
June 11, 2024

Fried Fungus | Kulat Goreng

Fried Fungus | Kulat Goreng

Bahasa version below | Bahasa di bawah

Short of time to break the fast. Hesitation plus eager to have it in the Mall. Went through without making bookings, all eateries were full.  Crowded ambience, full of people. 

                     Short Video


Immediately follow the back up plan, out from the Mall, parked infront of Mi Tarik Restaurant. 

Sat and made orders, strange an weird, didn't see vege menu, seek and searched saw fried fungus. 

Yes at this time, i already started eating greens more. Doubtful looking at fungus a lot like that to finish. 

Thank God, almost dissappeared. Tasty, with sesame oil and seeds, crunchy as seaweed auto taste healthy food consists collagen at sudden :) 

Happy greetings♥️

Kesuntukkan masa waktu berbuka, terhengeh nak berbuka di Mall. Redah juga tanpa tempahan, semua premis penuh, suasana juga sarat dengan orang.

Terus ikut rencana ke dua,keluar dari Mall, parkir di depan Restoran Mi Tarik.

Duduk dan buat pesanan, pelik dan ajaib tak nampak menu sayur, cari punya cari, ternampak kulat.

Ya masa ni saya dah mula makan lebih sayur. Risau pula kulat yang banyak gitu untuk dihabiskan.

Alhamdulillah hampir habis juga. Sedap, berminyak bijian, rangup  ala rumpair, auto  rasa makanan sihat bercollagen tiba² :)

Salam bahagia♥️


  1. sedap plak nampak menu kulat tu...

  2. Gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso.

  3. ngam tu mkn dgn nasi putihπŸ‘πŸ‘

  4. Sesekali layan kulat tu macam best je.

  5. tak pernah try lagi..selalu baca org kata sedap...

  6. Ah, I wonder is this cloud ear fungus or wood ear fungus. Both fungus also I like to eat them.

  7. Sedap, berminyak bijian, rangup, saya pun suka πŸ‘πŸ˜‹

  8. I totally love black fungus! Stirfry them with some seafood, or make them to the noodles with some meat...absolutely delicious!

  9. kalau di kedai mi tarik, mmg suka order mi goreng daging + fungus..sedapp..

  10. Looks yummy! Beautiful post. All the best to your blog!

  11. I've never tried black fungus. Looks amazing! Happy Tuesday!

  12. fried fungus menarik tu

  13. Banyak kolagen, good for sendi, and of course skin! ^^



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