
Showing posts with label Minda Percaya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Minda Percaya. Show all posts

August 1, 2014

ketenangan minda / peace of mind

cahaya malam bandar JB menarik perhatian Faiq. Katanya ternampak cahaya mercun dari jauh.

         Bila faiq di bandingkan dengan sepupunya, tanpa rasa ingin terangkan apa-apa, saya percaya faiq lebih mesra dan lebih berani berexpresi dengan descripsi. Mama, kat belakang rumah ni ada anak-anak kucing comel, ada masa lain Faiq tegur bapa ayam,,hey bapa ayam, saya ayam betina sambil berbunyi clark, clark!!!.ada kala juga, panggil sepupunya, hey boys!!! pula :)

english version
faiq attracted to the jb night lights he said. he saw fireworks light from far.

         When Faiq was compared with his cousin without having the need to explain anything, i believe that faiq is friendlier and brave to express with decription like, Mama, i saw cute kittens at this back yard and at another moment he even say "hey rooster, i am a chicken with making a sound clark clark!!!. at times call his cousins, Hey boys!!! :)

 * perasaan yang senang dipupuk adalah "percaya" sebelum melihat.
*;the feeling that is easy to nurture is "believe" before to see.


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