
Showing posts with label babypose istiqomah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label babypose istiqomah. Show all posts

July 21, 2024

Cabbage, tomato rice & grilled lamb meat | Kobis, nasi tomato & lauk bakar

While cooking and serving cabbage, tomato rice, marinated lamb meat and chicken, crossed my mind to share the cabbage's benefits. 

        Prep and monitor lizard video

It improved immune system.

The vitamin C found in cabbage is good for your whole body.


Not only it has antioxidant that fights free radicals, but it also helps to fight heart disease, cancer, and even the common cold.

Vitamin C also helps your body to absorb the iron it needs. - Google 

My own experience, I felt full and it eliminates something ala detox like that.

The dinner was served quite heavy, marinated grilled lamb, sauted cabbage ala salad, red gravy chicken, usually we had light ones.

PS : Saw a monitor lizard at the window, not birds 😱

Love always ♥️

Sesambil memasak dan menghidang kobis, nasi tomato, daging bebiri perap dan ayam, teringat ingin sampaikan manfaat kobis.

Ia meningkatkan sistem immuniti. 

Vitamin C yang terdapat dalamnya baik untuk seluruh tubuh. 

Bukan saja ia antioksida yang melawan radikal bebas, tapi ia juga menolong untuk melawan sakit jantung, kanser dan juga selsema. 

Vitamin C juga menolong tubuh badan menyerap zat besi. (Google)

Pengalaman sendiri, rasa lebih kenyang dan menyahkan sesuatu ala detox gitu. Alhamdulillah. 

Hidangan malam berat hari tu, daging bebiri bakar, tumis kobis ala ulam, ayam masak merah. Biasa ambil yang ringan² ja. 

Sayang selalu ❤️

PS : Nampak biawak di tingkap, bukan burung 😱

July 17, 2024

Cream Avocado Tart (vitamin E)

Tart Avocado berkrim (full of vitamin E) 

                        No bake cake Video

Unable to buy ingredients weighing scale, use the old one where it's LCD screen is blurred..πŸ˜€

Need to weigh dates 100g, oatmeal 50g and assorted nuts 60g.

Chopped all, as I typed this, it's looked like smooth sailing journey but in actual moved here and there, even skipped too..😊

Prepare patchment paper on the tray, add the chopped stuff and add 3 tbsp coconut oil. Press well for good base crust. 

Get 3 limes, 2 avocados, 1 cup of fresh milk coz don't have heavy cream, 1/2 box of coconut milk. Blend all, add 2 tbsp honey and lime juice, strained the lime seeds. 

Yes, the layer of tart crust already placed in the fridge. The blended avocado is creamy, time to pour onto the crust that made of nuts, dates ala ground nut candy hehe..😁


Spread well the cream, leave it in the fridge, if wanna fast can put it in freezer. 

An hour like that, bring it to chill level, can served after that. Really willy delicious and yummy, feel healthy too. 

Happy greetings ♥️

Tak sempat nak beli penimbang bahan, guna yang lama di mana skrin LCD nya sudah kabur..πŸ˜€

Perlu timbang buah kurma 100g, bijirin oats 50g dan kekacang 60g.

Kisar semuanya, bila menulis ni bagai licik perjalanannya tetapi tergerak-gerak, terlangkau sana sini juga.. 😊

Sedia kertas minyak di loyang, masuk kisaran kekacang yang di masukkan minyak kelapa 3 sb. Tekan rata untuk jadi base tart

Sedia pula 3 biji limau, 2 biji avocado, secawan susu segar, separuh kotak santan. Mesin semua, masuk 2 sb madu dan jus limau, yang di tapis bijinya.

Ya lapisan tart tadi dah di masuk dalam peti ais, bahan blend tadi dah berkrim, tuang atas lapisan oat kekacang yang agak keras dan berlekat macam kacang tumbuk hehe..😁 

Ratakan krim, masuk dalam peti  sejuk, nak cepat letak di peti sejuk beku.

Sejam lebih, bawa ke bawah peti sejuk, bolehlah hidangkan lepas tu. Memang sedap dan lazat, rasa berkhasiat. 

Salam bahagia ♥️

July 11, 2024

Orange Juice | Avocado Toast

Jus Oren | Roti Avocado

                   Food Video

Sometimes I got derailed looking for sweet drink or sweet treats. I could forgot about juice, salad.

I'm back on my feet hehe.. when I see green, sending kid for basket ball training, I feel Im living a healthy life too but not yet exercise hehe πŸ˜…

Start with juicing first. Enter the kitchen grab fresh produce and click the juicer or cut salad into pieces.

From there add protein and carbo.

Two moments  of that I could find now but not salad. 

Orange Juice

Avocado Toast

Expert say eat savory in the morning to avoid sugar spike later on. We'll try 😊

One heart ♥️

Kadang saya terbabas mencari minuman dan makanan manis. Boleh pula terlupa tentang jus dan salad. 

Saya berbalik ke pangkuan diri hehe bila lihat hijau sayur, hantar abang ke latihan bola keranjang, saya rasa menjalankan kehidupan sihat tapi sendiri belum bersenam hehe.. πŸ˜…

Mula dengan menjus dulu. Masuk dapur capai bahan segar dan pasang mesin jus atau potong salad kecil². 

Dari sana tambah protin and karbo

Dua momen yang saya terjumpa tapi bukan salad. 

Jus oren

Roti Avocado

Pakar kata makan tak manis di hening pagi mengelakkan pengambilan gula selepas tu. Kita cuba 😊

Satu hati ♥️

July 10, 2024

Cream cheese puff

Puff Krim Cheese

                         Mini video

I saw summer treats on youtube, I will try making it from semi scratch. Got kawan pastry. Strip out four pieces

Place the pastry strips on the tray. Set oven 200C, heat up first. I was not organised, so found the cookie cutter, chopped in the middle slighty, not till fully cut.  

Egg was still in the fridge, took it out. Washed it, poked the shell, mixed it, use brush to eggwash the pastries top. 

Then lift the tray filled with pastry to the oven set 30 mns to turn it to puffs. 

Got ready with cream cheese, by right buy Philadephia cheese but found similar and cheaper brand Beqa. 

Cut into two, coz worried of wasting ingredients. Tried half first. 

Yet wanted to cut grapes, I didn't find strawberries coz went to a small grocer nearby. If I found it so, knew it'll be expensive. So my luck and delighted with grapes. Cut em half, munch size hehe.. . 

Back to whisk the cheese, saw they put sugar more than 2 tbsp, I decided to add only 2 tbsp but not full. Sadly the volume not big. Enough for 4 puffs

30 min pass, the puff browned and crisp well. Let it cool, traced the cut and pressed in the middle.  

Scoop the cheese and spread in the midde, put grapes on, snow it with icing sugar.  

Ready to have it with a cup of green tea.  As an option, cream cheese on a toasted bread is as good 😊

Love ❤️

Tengok makanan musim panas  di youtube. Nak cuba buat sendiri dari mula tapi tak sepenuhnya. Ada pastri jenama kawan. Ambil 4 keping 

Letak kepingan pastry atas loyang. Set ketuhar 200°C, panaskan oven dulu. Saya tak bersedia pun, jumpa pemotong biskut, guna tu untuk tekap atas pastri, separuh dalam jangan sampai terputus.

Telur masih dalam peti sejuk, ambil keluar, pecahkan cekerangnya, pukul telur, guna berus untuk sapu atas pastri.

Kemudian angkat loyang yang ada pastri ke ketuhar, masukkannya, set selama 30 min hingga jadi puff. 

Nak siapkan krim cheese patut beli jenama Philadelphia tapi jumpa macam sama dan lebih murah iaitu Beqa. Potong separuh, sebab risau membazir bahan. Cuba separuh dulu.

Giliran anggur untuk dipotong, tak nampak stoberi sebab pergi ke grocer berdekatan. Kalau jumpa pun, tentu lebih mahal. Nasib dah suka dengan anggur. Belah dua, saiz senang kunyah hehe.

Berbalik ke pukul cheese hingga gebu, lihat depa buh lebih 2 sb gula, saya ingat nak buh 2 sb tapi tak penuh. Sedih pula lihat cheese tak kembang banyak. Cukup untuk 4 puff. 

30 min berlalu, puff pun dah nampak gelap garing cantik. Biar sejuk, cari garis potongan  dan tekan tengah² nya.

Ceduk cheese dan sapu di tengah, buh buah anggur di atas, tabur gula aising ala salju gitu.

Sedia untuk dinikmati dengan secawan teh hijau.  Sebagai option cepat,  krim cheese atas roti bakar pun sama sedap 😊 

Sayang ❤️

June 26, 2024

Gardening |Lunch Box | Berkebun & Bekal

Cabut anak pokok untuk cucuk tanam | Sediakan Bekal | Pick up small plants for gardening  | Lunch box preps

           Gardening and cooking video

Every time I stepped out on the lawn, saw the saplings or wild crop. Pick em up and planted them in pots.

Thought to put in the house or in the aquarium.

This work really need time. Once started, might as well finish it, otherwise the plants past by.


Once it has grown, I place them as decor. 

Love easy growing plants. Used to sow tomato plants, but too slow and impatient to nurture it. 

For food, sometime we tried to save time and money, we prep lunch boxes and eat like 'picnic style' :) 

Wish you success ♥️

Setiap kali saya melangkah keluar, jejak rumput, nampak anak2 pokok yang menjalar.

Cabut, cucuk dalam pasu, biar bercambah 

Ingat boleh la letak dalam rumah atau dalam akuarium. 

Kerja ni perlu masa. Sekali dah mula lebih baik habiskan, jika tidak, tumbuhan layu relai begitu saja.

Bila dah membesar, saya letak ia sebagai dekor. 

Suka tumbuhan yang mudah hidup. Pernah semai pokok tomato, tapi terlambat dan tak penyabar untuk nak membelainya. 

Untuk makanan, kekadang kami cuba jimat masa dan wang, sedia bekalan dan makan ala berkelah :) 

Salam sukses ♥️

June 25, 2024

Tidy up to brighten the area | meal portion to increase weight

Tips Kemas mencerahkan ruangπŸƒ|Porsi masakkan naikkan berat badan | Tidy up to brighten the area | meal portion to increase weight

             Before and after video

                     Bahasa below

Came back from visiting my mom, I entered and felt like I need to brighten the house but not getting rid of anything. 

I can only afford to do one tiny front area here first. To change the floor mat under the steel chair. 

So I just changed the dark mat to  a beige color.  It was very hard to lift the barber chair. Slowly, I managed. I kept the chess set in a box and place it somewhere else. Relief. 

I cooked a simple ala quarter- quarter-half  but with more rice coz the household need to gain weight:) 

Best wishes ♥️

                 Big bowl rice 

Balik dari rumah emak, saya masuk macam rasa nak cerahkan rumah tapi tak nak buang apa². 

Mampu buat satu sudut depan ni ja dulu. Menukar alas lantai bawah kerusi besi tu. 

Jadi saya tukar alas kerusi yang berwarna hitam ke warna kuning air. 

Susah juga nak angkat kerusi barber ni. Pelan² berjaya juga. Set papan catur pun saya ambil simpan dalam kotaknya. Lega. 

Masak simple, suku-suku -separuh tapi nasi lebih, sebab dalam rumah ada yang nak naikkan berat badan :) 

Salam bahagia ♥️

June 16, 2024

Taugeh | Beansprout

Bahasa version below | Versi bahasa di bawah

Rarely eat beansprout since as i remember. Come we highlight its dignity here hehe.. 


Bought beansprout, wanted to make spring roll, but till now havent made it yet. 

So made it in soup with mix vege, tofu and Fried fish and slight boiled sprout on the side. 

Went out to pick up kidz, saw hawks. 

Back to home, having soup ala hot pot homecooked lunch. 

Happy Greetings♥️

Jarang sangat makan taugeh sejak dua menjak. Kita terang kan dan tinggi kan martabatnya di sini hehe.. 

Beli taugeh nak buat popia, tak terbuat terus jadikan ia lauk tengahari. 

Buat sup sayur, masuk taugeh dengan sayur campur tofu. Ada di sampingan Ikan goreng, taugeh rebus. 

Keluar jemput anak², ternampak burung spesis helang. 

Kembali jamah hidangan ala hot pot masak di rumah. 

Salam sejahtera♥️


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