
April 1, 2013

Son's birthday/harijadi anak

English version below-
Foto dibawah adalah sambutan harijadi yg lepas2 dimana bulan ini bulan harijadi hero saya, masih berfikir nak buat kek macam mana. Tapi saya ingat nak atur strawberri dgn anggur hitam atau chocolate atas whip cream dan nak jadikan bentuk ladybug, bole ke?  Idea untuk menggalakkan kawan2 dia dan dia makan buah ;) Di jemput tengok hero sedang menonton sambil mengikut :)
The photos of the previous celebrations. As this month is the birthday month of my hero. Still thinking of cake to make. Maybe would try to fill strawberries and grapes into ladybug shape on whip cream, do you think possible? The idea is to encourage his young friends and him as well to eat fruits ;)
lovely thots and prayers


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