
Showing posts with label Ayam Lada Hitam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ayam Lada Hitam. Show all posts

November 9, 2021

Pepper chicken salad | Ayam lada hitam bersalad

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

Normally tumeric coating. | Biasa dilumur kunyit. 

At the evening I sliced chicken breast. |  Aktiviti memotong dada ayam di waktu petang. 

Full of effort I must say, as I wanted to avoid having chicken nuggets and go for the real food instead, or chicken at its original form. 

I might not have much time in the morning to defrost solid thick meat, so I cut it thinly and kept in the freezer.  

The next day, I took it out, defrosted it at no time. Slightly coated the cut chickens with pepper and soy sauce, sauteed them quickly til they're fully cooked.  

Laid them on the plate by the little green salad leaves, dried cranberries and cut oranges. Coffee off course. Fulfilled the human simple needs:) 

Happy Tuesday❤️

Berusaha jugalah saya nak masak ayam dari asal dan bukan nugget. 

Saya tak berapa ada masa pagi-pagi kalau nak tunggu daging ayam yang tebal dinyahbekukan. Jadi, saya pun potong nipis dan simpan dalam peti ais.

Keesokan hari saya keluarkan, sekejap ja dia dah dinyahbeku. Lumur serbuk lada & kicap ala kadar, tumis goreng sampai ia masak.

Hidang atas pinggan tepi daun salad hijau, buah kranberi kering dan potongan oren. Semestinya kopi pun ada. Bolehla memenuhi keperluan penting manusia:) 

Salam Selasa❤️


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