
Showing posts with label art time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art time. Show all posts

July 25, 2021

Labu Yogurt Layered / Membaca perlu PG = Parent Guide?

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah:) English version dan one minute video below :) 

Melapiskan labu dengan yogurt ditabur manisan.. 

Abang membaca buku biasa pun perlu ditegur.. 

Labu, yogurt, serbuk gula merah atau madu, abang menggunakan penanda buku DIY, uncang tehnya

During the hot day here, the sky is blue indicates that the air is clean and fresh. Due to heat and humid, being outside couldnt stand too long.  Went out, back under the roof, not just that but search for cold liquid to quench the throat. Seek the icecream by chance if lucky might have. Sadly theres none, came across of pumpkins and yogurt, since natural yogurt not yummy at this moment. I figure to mix between and sprinkle with brown sugar or honey for an option.

The natural taste yogurt is meant for my journey to eat no sugar. I had no choice but u turn the old route. Here i go with pumpkins steamed, scoop in the meat or pulp in the recycled jam jar, 1.5cm thick each, alternate with yogurt same level then repeat, and get ready with another empty jar. The target is to finish the two ingredients, as if not to satisfy the icecream cravings.  Settled, so delicious the combination, one must try. 

We did some reading session, abang read well yet need to guide on the Prophet's name, that we must mention peace be upon him as a doa citation. Not just at movie or tv show need parental guide but on reading material as well. Depends on certain books some is written some dont. So thats why we need parent guide on if possible. It requires practice though, by the way abang already used his own diy bookmark, bravo! 

Have a nice day 🌹

Hari panas-panas, jenguk langit, biru, udara bersih. Sebabkan panas, keluar sekejap, lari masuk, cari air menghilangkan dahaga. Tersua buah labu, terus kukus. Pada mulanya mencari-cari juga aiskrim ke kut2 pernah beli, tak da pun, tahu kalau terbeli yogurt mesti habiskan sebelum ttarikh luput. Tapi yogurt natural  yang dibeli untuk nak makan dengan buah manis sebab nak cuba kurang gula. 

Pi mai pi mai, tak buah pula, hentam je labu, terpaksa pusingan u (u turn hehe) . Tak boleh nak pi pula tak manis,  buat je dulu, biar selesai hal yogurt, nanti rugi bila luput.

Jadi berbalik ke kukuskan labu, pelan-pelan masukkan isi labu dalam botol jem ulang pakai, dalam 1. 5cm, gilir dengan yogurt, sama tebalnya, ulang sampai ke puncak, ambil sebotol lagi, ulangi, target habiskan labu dan yogurt. Selesai dapat pencuci mulut berkhasiat, lazat memang patut trai.

Tentang pembacaan yang patut ditegur dalam video tu ialah disebabkan buku yang ambil ringan tentang nama Nabi tidak ditulis sallallahualaiwasalam. Jadi tegurlah yang mana ingat dan tahu. Biasa parental guide PG tu kat drama atau telefilem tetapi di bahan bacaan pun kena tapi bergantung pada setengah buku. Dan abang pun dah guna bookmaark buat sendiri dalam buku Prophet Muhammad SAW. Alhamdulillah.

Moga kalian berbahagia selalu🌸

July 23, 2021

Cupcakes | Bookmark dari Uncang Teh

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)  English version dan one minute video below:) 

-Kek cawan di makan slow motion:) ,  minum teh, uncang dibuat penanda buku.-


Kan buat cupcake coklat tak jadi hari tu, so ada peluang la.. 

Since cupcakes didnt turned out well and got - 

Sadden news about cafe that we use to go (by invitation) had to say goodbye by closing down. We immediately took a chance to help another branch of theirs by making order. We chose desserts, the lowest in list but high demand of nafs🤭. 

Sweets sent by, scoop in, eat slow mo, chat out. Felt happy and guilty, fix green tea. Lead to making bookmarks of the teabags. 

Yes, drinking green tea on a regular basis may lower cellular damage, reduce inflammation and control blood sugar spikes - from google. InshaAllah. 

May we have more sustenance and continuous provision. Aamin

Kek cawan dibeli...

Sedih dapat tahu cafe yang kami selalu diajak pergi mengucap selamat tinggal kerana terpaksa tutup kedai. Lagipun buat cupcake tak jadi, kesian dengan adik, Dengan cepatnya nak menolong cawangan kedai itu, jadi buat pembelian. Pilihan kami pencuci mulut, termurah dalam senarai, tapi tinggi dalam permintaan nafsu🤭

Manisan sampai, ceduk dan makan perlahan sebab sayang, sambil sembang. Gumbira tapi rasa bersalah. Buat teh hijau, minum terfikir uncangnya bole dijadi penanda buku ada dalam video  di atas. 

Ya minum teh bagus, dapat memotong gula dalam tubuh - sumber dari internet. 

Moga kita semua dimurahkan rezeki. Aamiin.  Terima kasih singgah sini ❤️


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