
Showing posts with label Chicken Rice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicken Rice. Show all posts

August 10, 2021

Hainanese Chicken Chop Rice

Hainanese Chicken Rice

Bahasa dan video semint di bawah:) 

English version and one minute video beow :) 

Rindukan Old Town Hainanese

Struggle juga keluarkan tulang isi peha ayam

We sometime had Hainanese Chicken Rice when we went out. The different between chicken rice and hainanese rice is that the sauce is with mixed vege. The chicken meat is boneless. We struggled to debone the chicken thigh. Successfully, we made it through. Learnt it from you tube video though. We supposed to mix the fried potatoes in the gravy as well. When we saw the fried potatoes were soft inside and crispy outside, we reserved it for eating just like that. The deboned chicken thigh were so good and as for the keel chicken were cut thin but didn't separate. It was as good as well. Loved the servings and how it turned out. 

We followed the recipe from the internet, altering a bit to wharever available at home. The meal is good business product. 

Salam Maal Hijrah 1443 ❤️

Kami pernah juga makan Nasi ayam Hainanese bila keluar. Perbezaan di antara nasi ayam Hainanese dengan nasi ayam biasa ialah sosnya ada mix vege. Daging ayamya adalah bahagian peha dikeluarkan tulang. Susah nak keluarkan tulang tapi kami berjaya. Belajar pun dari youtube aje. Tungkus lumus juga, risa daging menjadi hancur. 

Tentang ubi kentang, lepas goreng, sedap sangat nampak hingga tak jadi campur dengan kuah. Lembut di dalam tapi rangup di luar. Goreng biasa tapi deep fry. Tiba tiba rasa nak makan begitu saja.

Isi peha yang juga dikeluarkan tulangnya sangat enak, bahagian dada juga dihiris nipis tapi tak putus juga sedap, lembut seakan bahagian peha. Suka masakan kali ni tak sangka terjadi lazat. Alhamdulillah. Ikut resepi tapj diolah sedikit sebanyak ikut apa yang ada dirumah. Masakkan begini senang  dibawa jual ;}

Salam Maal Hijrah 1443❤️


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