Syukur Alhamdulillah kerana hari ini mula dengan mudah dan teratur...penting bagi saya kerana biasa kelam
kabut sebab saya sendiri bukan jenis yang cekap buat kerja :) Semua dipermudahkan olehNya.
Hari ni ada sedikit masa, duk belek photo pulak, sempat jugak sembang dengan en hubby, tapi tak tau la dia focus ke tak sebab dia memang busy as bee kat work tahun ni walaupun hubby yang call...saja ajak dia pegi kelas senam...makin kurang masa kan petang2 sekarang ni...mmm
Belek harimau ni... kalau terjumpa la tak tau nak panjat pokok mana hehe...
Percutian paling menarik tahun lepas, sambil bercuti sambil buat business dengan orang Surabaya, yang penting kena buat, lambat cepat..nanti ditentukan olehNya. InshaAllah
english version here
Grateful to Him as the day started so smoothly and easy.. it is important to remember Allah has straighten the way for me, as I am only human not as expert in any matter :)
Today, has given more time to stare and search photos, get a chance to chit chat with mr hubby, but not sure whether he focused on me or not as he is busy as a bee this time around though he called...thought would like him to go for exercise...seems the time is limited in the evening..mmm
I looked at the lion on the road, if ever met up with this creature like this, which tree should I climb up first haha...
It was a great holiday with great mission, we did business with the local people in Surabaya, main thing to do, slow or fast, will see the outcome from Him. InshaAllah