
Showing posts with label SPM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SPM. Show all posts

March 24, 2014

kagum 11As /Amazed

Saya sangat kagum dengan anak-anak saudara saya  yang dapat 11A, 10A, 9A, 9A, 9A.  ibu dari salah seorang anak buah,  pernah memberi petua anak-anaknya diberi makan ikan, untuk mendapat kandungan DHA. Manakala ada ibubapa (my sibbling/abang/kakak saya) mereka ni tak mahu beritahu result tu kerana takut riak. Tapi saya tetap bersyukur mereka ni telah berjaya dan mendoakan mereka terus berjaya. Lepas grad saya doakan mereka terus daftar untuk ke Haji seperti mana daftar untuk KWSP. Rasa mereka ini akan melalui hidup yang sempurna bermatlamat memenuhi rukun Islam secepat mungkin.

kagum, ketahui, kecapi , InshaAllah.

Iam amazed with my nieces and nephews SPM's result as they get 11A, 10A, 9A,9A. A mother of one of them told me tips on food given to kids are most fish basics as to get DHA. While the other parents (my sibblings) refuse to reveal the result to avoid boasting. But I still proud of them and grateful of their success and pray their continue success. Hope that they will register for Haj as they register for epf right after they get their jobs. They will have a perfect life hereafter and here while they complete the fifth pillars of our religion soon after.

admire, admit, achieve for my kids, inshaAllah.

One aim one mission


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