macam masalah dunia juga memikirkan apa nak makan. 

Masak air, kalau guna Coway tak adalah kena masak air tapi jika guna Amway kenalah panaskan air hehe.. Yang mana bagus diantara.. Air dah panas, ambil mangkuk, hari yang video diambil ni, terletak 7 sudu besar instant oats, air panas sama paras oats, pekat jadinya, selepas video, berganjak ke sukatab 5 sudu saja tak kira rolled atau instant. So terbanyak oats dan kurang air, susah juga nak telan, tapi tuang susu selesai terus cabaran dihadapi. 

Mulalah decor toppings kalau tidak susah nak perasan apa yang dah letak atau belum, nampak begitu boleh esok letak potongan buah pula.  Jadi ada pelbagaian topping baru rasa nak makan oats harian. Rasa kurang kejap perut bila makan lembut pagi-pagi. Nak biasa tu ambil masa, maka makan juga sekeping roti. Tunggu sekejap untuk ia kembang dalam perut, kenyang inshaAllah.

Dan Tuhanmu telah perintahkan, supaya engkau tidak menyembah melainkan kepadaNya, dan hendaklah engkau berbuat baik kepada ibu bapa.. (Surah Israa:23)

Kirim doa, cinta kepada yang tersayang, ibubapa. InshaAllah. 


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