
Showing posts with label Jerky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jerky. Show all posts

September 13, 2021

Chicken Dendeng | Ayam Dendeng

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video below :) 

Chicken "dendeng" means chicken sliced thinly cooked with coconut sugar and spices

Ayam dendeng ialah ayam yang dihiris nipis - nipis dimasak dengan gula melaka dan rempah.

Loving the taste of sweetness and spicy, I thought of "Biltong"/ Jerky that I had during Seerah Camp that conducted by South African scholars, they gave us to try Biltong that is famous in South Africa.

So I was thinking which local delicacy Chicken Dendeng, which closely resembled to Biltong or Jerky, the dried sweet and spicy meat. 

I had beef dendeng before, it was delicious and yummy. It's like a snack from the RNR stop, thin sliced potato crisps with glaced sweet chili taste. However, I want a food that is drier and not sticky.  I love the taste of coconut sugar in it, as it has creamy taste and with the spices, it is so good to eat by itself provided the chicken strips are crispy before mixed  with the fiery spice paste.

Simple Ingredients of chicken dendeng:

400g chicken keel

3 red onions - blended

5-6 garlic cloves - blended

1 tbs coconut sugar add more to suit taste

4 tbs blended Dried chillies

1 tbs kurma spice (rempah kurma

1 Lemon grass stalk

Salt to taste

The recipe called out for boiling the chicken first. I didn't do that as I have the feeling that boiling the chicken it's like eating tasteless pulps, so I skipped that. 

Cut the chicken thinly and fry them crispy.. Put aside. 

Sautee the blended spices, add every each of the above, last but not least mix the sliced chicken, stir well til dried. You can serve it with hot rice, or eat it alone by itself. 

This kind of cooking is good for snack actually, but it's nice to have it with rice too. It's simply delicious. 

Happy Monday. ❤️

Suka rasa manis dan pedas dalam masakan daging yang digoreng kering. Teringat saya kepada daging "Biltong" /Jerky yang diperkenalkan oleh Ustaz-ustaz Afrika Selatan semasa menghadiri Kem Seerah. Daging Biltong itu manis berempah. 

Jadi saya memikirkan apa masakan tempatan yang hampir sama rasa dengan Biltong dan saya rasa ialah daging dendeng yang dimasak dengan gula melaka dan cili berempah.. Saya pernah makan daging dendeng sebelum ni, ia sangat sedap bagai nak ulang makan sebagai snek pula. 

Rasa seakan snek yang dijual di RNR, macam kerepek ubi cili manis tapi ianya terlalu melekit. Saya lebih suka kering dengan rasa gula melaka yang berlemak tu dengan rempah cili. Saya guna ayam yang dihiris nipis-nipis dan digoreng sebelum dimasak manis dengan cili berempah yang telah dikisar. 

Ringkasan bahan untuk Ayam dendeng:

400g ayam bahagian isi

3 labu bawang merah dikisar

5-6 biji bawang putih dikisar

1 sudu besar gula melaka atau tambah secukup rasa 

4 sb cili kering yang telah dikisar

1 sb serbuk rempah kurma

1 batang serai dititik

Garam secukup rasa.

Sepatutnya daging perlu direbus dahulu seperti didalam resepi, tetapi saya kurang gemar, kerana rasa ayam direbus dulu bagai rasa hampas. 

Jadi saya terus goreng ayam yang dipotong nipis hingga garing. Angkat dan letak dahulu di sebelah. 

Tumis bahan kisar hingga naik bau, masukkan ayam dan gaul rata sampai kering. Hidang dengan nasi atau makan begitu saja. 

Cara masaknya memang mudah. Rasanya sedap macam snek, tetapi enak juga jika dimakan dengan nasi. Alhamdulillah, amat sedap. 

Salam Isnin, selamat berpuasa bagi yang berpuasa. ❤️


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