
February 14, 2014

Physical excercise sebahagian dari diri

Salam Jumaat, Semalam telefon mak, saja tanya khabar. Mak cakap kakak datang ambil dia dan bapa, nak bawa derang ke tempat physio therapy, tapi rasa tak jadi sebab tutup atau dah lewat. Tapi saya rasa ketinggalan pulak bila mak bagitau kakak ambik dia pun sebab dia baru balik gym yang berdekatan dengan umah mak tu...oh mana aci saya terfikir untuk diri ni yang dah lama tak bersenam. Jeles. Sememangnya saya suka fokus pada diri dulu sebab bersyukur pun kita diri yang dipinjam olehNya la yang kita mahu jaga kan
baru boleh jaga orang lain. Nak senam lepas ni, rengangan yang penting untuk peredaran darah. Berenang pun boleh juga, tapi kesian kat jangtung sebab terpaksa mengempam lebih. Kalau senam yoga atau pilates, take time to nafas, rengang, pastu relax :)

English version
Yesterday, called mom just to say hello. She said my sister came and pick her and dad, supposedly they are going to physotherapy centre, I couldn't here or catch what she said, but I heard it was closed. Then they went somewhere else, but she told that my sister came have her gym class that is really triggered me and awaked me that I did not do physical work out anymore, that is not nice. I do not feel me. To start everything even love is to love myself and focus on my self but neglected it somehow. Guess right after I want to do stretch and feel the different and a bit positive twists. Though swimming is good too, but pity to heart that needs to pump more but with stretching is more open the lung and breathe for better blood circulation, then relaxing slow breathing :)

February 11, 2014

Expresi mak iphone / bapa check in

English version below

 Expresi mak saya 

Kami sekeluarga menghadir satu majlis di mana ada beberapa speech tentang kewujudan sesuatu seperti kalau tak de zuckerberg tak ade facebook, tak de steve job tak de iphone, tak de ingva tak de ikea, lepas tu mak saya menyambung bahawa tak de ibu tak de la anak-anak yang memeriah majlis tu :)

Emak saya sangat suka lagu mother dimana liriknya "kepada siapa Kasih sayang, penghormatan kita patut diberi selepas Allah dan Nabi Muhammad saw,; ialah kepada ibu. Jadi dia lega tak perlu mengingati anak2nya dengan adanya lagu tu.

Expresi bapa

Bapa sememangnya happy bila salah seorang anaknya mempunyai rumah dekat klcc. Dia sembang-sembang dengan anak-anak saudaranya. Respons anak-anak saudaranya sangat   prnuh minat

begini "Bila lagi Pak Long nak jemput kami, kami tak sabar nak check in, tempat best macam tu baru best nak check in ni, tak payah susah, kami masak untuk pak long," Paklong pun tanya saya,,check in hotel, saya cakap check in kat hanphone, bagitau depa dah sampai situ :)

English vetsion

Mom's expression

We family attended one function the speech made by member of family, they mentioned the existence of modern world like there is no facebook if there is no zuckerberg, there is no iphone if there is no iphone, there is no ikea if there no ingvar, my mom simply continues there Ibu (mother) there are no her kids to make the function successful, it seems she wanted to be mentioned too. She love the song of mother where the lyrics day "eho should i givr my lovr snd respect afyrr Allah and Rasulullah, whos next? Mother.

With the song she no need to remind her kids already.

dad's expression

It seems that my dad is happy that one of his children has a place near klcc.

So he just small talk to his nieces about it, this is their response 

"Pak long,, so when are you inviting us, ee are excited to check in, that is the best place to check in. Pak long no need to treat us but ee go and cook for you pak long, we cant wait to checkin, then my dad turned and ask check in hotel? I said check in at the phone to mark that they have been there :)

February 10, 2014

Mak, Did I grow up according to plan?

 english version below

Lepas nafas panjang ja lepas hantar Faiq ni, dalam hati tertanya bagaimana la mak saya hantar saya ke sekolah, adakah mudah (ceh wah tak guna perkataan negatif iaitu "susah" :))

Hari ini teacher tanya saya adakah saya nampak perbezaan tak, dimana Faiq lebih senang turun dari kereta dan lebih happy, saya pun cuma bertanya balik kenapa sebabnya, tak boleh nak fikir sangat sebab berzikir je so that semua smooth.. Teacher sambung cerita sebab "the kid" tu tak hadir sekolah dah beberapa hari dah. Sejak saya cakap tak perlu berbincang dengan ketua guru. Teacher yang sambut Faiq ni cakap dia dah jumpa ketua guru. Ketua guru cakap Faiq sorang je yang nak kawan dengan the kid (mesti thrill budak ni terlantas dalam hati). Tapi saya terus cakap saya harap Faiq bermain depan mata guru-guru, dan bersyukur semua guru-guru pun aware tahu the kid tu macam tu. Yang tu penting boleh la tolong tengok-tengok, Faiq pun kena la sentiasa di pesan oleh saya, dan harap teacher pun buat demikian. you have long way to go Faiq, i pray okay.
Begitu juga saya sentiasa meminta mak mendoakan saya sentiasa bahagia dunia akhirat.

 faiq dalam hotel seri pengantin, janda baik, mama attend seerah Rasul saw 2013

english version
"I exhale and thankful but crossed in mind how mom took me to school whether it was easy or otherwise (just to use positive word here instead of negative like "hard" :))
The teacher asked whether I see any different today and know why that Faiq is happy and excited today. I asked why as in my heart I prayed hard to make the morning as easy as can be but  the teacher said because the "kid" did not come yesterday and told me that they talked to the headteacher and she said nobody wants to play with the kid but Faiq is kind of friendly with him.
I continue about the matter just to kill two birds with one stone or to have a matter solved by saying again to the teacher, I told Faiq to play near and around the teacher as the teacher could see him and observe him amongst the kids.I thankful that the matter has taken in good hand and there awareness about it.

February 9, 2014

Night Safari

Night safari, Singapore

Ticket : S$15 - S$20 - sorry tak berapa sure  harga tiket sebab kakak tersayang yang sponsor.  Alhamdulillah.

Taxi fare from Hotel Royal Scott at Orchard Road  to Night Safari - Sorry tak perasan juga sebab di belanja oleh kakak tersayang.

Nanti dinner after night safari boleh cerita cost berapa sebab kami sponsor :)

Run for your life
you snap me

February 8, 2014

relief - lega

english version below  
Lega bila dapat tahu yang Faiq lebih suka respons yang cepat. Bila dia bagitau sesuatu atau mahu sesuatu, tengah main ke saya pasti response atau express dengan emosi teruja.
Tapi bila dia pegang gunting, dengan cepat saya ambil gunting tu tapi mulut perlahan-lahan bagitau dia yang gunting tajam kena simpan dulu. Bila besar boleh guna. (susah juga nak keep calm ni)
Saya tunjuk emosi teruja atau bersama-sama main bila Faiq bermain tetapi bertenang bila dia main yang merbahaya, supaya dia tidak rasa "thrilled" untuk ulangi lagi.

Memang menjadi kebiasaan bila nampak yang tak elok nak cepat response tunjuk marah atau tinggi suara, jadi Faiq jadi lebih thrilled, saya tahu ini sebab dia suka tunjuk tempat dia lukis di dinding masa dia belum satu tahun lagi. Masa tu saya cepat bagi dia kertas untuk di tulis. Bila dia tunjuk lagi saya cakap kalau nak tulis kena atas kertas ok. Dia boleh rasa ada kommunikasi di situ,

Bila dia gaduh pun saya, tarik Fadya atau Faiq dan cakap kena jaga adik, atau bagi abang main dulu. Jadi bila ton suara biasa, mereka rasa relax..tapi Fadya memang bila gaduh gigit tangan abangnya. Jadi saya buat tak terkejut, Faiq pun ingat biasa. Saya cakap Fadya gigi untuk gigit food. (Dalam hati nak juga pukul ke tapi depan Faiq, so hold dulu) Tapi nampak keberkesanan yang Faiq tak cari-cari screwdriver atau plyer atau attention lagi, Fadya pun ingat gigit ni Faiq tak rasa sakit kut. Bila mereka datang saya lebih mendengar dan memberi respons. Pastu main-main sekali. Tapi ni baru pratikkan beberapa bulan je::)  Setakat ni rasanya perpatah "lagi marah lagi buat tu" macam betul, jadi lebih baik cakap dengan ton memberitahu apa yang patut mereka lakukan.

english version
Relief when I realised that Faiq prefers quick response from me. When he tells something or want something I must show some reaction or excitement like how I can abruptly got angry to something

But I have to keep calm when he did something not nice because it does not excite him when he sees me that I am calmed and say this is not nice not prolong the anger, no thrill for him to do it again.

When they fight also, Id be calmed and slow talk with Faiq that he needs to take care of his sister, and for Fadya I say she must learn to play with Faiq. Sometime Fadya bites Faiq, but I pulled Fadya I said your teeth is for food, but my reaction to Fadya not so bad, then Faiq feels it okay I guess. I think Fadya don't bite any more because she thinks it did give any effect. Faiq also dont search for screw driver and all because i give him to play for awhile then i said must keep it. Not sure about this practice as how it would lasts though this is I already practice for just few months.

See :)
Pens in hands

February 6, 2014

message to observe / pemerhatian dan doa

English version below

Pada mula Faiq happy nak ke sekolah tetapi bila sampai dia menjadi sebaliknya. Jadi saya bertanya kepada guru,"macam mana ni" dengan tone seperti ingin dapatkan solusi untuk situasi ni.

Dan saya sambung, Faiq senang bangun dan bersiap pagi ni. Dia ambik breakfast lagi. Baru cikgu pandang saya penuh ambil berat. Dengan cepat saya kata ok cikgu ambil beg dia saya bawa dia ke pintu, sebab saya pun tak mahu berbincang dengan cikgu depan dia.

Lepas Faiq masuk dalam, cikgu suruh saya jumpa dengan ketua guru, saya cakap Faiq ok, inshaAllah.

Beberapa saat kemudian, tiga orang guru datang ke kereta saya, guru yang berlainan kelas menyampaikan cerita yang Faiq kena tolak dengan seorang budak dimana ibunya juga sangat mengganggu ketenteraman sekolah, sambung guru-mengadu pada saya. Mereka menyuruh saya berjumpa ketua guru.

Saya rasa tak perlu, yang penting saya akan pesan pada Faiq selalu mendekati guru-guru apabila;.l bermain, sentiasa bersama guru bila pergi mana pun. Yang sebenarnya menyampaikan mesej ni pada guru-guru juga. Ini satu cara menyenangkan guru memerhati Faiq.

Salah satu guru memberitahu lagi yang dia masih risau dengan murid tu, jadi saya cakap saya berdoa dulu, salah seorang guru pun sambut aha doa dulu sambil senyu, saya sambung pula lagipun Faiq yang berumur 3 tahun ni ada guru-guru yang caring dan saya beritahu mereka saya akan pesan pada Faiq yang guru dia akan lindungi dia dan dia juga akan ikut bermain di mana guru berada sahaja supaya senang guru memantau.

Salah seorang juga mengatakan bahawa Faiq pandai dan dah tahu apa yang diajar, dalam hati saya bersyukur pada Pencipta.

English version

Sunday, 20 October 2013

The morning start was smooth but at school Faiq showed reluctancy. I asked the teacher "how" like sharing the matter with her, what she would know the solution. I told may be Faiq's bored of getting in the car because we have been road travelling since he was born yet he still follow this morning.

It was easy to get him dressed this morning I told her. He even had breakfast. Then the teacher looked concerned. I told her it is okay and spontaneously asked her to help me pick Faiq's bag up as I get him to the door by force, because when I prolong talking infront of him, then I do not how that would affect him.
At the door, another teacher welcmed him, I leave him there and went down straight to car, then the teacher told me to talk to his class teacher. I said to her never mind as he is fine, Godwill.
But three of them, the teachers of different classes came at my car window and told stories, that a trouble maker kid disturbs the class, Faiq being pushed by him, the mother complained about the teachers and about her son was not taken care of and infact warned them would make a police report if never change.
They asked me to talk to the headmitress, I said I pray first and will speak to Faiq to play around teachers and be near teacher always because he is a small, the teacher will protect him.

And i looked at his class teacher and asking her supports because Faiq's 3 year old and this is his journey that is he is lucky enough to face it with caring and loving teachers around that I am grateful for, I told them.
The teacher said Faiq is clever and knows most everything whats being taught. In the heart I thank to the Creator.


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