
Showing posts with label jjcm2021. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jjcm2021. Show all posts

July 27, 2021

Oats Porridge / Bubur Oats

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah:) English version and one minute video below:) 

Sukatan yang betul untuk buat oats ni.. 

Mudah prosesnya tapi tetap satu persatu jugak, slow ja video tapi menjadi

The easiest breakfast is taking bread for breakfast. Coffee brewed put side by the breakfast saucer. Take bread and dip in coffee.  Once in the blue moon, actually supposedly as often as possible, taking oatmeal is always better. Waking up to a nice morning but finding it hard what food to make is first world problem too. 

Begins with boil water, if coway water just press red in, otherwise take kettle and heat the amway filtered water. Grab the oats jar, spooned the oats. The video taken, I took 7 table spoon of instant oats. Pour hit water at the oats' level in the bowl. Turned out so thick hard to drip in hehe.. After this, I measure 5 spoons are good enough for instant or rolled oats. More oats, less water, it happens sometime, pour skin milk settles the challenge of the day hehe.. 

Now can starts with topping, put in nicely as its easier to recognise whats eaten. As for tomorrow, could alternate cut fresh fruits. The varieties motivate us to take oatmeal as often. Sometimes, for some said the tumny feel not tight or full with soft food in the morning.  Takes time to get used to the eat clean low calaries. On the side, try to take a slice of bread, or else wait for awhile for the oats to absorb, sure feel fillings for hours. InshaAllah

Send prayers and love to our parents or loved ones. InshaAllah. 

Yang paling mudah untuk bersarapan ialah dengan roti kosong. Kopi dibancuh letak tepi, ambil roti cicah. Tetapi bukan sesekali sepatutnya seselalu buat oats itu yang terbaik. Bangun pagi pun macam masalah dunia juga memikirkan apa nak makan. 

Masak air, kalau guna Coway tak adalah kena masak air tapi jika guna Amway kenalah panaskan air hehe.. Yang mana bagus diantara.. Air dah panas, ambil mangkuk, hari yang video diambil ni, terletak 7 sudu besar instant oats, air panas sama paras oats, pekat jadinya, selepas video, berganjak ke sukatab 5 sudu saja tak kira rolled atau instant. So terbanyak oats dan kurang air, susah juga nak telan, tapi tuang susu selesai terus cabaran dihadapi. 

Mulalah decor toppings kalau tidak susah nak perasan apa yang dah letak atau belum, nampak begitu boleh esok letak potongan buah pula.  Jadi ada pelbagaian topping baru rasa nak makan oats harian. Rasa kurang kejap perut bila makan lembut pagi-pagi. Nak biasa tu ambil masa, maka makan juga sekeping roti. Tunggu sekejap untuk ia kembang dalam perut, kenyang inshaAllah.

Dan Tuhanmu telah perintahkan, supaya engkau tidak menyembah melainkan kepadaNya, dan hendaklah engkau berbuat baik kepada ibu bapa.. (Surah Israa:23)

Kirim doa, cinta kepada yang tersayang, ibubapa. InshaAllah. 


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