
November 15, 2021

Chicken Pie with puff crust | Pie Ayam dengan kulit karipap

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

Longing for fried curry puff. | | Teringinnya nak makan karipap. 

The chicken fillings were ready. |Inti ayam sudah siap. 

Once upon a morning, I had pie for breakfast. The crust dough was meant for frying. Second thought I decided to make pies instead, because I wanted to do something else while the oven was cooking. If I do the frying, I got to wait there to cook the whole time.  

After they were done, I didn't get to eat them yet. I kept them in the fridge, off for duty to visit my parents. 

The next day I reheated them a bit, good to eat and love the pies. 

However, I didn't have time to set up. Rushing and in hurry, that's what happened. Will try to take it slow next time.. 

Love you all ❤️

Pada suatu pagi, saya bersarapan pie ayam. Kulit pie tu asalnya dibuat untuk karipap (iaitu untuk digoreng). Jadi, berubah rancangan jadikan ia pie dan bakar sebab tiba-tiba tiada masa hendak menggoreng. Mengharapkan ketuhar yang memasak sesambil saya selesaikan hal lain dulu. Jika mengoreng, terpaksalah menunggu di depan dapur kann.. 

Selepas siap dimasak, saya tak sempat nak makan. Disimpan semua ke dalam peti sejuk, saya terus keluar melaksanakan tugas kepada ibubapa pula. 

Keesokkan hari pula, saya pun panaskan, sedap untuk dimakan, suka sangat. 

Begitulah tiada masa lagi untuk set up seperti selalu. Tergesa-gesa dan kelam kelibut, kadang kadang masa begini berlaku. Cuba untuk bertenang dilain hari. 

Sayang kalian semua❤️


  1. This would make a really nice meal with some soup!

  2. Menarik nampaknya pie ayam ni.

  3. these look delicious Happy new week

  4. Kalau dah lapar dan nak cepat memang hidang saja begitu kan. Tak sempat nak plating

  5. cool kak..meski sibuk dengan segala aktivitas masih bisa hasilkan pastry chicken pie yang kubayangkan betapa wanginya saat keluar dari yummy! ^^

  6. this looks amazingly jummy:)

  7. Uma excelente complemento para uma refeição.

    Um abraço amiga.

  8. Parece muito saboroso!

    Tenha continuação de boa semana.

    Um abraço

  9. Rica tarta, gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso

  10. Thank you for nice information
    Please visit our website.. . .

  11. wow, nampak lezat, kak.. jadi lapar pula..

  12. Betul itu masak guna ketuhar mudah, boleh tinggalkan ikut waktu.
    Nasib baik kreatif ubah kulit karipap jadi kulit pai.

  13. Nice information, my friend.

    Thank you!

    A hug

  14. Asalkan kreatif, doh boleh dibuat untuk menu lain pulak :)

  15. Saya membayangkan menikmati pai ayam ni dengan secawan kopi panas. Enaknya... :)

  16. Ah, do parents duty. This is very familiar. You are a filial daughter. 👍 Love your home made chicken pies. It is better than making curry puffs to make pies, save the oil. Your pies look very tasty. Makes me want to eat pies. I will order pies next week.

  17. Pai ayam waduh bikin perut kita bergetar gitu. hehehehe suka pai ayam



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