
November 4, 2021

Apple Crumble Cheesecake in Vanlife feeling:) by the lake | Wildlife Watching

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :) 

Went for a walk in conjunction of the National Sport day | Keluar menapak sempena Hari Sukan Negara. 

It was pouring rain | Hujan turun lebat

Eventhough it was pouring rain, we went through the drizzle and chose the canopy walk around here as abang's online participation of the National Sports day event. 

The canopy that has the roof all the way from building to building. I have taken the video while walking along the pedestrian cross over but not attached here yet. 

But what I have attached here is the video filmed about the lake after the walk and after the rain stopped. Perhaps will talk about the canopy walk around town for next time. 

After the walk, we got into the car and drove to a McDonald's drive thru, to get food for dinner. Yet, we had it late evening around 5pm at the lake. 

Since it was tea time hour, I was intrigued to have a tea treat and hot drink, so I had a cup of hot chocolate as I normally don't take caffeine in tea or coffee at the evening. As for food, I opted for a slice of Apple Crumble cheesecake. 

Upon arriving at the lake, we went out on the wet and damp land by the lake and saw a monitor lizard playing 'catch' with another from the same species. 

We gawked at watching the number of other wildlife spotted over there after the rain, including birds and tortoises. Then, everyone were soon tired of standing up, and because of long walk and straight went inside the car for our early dinner. 

I got an idea of vanlife style, having meal in the van. I saw vanlife vloggers on youtube living off in the van but making it nice n' pretty in everything they do, cooking or eating with style  upon the beautiful nature view backdrop landscape. 

So I had the green view, had food and drink, why not enjoy the sweet treat in the vehicle.  Surprised adik didn't even ask to taste it. My mood was not into sweet at sudden, so I ate half, brought home another half, thats the outcome when there's no company to share with. 

The cake was delicious with thick cheese, soft cut apple in the middle and crust at below.  Not so sweet yet tasty. The rest of us ate their usual burgers and drinks. 

That's it of our outing, walk for 5km, a slice of cake with other food, and wildlife watching as the reward, the best one.

Happy Thursday❤️

Walaupun hujan, kami redah juga untuk menapak dan memilih kanopy walk yang berdekatan di sini. Abang perlu menghabiskan jalanannya untuk penyertaannya untuk Hari Sukan Negara

Kanopy pejalan kaki yang beratap sepanjang kanopi yang berhubung dari bangunan ke bangunan lain. Ada video menapak tetapi tidak letak di sini. 

Tapi saya paparkan video perhentian kami di tasik selepas menapak dan setelah hujan berhenti. Mungkin boleh cerita tentang menapak melalui kanopi kemudian nanti.

Selepas menapak kami masuk kereta dan terus pandu ke McDonald's pandu lalu, beli makanan malam, walaupun baru pukul 5 petang.

Disebabkan waktu minum teh, saya teruja nak pekena kek dan minuman panas, jadi orderla koko panas sebab tak mau ambil kafein dari teh atau kopi di petang hari. Untuk makanan saya pilih kek keju Apple Crumble. 

Setiba di tasik, kami turun atas tanah yang  basah dan lembut. Menyaksi pula biawak air main kejar-kejar dengan rakan se spesisnya. 

Jakun jugak memerhati dan mencari kehidupan liar lain yang banyak lagi keluar lepas hujan, termasuk burung dan kura-kura hingga keletihan berdiri, kan baru menapak tadi, cepat betul masuk dalam kereta untuk makan. 

Saya dapat idea nak rasa gaya kehidupan bercaravan. Mereka yang tinggal dalam van, saya tonton vlogger dalam youtube biasanya mereka buat sesuatu penuh gaya. Jadi saya pun cubala makan dalam van, dah ada permandangan hijau dan makanan kan. Heran adik tak berebut kek pula, mood saya pun turun, makan separuh dan bawa balik lagi separuh. Memang tak berapa lalu lah makan bila tak  berkongsi. 

Sedap keknya, keju yang tebal, epal potong di tengah dan bawahnya tu pastri atau serbuk biskut tu sempurna. Yang lain makan burger dan minuman mereka yang biasa.

Itulah kisah lepak luar kami Alhamdulillah, menapak 5km, sepotong kek serta makanan lain dan menyaksikan haiwan liar sebagai ganjaran, bestkan. 

Salam Khamis❤️

November 3, 2021

Grilled Brinjal | Terung Panggang

Bahasa dan video pendek seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

Brinjal and green chilli | Terung dan cili hijau

Simple preparation | Mudah penyediaannya.

I supposely need to go out for groceries shopping yet I hesitated and not sure why. Since the brinjals that I got were too small and not so fresh, I was determined to go out and buy at the shop.

I also wanted to order green capsicum but hit green chillis instead. So I made up my mind to grill it too. 

With a little bit of olive oil and cut the brinjal into two halves as well as chilli too. I left them about 3 minutes on each side until it has softened evenly grilled.

On the plate, I sprinkled cheese and cut black olives for garnish.. And have it all for my breakfast.

Happy Wednesday❤️

Sepatutnya saya sudah mula keluar membeli makanan basah tetapi masih berlengah tak pasti kenapa. Sejak dapat terung bersaiz kecil dan tak sesegar seperti selalu, bertekadla juga untuk keluar beli sendiri di kedai.

Saya nak buat pembelian  capsicum hijau sebenarnya tetapi tertekan cili hijau, jadi saya panggang cili hijau itu sekali.

Dengan sedikit minyak zaitun dan potong kedua dua terung dan juga cili menjadi dua belah. Biar dalam pan 3 minit kedua dua bahagian, lembut elok dan jadi sekata panggangannya.

Di atas pinggan pula, saya tabur keju hancur dan potong buah zaitun hitam untuk hiasan. Dan... makan semua tu sebagai sarapan.

Salam Rabu❤️

November 2, 2021

Top Commentator of October 2021

Bahasa dan video pendek di bawah :)

English version and short video below :)

With Wheel of names | Guna roda nama

Top Commentators short listed | Pengomen teratas dari disenarai pendekkan

Time flies so fast, week changes to new week just like that. I have no new menu, same and rotates back to the square one. Love the activities as I could maintain the concept or idea of eating from the original form first and green if it not more. 

Appreciate so much for your presents here. I hesitated to reset the widgets of top commentator because love to see the name on tops that support me when I came back on blogging. 

I think it's ok to everyone, love you all.  So the top of the tops is Blogger Mun from (Eat to Live) or (Live to Eat)

Her journal of food that I enjoy reading. It is also interesting about her personal views, life and updated on some recent new promo/menu from famous eatery. Hope all of you could visit her blog. 

Congratulation Blogger Mun, hope you would send your details via email for delivering my humble gift to you. 

Appreciate our journey visiting each our and hope our friendship will remain always. 

As for the widget, it will still be appearing at my webpage front  and i have already updated the bloglist just that I haven't arrange to the top column. 

And the monthly giveaway for top commentators are still under my consideration. It may be yes and may be no. Will see. Subtly will have a sponsor. 

Happy Tuesday❤️

Masa berlalu begitu pantas, seminggu bertukar minggu baru macam tu jer. Menu baharu pun tak dapat muncul, asyik olah berbalik yang sama saja. Sayang aktiviti ini kerana ia membuat saya boleh kekalkan konsep permakanan hijau walaupun tak lebih, tapi makan makanan asal kebanyakkannya. 

Hargai sangat kehadiran pengomen-pengomen ke sini. Saya mengelak untuk reset widget top commentator sebab suka lihat nama-nama terawal yang mendorong saya, apabila saya kembali meneruskan blog ini. 

Saya rasa tiada hal kepada sesiapa, saya sayang awak semua. Jadi, ter-Top di antara yang Top ialah Blogger Mun dari 

(Eat to Live) or (Live to Eat).

Perjalanan beliau tentang makanan yang saya suka ikuti dan baca. Memang menarik tentang pendapat peribadinya, kehidupannya dan beliau memperkinikan menu/promo dari restoran yang dikenali. Harap kalian dapat singgah ke blognya itu. 

Tahniah Blogger Mun, harap Sis Mun hantar maklumat  ke email saya iaitu untuk pengiriman hadiah kecil kepada sis Mun. 

Saya hargai perkenalan kita, harap terus saling lawat blog dan persahabatan berpanjangan. 

Tentang widget top commentator akan dibiar di depan laman blog ini. Dan saya sudah update bloglist. Cuma belum letak kolum tu di atas. 

Dan pemberian hadiah bulanan masih lagi jatuh dalam pertimbangan. Mungkin ada mungkin tidak. Tengoklah macamana sebab gara-gara ada sponsor :)

Salam Selasa❤️

November 1, 2021

Pucuk Manis | Shoots of sweetness

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below:)

Shoots of sweetness are similar taste as baby spinach. 

Rasa pucuk manis seakan rasa baby bayam

Rich of vitamin also thick green and texture made it taste good. | Kaya dengan vitamin juga tekstur yang tebal dan hijau yang pekat memberi rasa yang enak.

I purchased it online and sauteed it the next day. There are various way to cook pucuk manis, boil it in coconut milk or fry it with eggs. I also like it to have it original taste like how I eat some mushroom.

So, I fried it just with garlic and onion. I added few shrimps which were leftover from kids as they don't eat shrimp. It would be even tastier if using dried shrimps.

After it had been cooked, I put in the round cup and turned it upside down. It was quite filling and delicious and... so special. 

Welcome November❤️

PS :  important to cook it or boil to remove chemical. The leaves are not meant for eating raw. 

Saya beli atas talian melalui grab dan masak pada keesokkan harinya. Ada berbagai cara untuk menyediakannya; rebus manis, masak lemak dengan santan atau goreng dengan telur hancur. 

Saya suka makan goreng minyak sikit biar layu dan masak dan rasa aslinya macam masak cendawan, sedap rasa dengan tersendirinya.

Jadi saya goreng ia dengan bawang putih dan bawang besar. I campur udang yang disimpan. Jika masak dengan udang kering lagi sedap.

Setelah ia dimasak, saya masuk dalam cawan, pastu terbalikkan atas pinggan dan makan kan takkan lah nak tengok je. SubhanAllah memang sedap dan menyelerakan serta... amat istimewa. 

Selamat menyambut bulan November❤️

PS : Penting pucuk manis perlu dimasak untuk keluarkan bahan kimia. Ia tidak boleh dimakan mentah sama seperti daun singkong atau pucuk ubi. 

October 31, 2021

Avocado Mix | Avokado Campurq

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

Breakfast of the day. | Sarapan untuk hari ini. 

Today's special.|Istimewa hari ini. 

That's what I had for breakfast. Mixed Salad that was bought 3 days ago while avocado was bought a week before.

I was preparing salad while thinking whether to fry soft egg which we called 'bull eyed' egg or just eat salad to gain energy first. 

Since the dried fruit are just in the shelf as I put them in individual jar, its easy to grab and sprinkle them on the salad. (just getting organized) 

Before that I checked out some cherry tomatoes first. Found none but saw an avocado that's not eaten yet. 

Earlier on the avocado was out on room temp for many days and was soft. I decided to keep it first in fridge when I pressed and felt it was ripe but not feeling to eat it that time. 

So I knew it would be blacken or oxidized when I cut it. To avoid dissappointment, I cut it on the table pessimistically, not expecting to able to eat it. 

To my surprise, see how it turned out and it was so fresh and nice green. So I cut it half for me and ate it with salad :) 


1 packet of honey salad is RM8. 90

1 pack of 3 avocadoes is RM12. 90

The story behind the breakfast o'mine :). What's yours? 

Happy Sunday ❤️

Itulah yang saya nikmati sajian istimewa untuk sarapan hehe.. . Daun salad campur yang dibeli 3 hari lepas dan avokado seminggu sebelum.

Semasa menyediakan terfikir juga untuk menggoreng telur mata yang lembut di atas tu atau makan salad agar dapat mengumpul tenaga. 

Sejak ada buah kering termasuk buah kurma di rak berdekatan, baru je beramalan teratur :) , senang capai tabur atas daun salad. 

Sebelum tu pertama saya periksa buah tomato ceri. Tak jumpa pun tapi ternampak avokado yang tersimpan. 

Avokado tu pada mulanya di letak di luar di dalam bakul selama beberapa hari dan mulai lembut. Saya simpan dalam peti sejuk walaupun dah masak sesuai untuk dimakan. Nak jadikan cerita tak rasa nak makan hari tu pulak. 

Jadi saya tahu ia mungkin menghitam dan beroksida bila dipotong. Untuk mengelakkan kekecewaan, saya potong buah itu dengan pantas di atas meja dan tidak mengharap untuk dapat memakannya.

Terkejut juga, bila lihat betapa masih cantiknya dan segar hijaunya Alhamdulillah. Jadi saya potong separuh untuk saya dan jamah dengan salad :). 

Nota :

Sepaket daun salad campur honey harga RM8.90.

3 biji avokado dalam sepaket berharga RM12.90.

Itulah dibelakang cerita sarapan saya :)  Ada cerita ke tentang sarapan kalian? 

Salam Ahad ❤️

October 29, 2021

Secret Recipe's Fish | Ikan dari Secret Recipe

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video :)

Breakfast must go on. | Sarapan mestilah dilalui. 

Simple as it is. | seringkas seadanya. 

Accompanied by coffee, I enjoyed myself by simply making it to pass the neutral mood moment. Night before one kid wanted to eat macaroni cheese and another red sauce pasta. I decided to purchase from a restaurant Secret Recipe and chose Fish and Chips for me.

The fish and chips came with two slice fish, I ate one at dinner, and kept one for morning. 

Cut half for my other half and decorated nicely with vege toppings for me. It was nice with raisins and they stacked together. I tried to tilt up and down it was kind of stable for party food :). 

I saw zebra dove or merbuk bird outside like wanting food, sometimes it made sounds like asking, we were back feeding birds again.

Thats little joy for around breakkie, what little things amused you?

Peace Friday❤️

Bertemankan kopi. saya menceriakan diri kononnya kreatif menghiasi sarapan sesambil ketika nuetral mood. Malam sebelumnya seorang anak nakkan cheese makaroni and yang satu lagi nak sos merah. 

Saya buat keputusan untuk membeli dan pilih ikan dan cip kentang untuk saya. 

Ikan dan cip kentang datang dengan dua keping ikan. Saya habiskan satu, tinggal satu disimpan untuk makan pagi. 

Untuk sarapan, saya potong separuh, diberi kepada dear suami. Setengah lagi dihiasi sayur berkismis dan bahan melekat elok pula, Alhamdulillah. Cuba juga terbalikkan separuh jalan, nampak stabil, boleh lah buat makanan majlis :) 

Saya nampak burung merbuk di luar seakan singgah makanan, kadang ia berbunyi macam meminta makanan, kami kembali aktiviti memberi burung makan. 

Itulah kegembiraan yang saya lalui secara kecilan semasa bersarapan, apa pula perkara ringkas yang mengembirakan kalian? 

Salam Jumaat❤️


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