Last night I was awake right after I lie down because thinking of to thank my sister for giving me the baju kurung and also to thank her and her son who is my favorite nephew for taking a lot photos of my son during our visit to their lovely home. A minute actions of a boy captured by his cousin. My bloggy friends are welcomed to check him out at this blog Live High 2 / Live High 1 of his sweet Aunty's. Visit her you will find peace and interesting chapter to Live highend life to the fullest not according to materialistic but materialise what are done living with God consent.
I learned this from my late brother in law towards his children whether anybody realised it or I was a little sneaky but glanced a bit on the note pad of my nephews what they are written, its about the homeworks of subjects - the date given and the date to be submitted and its a cool practice...easy for parents to monitor them out and their time also filled with school stuffs.
Write it down book keeping, buku kemas kini bajet pun bagus untuk anak remaja atau primary students to learn what they hv done with their money given, doesnt matter duit belanja harian atau duit raya :)
"bersyukur meringankan fikiran, berusaha pada hasrat atau bercita-cita mengembalikan darah muda dan berdoa rasa relax sebab yakin Tuhan akan tolong dan berikan". Sharing my comment at the motivators' FB status page below...
Status - Setiap hamba ALLAH akan diberi ujian dari segi kewangan,keluarga dan sebagainya. Jangan sesekali kita berpaling kerana ujian itu adalah menunjukkan kita sentiasa diingati dan disayangi ALLAH. Para sahabat menangis memohon dan berdoa agar mereka diberi ujian, Setiap ujian akan mendekatkan diri kita kepada pencipta.
My comment was : Menangis memohon doa dlm sujud insyAllah berkesan. Doakan tanpa ujian sebab ujian dulu baru pengajaran adalah sukar dihadapi mcm this quote "Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards".- Vernon Saunders Law
June 28 at 7:49am · Like · 4