
May 22, 2023

Green Curry Chicken | Ayam Kari Hijau | Watercress for Saturday Lunch.

Assalamualaikum/Peace ne upon you

Malay version and short video below | Versi Bahasa and short video below

When in fast moving life, I used paste from Ayam Brand | Bila nak cepat, Saya guna pes Ayam Brand

Simple Sautee watercress |

Tumis sayur kangkung ringkas

Green Curry Chicken Recipe

    a. 350g-400g cut chicken bite size (add desire amount of eggplants too) 

    a. Ayam Brand Green Curry Paste  2x50g

    c.200g coconut Milk

    e.1/2 Onion sliced 

    g.Garlic 4-5 sliced 

    i.Water 50ml

    j.Cooking Oil 3 tbs

Cooking Methods

Heat up cooking oil in the pot and put in  cut chicken dan fried like sautee 

Take out chicken from pot and sautee onions and garlic til smell the fragrance. 

Add in 2 packs or 100g of Green Curry Paste and sautee with oninons. 

Mix the chicken and water to avoid the paste drying up. 

Mix coconut milk, stir slowly til simmering. 

Served with white rice and vege. 

The meal was with watercress for lunch on Saturday afternoon. That's why abang cooked coz no school. :)  and learned to do recipe hehe.. 

Happy Monday❤️

Resepi Kari Ayam Hijau

Ayam dipotong kecil 350g-400g

Potongan terung juga

Pes Kari Hijau Ayam Brand 2X50g

Santan 200g

Bawang besar 1/2 dihiris kecil

Bawang putih 4~5 ulas dicincang halus

Sedikit Air ~50ml

Minyak masak ~ 3 sudu besar

Cara memasak

Panaskan minyak masak  dalam periuk dan masuk kan ayam dan goreng macam tumis.

Keluarkan ayam dari periuk dan tumis bawang besar dan bawang putih hingga naik bau.

Masukkan 2 pek atau 100g pes Kari Hijau dan tumis bersama bawang. 

Masukkan Ayam dan sedikit Air untuk mengelak pes dari kering. 

Masukkan santan dan kacau perlahan hingga mendidih. 

Hidangkan bersama nasi putih dan sayuran. 

Selamat mencuba!

Kari Hijau Ayam dengan Kangkung goreng untuk makan tengahari Sabtu. Hari Sabtu, tu yang si abang yang masak sebab tak sekolah. :) budak baru belajar buat resepi hehe 

Salam Isnin❤️


  1. Wah, your son is cooking meals now. So very good 👍😊

  2. It seems that your child likes to cook very much! Children always teach us something.

  3. The use of curry is less in Turkish cuisine, but we like spices.

  4. I love curry :-) This looks like a really delicious and healthy meal.

  5. I love curry.
    Thank you for sharing this fantastic recipe.
    Have a nice week

  6. Will try the AB green curry paste... Well done Abang 👍

  7. kari hijau mmg sedap... ada 1 menu dlm air asia... thai green curry. selalu jg sy order kalau naik AA👍👍👍

  8. ayam hijau dengan terung penuh nutrisi dengan tampilan akhir yang cantik...kapan kapan i'll try the recipe kak ^^

  9. uhhh enak keknya ni , kirim ke indo boleh

  10. Thanks for the recipe, the food looks amazing.

  11. Hi dear friend!
    your recipes are always delicious ♥♥♥♥♥ I love them!
    Have a great week, bisous!

  12. Olá!

    isso parece delicioso!!!!
    tenha uma semana repleta de luz
    abraços Loiva

  13. Thanks for the nice comment.
    Have a nice weekend.

  14. Uma excelente receita, amiga!

    Desejo um excelente mês de Junho.

  15. Olá!
    Passando para lhe desejar uma excelente semana
    Abraços Loiva

  16. assalammualaikum . wahh kari hijau? pernah dgr tp xtau la penah tgok ke x.hehe tq sharing resepi =)

  17. AnonymousJune 27, 2023

    Me ha encantado tu receta, tan diferente a las que preparamos por aquí, Utilizo muy, muy poco el curry y aún menos la leche de coco, pero sin embargo son dos ingredientes que me gustan mucho. Creo que voy a probar tu receta ¡Hay que innovar!. Un beso

  18. wahhh ade idea nak masak ni



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