
March 29, 2013

Mahu punyai Anak/ Want to hv children

English version below-

Menatap foto ni mengingatkan saya pada suatu ketika dulu inginkan anak. Sekarang dah beranak-pinak, sangat bersyukur dengan kehadiran mereka.
Saya benar2 berdoa kpdNya berikan saya anak, saya sebut hanya Allah tempat saya meminta hanya Tuhan yang boleh beri apa yang saya minta. *dalam sujud*

Sedihnya saya hampir terlupa utk amalkan kerana terlalu sibuk sekarang
Amalan itu ialah tegur baby2 dan budak2 yang saya terserempak, tak akan terlepas pandang, hargai mereka, memberi pujian dengan senyuman pada mereka. Dalam hati meminta mereka doakan untuk saya. Sebenarnya saya memang meminta tolong dari anak yatim untuk mendoakan saya.

Harus, hargai, hasrat
Salam sayang,

Looking at the photo below reminds me of how i wanted children so much that i own now.
I really pray to Allah that I want kids and only Him can give only Him I ask from. (In prostration)
But sadly i almost forgot to practice that i show interests in all babies n kids iv come acrossed, never missed a glance. Appreciate them, adore them with kind words in my heart i wanted them to pray for me. Infact, i even asked an orphan to pray for me.
With love,

Photo : gift of love

March 28, 2013

berteman / companion

English version below

Dulu jantung saya senang berdebar disebabkan gementar keterlaluan bila berseorangan. Ibu la yg beritahu bahawa bacaan di machine bp nya menunjukan pulse rate high. Jadi ibu kata kena relax kerana jantung berdebar cepat sng menjadi lemah masa akan datang nauzubilahiminzaligh.

Jadi saya selalu bertanya rakan sekerja sis2 atau jiran untuk menumpang mereka ke tempat keja. Solusi sy tumpangkan kawan yg lintas jln  dari stesen lrt ke tempat keja, terus sy cakap dgn dia sy akan lalu lg waktu yg sama esok. Saya tidak gementar lagi bila diteman rakan sekerja terutama di kawasan tempat letak kereta. Waktu lunch pun sy memastikan sy pergi beramai2 walaupun tak makan sekali. 

Lepas kerja untuk relax juga ialah dengan senaman rengangan dengan kesedaran (breathing awareness) pergerakkan bersama pernafasan. Contoh bila angkat tangan tarik nafas, bila bergerak turun tangan perlahan dgn lepas nafas perlahan.
Boleh cuba ni, Tutup mulut, senyum tanpa nampak gigi dan nafas perlahan rasa sgt tenang, lebih2 lagi dengan posisi yg bahu  membuka ke belakang,tulang belakang berlawan dgn membongkok mmg sgt nyaman seperti foto dibawah. Dgn senaman ini bacaan di blood pressure machine menunjukkan saya seorang sportman/Athlete sekarang Alhamdulillah.

Tanya, tumpang, teman

With love,

Before this my heart beats fast i figure because i get nervous when i have to do things alone. I get solution by asking females colleague to give them a lift to work. So i found a friend crossing the road and abruptly i stop and make appoint the next day i pick her up. I become more relax as i hv her at the parking lot. For lunch time to the food court also i flock together in gruops though not on a same table.

After work i practice stretching and breathing awareness with movements. For instant when raise hands breathe in while lowering hands breathe out slowly.
You can try this: mouth closed, smile without showing teeth, breathe slowly.feeling at ease especially shoulder to the back , chest forward, spine in bridge position like photo below. With many kind position with slow breathing slower the heartbeats. Now the reading shows as if i am sportman/athlete. Alhamdulillah.

Posture, practice, perfect,
With love,

March 27, 2013

Komunikasi dgn bakal suami/communicatio wt grooms to be

...english version below. Tnanks :)

Situasi pertama yang sudah ada bakal jodoh.
Kawan saya selalu bertanya mcm mana la dengan bakal suaminya ini, bila di tanya tentang kahwin, jawapannya tanya Tuhan, asyik2 sama ja jawapannya.

Jadi saya cerita tentang kawan saya yang lama berkawan dengan bakal suaminya yang sangat mengambil berat tentangnya, weekend keluar bersama-sama membeli barang keperluan rumah masing-masing. Kawan saya kematian ibu, memang rasa beruntung ada bakal suami menemaninya kemana sahaja. Tapi bakal suami ini tidak pernah ajak kawin atau bercakap tentang kahwin, bila ditanya jawapannya Tanya tuhan ada sebut pasal kos tinggi lagi bila kahwin) Kawan saya pula menasihati si bakal suami tu macam makcik2 untuk masa depan si bakal suami dimana ini salah. (Sila jadi bakal isteri yang manja..bekelakuan baik supaya diikuti tanpa berhujah untuk memberi peluang si bakal suami menjadi lelaki yang gentleman)

Jadi nasihat saya padanya...bila bakal suami call, cakap "nak keluar tapi ahli keluarga datang atau ada hal, roomate minta tolong...
Bila bakal suami pelawa nak jemput dari pejabat dan hantar ke rumah singgah minum makan (bestkan?;) tapi cakap bestnya tapi ada hal keluarga...(hal diri sendiri pun hal keluarga atau hal personal pun) mesti bagi sebab nak keluar tapi tak boleh dengan "sebab" diberi bersama...biar dia nampak message yang kita sampaikan "mahu tapi tak boleh" "suka keluar dengan dia tapi ada hal keluarga" penting beritahu yang kita mahu dekat bakal suami (direct), seronok dengan bakal suami beritahu dalam telefon saja :) mesti bagi sebab nanti dia ingat kita elakkan dia.

Saya juga suggest pada kawan supaya biasakan bersama keluarga. Telefon biar "on" untuk bakal suami call. Sebab kawan tinggal bujang...jadi biar bakal suami tahu walaupun tinggal bujang tapi masih ambil peluang untuk bersama keluarga. Dan sekali-sekala cakap "mahu kahwin bukan jom kahwin atau bila nak kahwin)

Jadi kawan saya buat aktiviti dengan keluarga, bawa bapanya yang kematian isteri bersiar-siar di hujung minggu tapi bagitau bakal suami seronok lagi keluar dengan dia tapi tak boleh. Dari situ, bakal suaminya ajak kawin sebab kawan saya sememangnya mahu ...sebab berkawan dengan berhasrat hendak kahwin tapi susah jumpa...Alhamdulillah...dah ada anak satu dah ...

moral cerita - bakal suaminya tinggal dengan family, bila groceries ada orang teman rasa tak sunyikan...balik rumah ada keluarga adik semua...tak terasa perlu kahwin tapi bila tiada kawan lepas kerja, tiada kawan makan kat luar..balik seorang diri dalam kereta ( barulah dia fikir perlu kahwin)

Desire, direct, destiny.
with love,


First situation of a friend who already has the future husband

My friend told me that her future husband refused to speak about marriage, when she asked him about marriage, he would answer "ask God". as if he didnt want her to get frustrated.

Im going to share more about a friend of mine who has a future husband who is caring, company her wherever and even doing groceries together for each of their homes. Her mom died and her dad lives alone outskirt of the city. For having a future husband to company her is more than grateful. Obviously the future husband has no intention to get married as when asked the same answer came out "ask God" sometime mention marriage is costly'. This makes my friend to advice him like elderly aunties which is not right (Please be a romantic future wife, act nicely to be followed without words).

My advice to her, when the future husband call and ask out, excitedly answer, I want but I can't because family matter or personal matter, mention reason is good.

When the future husband offers to pick-up and send you home, and stop for dining sounds nice right but say, wow i want but I can't my relatives something.. it is important to convey the message that you want but you can not because you have something came up. Tell him that you enjoy going out with him but you can't go out with him because your relatives come or you need to work for family, please tell the reason so that he didnt think he is avoided. (once in the while mention that you want to get married not say lets get married or when are we getting married but I want to get married).

So my friend made activities with her dad in the weekends, but tell the future husband it is more fun to go out with him but she now they have a kid already..Alhamdulillah.

moral of the story - the future husband lives with family, so at home he will never feel lonely but to do groceries alone is not nice, going back home alone and no one to have dinner out with, makes  hime feel the need to get married with the one who cares for him.

mahu, mohon, makbul,
salam sayang,

Harap kawan2 yang disayangi, boleh berkongsi bagaimana hendak berkenalan dengan bakal suami :) Saya rasa saya boleh kongsi untuk post akan datang :)

March 25, 2013

March 24, 2013

Nak kawin/wanna get married

English version below

Selepas khatam Al-Quran beberapa kali bolehlah kahwin. Seelok-eloknya zaman sekarang lepas degree dah kerja,  register tabung haji. Lega nak fikirkan tentang kahwin.

Saya sangat bersyukur kerana kawan perempuan saya sendiri yang ingatkan saya supaya fokus bila nak kahwin. Memberi kesedaran untuk saya betul-betul hendak berkawin. Jadi dari situ saya selalu keluar ayat "dah nak kawin" mcm tu ja . Dalam hati saya fikirkan tentang lelaki yg terbaik. Lelaki yg terbaik lelaki yang sy sayang itu yang penting. Seingat saya mcm tu ja. Fikir dan doa..bagitau ibu, pastu ibu kata biar Allah aturkan.
Dalam hati saya fokus "macam dah kawin, pergi kerja pagi2, ibu check minyak hitam semua walaupun kereta baru. Then saya off radio and zikir. Dalam fikiran. Bayang dah kahwin hehe. Bila dapat call dari kawan lelaki/kawan perempuan ajak keluar saya cakap saya sibuk saya mcm dah kawin hehe...

Dari situ la saya bertemu suami .bila dia ajak keluar saya cakap saya nak keluar dgn dia tapi saya tak boleh  tapi nak sgt. Jadi suami cari solusi utk kawin. Alhamdulillah...kalau tidak ibu la masih check minyak hitam lagi agaknya... :) ibu pun tak layan kawan2 lelaki yg sy cerita kalau yg nak datang merisik baru dia buat-buat dengar :) Dia tak nak bersubahat. Jadi kami terus akad nikah.


After reciting Al-Quran. By right after degree, ss well register for haj. Then its fun to think of marriage.
Im grateful hving a girlfriend who reminded to focus on marriage when i really want it. Gives me awareness to focus and tell people know that i am getting married eventhough the person is in my imagination. The best husband that i love. When told my mom, she said all in Allah's hand.

In my heart i feel already married. Going to work in the morning after mom check the engine oil though its a new car. I drive with radio off so that i can cite prayers a bit. When girlfriends or boyfriends call i said im busy as if im married hehe.
From there i have met my beloved husband. When he asked me out i said i want but i cant hehe... he find the solution to meet my family by asking me to get married ignore about guys unless for marriage as she didnt want to get involved. So we get married.

Salam sayang dari,

PHOTO : my son with his furry friend

March 23, 2013

Hair care/Jom jaga rambut

Please scroll for english version. Thanx:)

Saya lebihkan senam tunduk kepala ke bawah supaya darah mengalir lebih ke kepala dgn posisi ini. Rambut lebih sihat. Berdiri tegak, nafas, angkat kiri separuh bersila, tangan kiri berpusing dari blakang. Perlahan2 bongkokkan badan. Tangan kanan menapak di lantai, bernafas 5x. Untuk saya memikirkan ttg senam adalah anugerah  yg dipinjam yg perlu disyukuri. Tips: sebelum memakai tudung, sikat rambut belah tepi atau tengah, letak pin rambut. Ikat rambut dari bawah dgn pin yg ada net sanggul. Gulung dan pusing rambut masuk dlm net. Pasti anda dapat rambut cantik bila buka tudung.lurus dari atas beralun dibawah dan bekas ikatan pun tak ada..

I love doing foward band. As the blood tend to flow more to the head. And relax the neck. Stand upright..bring left leg bend to half lotus, grab toe with right hand from behind. Bend down, stay in the position with 5x breathing. For me working out on our body is showing gratefulness as its a gift that we care the most. Tips : before wearing veil. Comb hair, give side spilt or middle, pin hai. Tie hair low with hair pin that has net below. Twist n fold hair inside the net. For sure after the veil is opened. The hair flow straight from top but slightly curl down. Good thing theres no obvious tie shape left.

With love,

March 22, 2013

Lawak ibu/mom's joke

Version english please scroll down -
Ibu saya cerita masa dia belasan tahun dahulu, dia pergi tengok wayang. Satu masa tu dia terpaksa bawa adiknya iaitu maksu saya yang masih kecil. Bila pulang ke rumah dari panggung. Ibu pesan pada adiknya jangan beritahu abah dan mak iaitu abahwan dan maktok saya. Bila masuk rumah, maksu saya diam tapi sekian lama bersuara  "hari ini siapa pun tak tengok wayang :)"

My mom told me a story in her teenagers days. Its about she wanted  to watch movie but she had to bring her sister along. So in the way home after the movie she told her sister not to tell anyone about they watched movie. After they enter the house, her sister was quiet but voice out " nobody watched movie today :)".
with love,

Jom angkat berat/ lets weight lifting

Please scroll down for english version

Saya rasa tangan saya lebih kuat dgn cubaan mengangkat berat badan sendiri. Duduk bersila, letak tangan kanan blakang lutut. Tangan kiri disebelah peha. Untuk meringankan berat, kaki kiri tumpang atas kaki kanan. Bernafas pjg, dua belah tapak tangan  menapak di atas lantai, siku dibengkokkan dan lurus mengangkat seluruh badan. Otot perut mengempis dan menarik keatas. Bernafas dgn tenang.

I feel my hands are stronger after tryinh to lift my own body weight. I sat down in lotus pose, slightly raise right leg towards the side. It gives space for my right hand against back of my knee. Left hand besides the thigh. To lighten the weight put the left feet on the right feet near the ankle. Breath in, palms on and grip the earth. Elbow bended a bit and abruptly straighten to lift the whole body. Stomach muscle in and pull up. Breath calmly
Awareness , alert, alter,


Scroll for English
Melayu maju InshaaAllah (saya suka menyatakan yang positif sahaja  jadi betulkan Melayu sentiasa ingat pada Allah, InshaaAllah sebab ini adalah satu doa). Dan saya sambung Mulakan dengan Disney Junior Asia, bila channel disner junior asia disiarkan di Malaysia bermakna apa yang disiarkan biar ada Kebudayaan, perayaan orang Melayu/Islam, bagus sebab perayaan Kong Xi Fa Cai ada. Siaran begini mulanya pendedahkan kepada kanak-kanak yang meminati Disney Junior Asia. Tapi Disney karakter seperti Mickey Mouse, Agent Oso memang mudah diminati oleh kanak-kanak dan belajar kata "please mama" :). Untuk Disney Channel memang disiarkan Upin dan Ipin. Tapi bukan Disney Junior Asia untuk bayi2.
In my comments was simple, Malay is getting better.( I pratice saying the positive things only, so I corrected Malay always remember Allah) So I said, Start with Disney Junior Asia, when the channel is approved to air in Malaysia country, it takes responsiblity to make sure the add on of the culture, the festival of Malays/Islam as they have Kong si fa cai festival that is something to learn too. Kids loves Disney characters. even learned from them "please mama":). In Disney Chanel there is Upin and Ipin which is good yet it is not Disney Junior Asia for babies.
ethics, ettiquette, elected
with love,
Mickey starts holding pens :)
focused and wanted so much to do as watched as the charaters did :) 

March 21, 2013

Let's work out/Jom senam

             Visi bahasa dibawah (ingin melatih menulis dwibahasa)

The stretch forward is done by standing upright, bring the body weight to left leg, then slowly lift up the right leg up, grab the toe, look to the ftont. This position without i realised it the it tightens my tummy muscle. Strenghten and straighten the spine. Focus on the nose or infront for steadiness, no wobbling with focus :)

Posisi renggangan kaki ke depan di lakukan dgn berdiri tegap, berat badan biar di sebelah kaki dulu, fokus mata lihat depan. Pelahan angkat kaki kanan, pegang ibu jari kaki, lurus kaki dan tangan ke depan. Tidak disangka posisi ini menegak tulang belakang dan otot perut kempis kuat menegak sepertimana tulang belakang.
Pastikan mata fokus hidung atau depan supaya tak terhoyong-hayang :)

Senam, syukur, sihat
With love,

March 20, 2013

Dine, discipline, demo

Visi bahasa dibawah - ( nak cuba menguasai dwi bahasa)
When dinning out, i want everybody having it with peace. So i usually make sure my kids had their meal before we leave to the restaurant. Then i prepare proper place for them to eat, demo how i look at the menu excitedly, so that they would follow, discipline myself too :)
Santap, sopan, susila
Biasanya bila ada santapan di luar atau di majlis, saya akan beri anak-anak makan dulu. Saya dengan sopan, ton suara yg rendah memberitahu meja untuk letak pinggan, kerusi untuk duduk. Bertata susila saya duduk dan baca menu, kononnya foto menu itu menarik. Walaupun di kedai mamak :)

Aman, Alhamdulillah, Amin
With love, 

Feed, friend, fond

Visi bahasa di bawah
When I saw this, I suppose to say to my son please let your baby sister sleep. When she wakes up then you give her milk. Because of the moment was so sweet to me. I let him make friend with  his sister and she wakes to someone who is fond of her.

Bila sy nampak anak lelaki sy cuba memberi susu botol kpd adiknya, sepatutnya sy tegur tapi sy biar dia yg tak sabar buat kawan dgn adiknya dgn memberi minum susu dan adiknya terjaga dan pandang abang yg sedang berbaik dan cuba buat kawan dgnnya.

Moment, memory, marvelous
With love,

March 19, 2013

Ibubapa, inspirasi, ilham

Ibubapa saya adalah inspirasi saya. Bila nak cerita tentang mereka, tergelak pula bila tengok foto mereka :) comel la bapa nak snap foto ibu hehe tapi simple ja ibu saya ni, lebih suka urus rumah sendiri tanpa pembantu atau biar ja dulu. Kalau ada pun yg part-time. Ibu mertua pula perlu pembantu dan mengalakkan sy supaya ada pembantu sebab anak2 masih kecil.
Bapa ni pun simple suka makan kat restoren, tapi ibu pula suka jumpa tukang masak restoren minta kurang minyak kurang garam masak tanpa cili sampai tukang masak tu suruh ibu masak sendiri adoi hehe. Sedikit sebyk memberi ilham gaya hidup sy sendiri.
Cute, care, closeness
With love,

Santai, syukur, sayang

Dulu saya senang bersantai tepi pantai, bawa tuala, buku, cari kerusi tepi pantai, nikmati keindahan permandangan, bunyi ombak sangat menenangkan. Sehari suntuk jugala. Rasa syukur kerana bercuti, bergaji, perasaan sayang laut lebih dari kota.
Pernahkan anda bersyukur kerana dapat bersantai dengan tenang :)
with love,

March 18, 2013

Hijab, hidayah, heart

I wonder why its not easy for me to wear hijab like Allah ask me to, didnt I pray enuf for Allah to grant me hidayah to wear proper hijab and clothings. Has taufiq hidayah come near but my heart pushes it away. Shame on me, pity myself.
Muslimah, mukmin, may
with love,
solution, solehah, solace,

increase, interesting, InshaaAllah

Adoi, bila tengok the increament tu, rasa menarik sangaat, bersemangat, mesti bersungguh-sungguh berusaha, definitely achieved InshaaAllah.

It takes time and money to make money haha..

cool, calm, coihhhh dapat...
with love,

mahu, mohon, makbul

Bila saya mahu sesuatu, saya akan memohon doa didalam sujud, berusaha tu bila sudah dikurniakan jalan usaha yang terbaik untuk saya biasanya Allah yang tunjukkan, dalam doa juga biasanya saya akhiri dengan "Hanya Allah sahaja yang boleh berikan apa yang saya mahu dan dengan Allah jua saya meminta".

Saya akan berusaha bersungguh bila ingin sesuatu, saya akan tahu sendiri kenapa saya mahu, kalau tak dapat tu, saya akan rasa sedih atau tidak, kalau tak sedih tu, susah sgt nak dapat haha...kalau sedih tu, InshaaAllah dapat, tapi biasanya fikir dapat sebab itu satu doa, bila fikir tak dapat tu, kita ada jalan lain untuk atasinya, opps tak nak fikir itu biar fikir dapat, positif ja hehe... Keinginnan yang mendalam tu sangat penting, rasa tuluslah dengan keinginan...terus-teranglah dengan orang terdekat bahawa ianya sangat terdesak hingga ke hati, projek yang penting dalam seharian hidup, baru la termakbul doa tu...ini pengalaman sayalah. So saya ingatkan diri kena doa, solat dhuha bila kesempatan, solat hajat pun, inshaaAllah keinginan bermain didalam fikiran dan berdoa sentiasa.

nikmat, nikmati, niat, haha...belum dapat lagi visi nak enjoyment, boleh enjoy dengan intention yang betul hehe..
with love,

March 17, 2013

generasi, gemar, gardenia

saya ingin manyampaikan terima kasih kepada perusaha roti gardenia kerana mengeluarkan roti kismis "raisin oat meal" yang sudah menjadi kegemaran anak saya "generasi z". Sangat memudahkan perjalanan kami ke mana saja. Kekadang sukar untuk mendapatkannya kerana habis dijual.
with love,

March 16, 2013

Malaysians, manufacturers, major

Let malaysians work in restaurants n manufacturers, educate them the experience earn and gain as testimonial or apprenticeship for major in future enterpreneurship. / Beri peluang warga negara bekerja di restoran dan sector pembuatan agar diberi pengetahuan bahawa pengalaman skim perintis bekerja amat penting untuk menjadi pengusaha masa depan.
with love,

Tabiat, turut, tujuan

Tabiat parents akan diperhati biasanya dituruti oleh anak2, jadi buat sesuatu supaya anak2 tengok. Bila inginkan anak lakukan, lebih baik ajak dari suruh dan beritahu tujuan apa :) Contoh: Jom kakak kemas bilik, bila bilik kemas rasa tenang, mengemas juga seperti senam kerana banyak pergerakkan anggota badan :)

Foto untuk santapan mata :)
Pekan, padat, permai,
Sayang dari,

March 15, 2013

Henna, hair, hand

Evening walk takes me to draw hand and color hair with henna. Its sunnah as to deco hands and fingers as if it stands as jewelleries. I love looking at it, so artistic and outstanding. Its inexpensive, individual's preference and its indian art. Have you tried it, did you feel precious:)

Son, sun, shine

Taking my son out under the sun shined my life, I love wear him in my arms. It has been sometime though. Lately I took him walking on the busy road, drag him to snap photos or else in the mall we dine. Sometimes he didnt want to come along, in fact he waved bye and said see you later ;)
I find its weird, perhaps my young man has his life better at home. Tv, thrill, time,
With love,

Arms, Admire, Act

I appreciate my time and my energy spend to work out more on arms and give less pressure on my legs this time since I have been walking lately. I rest my left leg while activate my right leg, side feet and whole right arm. It takes strong inhale and breathe smoothly to straighten the spine slight horizontal by using core muscle (tummy)to tuck in, hip slight forward infront. Relax the other part of body in the air towards the sky.
Stay in the position to admire the flexiblity and smooth breathing and awareness of resting the other muscle. Breathe slowly while the oxigen going to the brain and vain. I earn freshness and gain inner peace as to start being grateful is the act of doing of what I am granted without asking is the soul in me.
While in the pose, I come back to focus on my breathing and feel relaxness. Have faith in myself, free to share. Yes the act, it takes you, the air that you breathe and action...Hope my dear readers can try the pose. I wish you all happy trying, remember to activate the whole palm grip the earth, not the wrist nor fingers and always listen to your body, if it says ouch, stop and relax. Execise, energizes your enthusiams,
with love,

March 13, 2013

heritage, highlight, hip

I appreciate morning walk with family, its nice and its together to do, if i do yoga, my kid tried and woble eee yah. My hubby would say, ahhh so relieved and relaxed after one pose but I was just getting started and excited to get more exausted :)
The photo taken by Hip project, Bumped with them while walking before breakfast.
Unique, unity, unite
with love,

dad, dine, downtown

hocus pocus say dad, there it is your milk, we went for breakfast downtown, cool paper artist app :)
most of the photo of paper artist turn out satisfactory, i tend to print out to hang on my live timeline. hve u got so excited over something lately :) 
do, dress, date,

bond, brother, book

The bond between brother and sister is cherished by reading a book to baby sister Alhamdulillah.

tahu, tujuan, tenang


its really catch me went the status came up how to be cheerful to start the day. we need the purpose pushes to proceed... and of course passion and pray :)

Bila tahu apa yang diinginkan dan tujuan dan faedah untuk mendapatnya...dan berterus-terang pada diri dan pada orang lain kerana itu adalah doa, akan perasaan tenang dirasai kerana kita luahkan impian kita dan harap didengari oleh yang berkenaan :)

March 10, 2013


I cant take it anymore with the status start with "Dont". Why highlight dont, when you yourself dont know what to say about "do".  Can you start with " Do good and goodness will come..."

Please say "See the people who is nice  instead of see unlucky people is the people who dont".

She asked to unfriend friend, that means she asked to run from a problem, how can we unfriend a friend in a real world, theres always a solution of inner self.

March 9, 2013

across, ambition, achieve

I figure my past how I got the track the achievement of carreer.  It was easy, it was acrossed in my mind that i wanted to work like my aunty in a nice building. Go to work wearing nice clothing, having colorful collections of shoes. Not like my mom, though she was the boss, head of state government, it didnt get my attention with uniforms, white color shoes like school shoes. Whats in your mind is deep doa that you will achieved, think back, sure you have experienced the same.

Cita2, cakap, capai
With love,

focus, fascinate, fun

enjoy, enlighten, energy
6 months old 
2.5 years old 
2.5 years old 
love, love, love. 

March 8, 2013

show, sister, scenery

senyum, sedekah, syukur

Salam Jumaat untuk kawan-kawan bloggy, 3 perkataan memudahkan ingatan saya sendiri :) Memberi senyuman adalah sedekah pada sesiapa yang kita jumpa sudah pasti menyenangkan hati dan memberi getaran positif persikitaran. Moga hari ini kita selamat melalui hari dengan penuh ceria dan diberkati dan bersyukur dapat berkongsi...

Hari ini saya ingin menyampai hajat untuk bersedekah, kalau ada yang memerlukan dan suka dengan baju di gambar atas dan ingin memiliki sendiri atau untuk kawan-kawan yang ingin baju, sila comment dan sebut jika ingin komen tidak dipublishkan. (untuk kawan-kawan dari negara yang sama dulu).

Caring, Charity, Caress

The nurturing of caring, it takes action always towards parents, friends, kids, children, loved ones. Giving with sincerity is a charity itself, tame hearts with honesty and sincerity could caress hearts from a distance, InshaaAllah.

give, grace, gifts
with love,

March 7, 2013

vision, verses, victory

Semasa hantar anak, kami dua beranak dengar lagu yusuf islam, lirik lagu sangat menarik mengingatkan "Just read Qur'an, pray to Allah, on that you can depend on...If something disturb...Just say A'uzubillahiminashaitonirajim...
Jadi, saya mula ada visi ingin lebih memahami surah al-Quran, terbuka muka surat Surah 5-Al-Ma'idah 5:6 O you who believe! When you prepare for prayer, wash your faces and your hands (arms)to the elbows, rub your heads (with water) and wash your feet to the ankles. If you are in a state of ceremonial impurity, bathe your whole body. But if you are ill, or on a journey and you find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth.
yang lebih menarik Allah does not wish to place you in a difficulty but to make you clean and to complete His favour to you, that you may be grateful.

Terus membaca lagi menerima yang terbaik tertulis 5:7 And call in remembrance the favour of Allah unto you, His covenant, which He ratified with , when you said: "We hear and we obey and fear Allah, for Allah knows well the secrets of your hearts"

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, apabila kamu hendak mengerjakan sembahyang (padahal kamu berhadas kecil), maka (berwuduklah) iaitu basuhlah muka kamu, dan kedua belah tangan kamu meliputi siku, dan sapulah sebahagian dari kepala kamu, dan basuhlah kedua belah kaki kamu meliputi buku lali; dan jika kamu junub (berhadas besar) maka bersucilah dengan mandi wajib; dan jika kamu sakit (tidak boleh kena air), atau dalam pelayaran, atau salah seorang dari kamu datang dari tempat buang air, atau kamu sentuh perempuan, sedang kamu tidak mendapat air (untuk berwuduk dan mandi), maka hendaklah kamu bertayamum dengan tanah - debu yang bersih, iaitu: sapulah muka kamu dan kedua belah tangan kamu dengan tanah - debu itu. Allah tidak mahu menjadikan kamu menanggung sesuatu kesusahan (kepayahan), tetapi Ia berkehendak membersihkan (mensucikan) kamu dan hendak menyempurnakan nikmatNya kepada kamu, supaya kamu bersyukur.

The vision of us perform prayers, read Al-Quran and understand the meaning. It is total victory easily to achieve.

Tahfiz, Tafsir, Teach, if only Tahfiz school is also teaching Arabic so that they understand while citing, that's amazing...

Godwill, Goodness, Get,
with love,

March 6, 2013

mission, mosque, malaysia

one's mission who travels and appreciates the masjid around the world had built a park named taman tamadun Islam in kuala terengganu the mission to share with Malaysians how each masjid of other countries look like, when and how they were built. this must take into account, appreciate and admire the effort. I have the passport (the entry ticket) if any of you want it, let me know :)
pray, place,praise
with love,

March 5, 2013

wander, wall, window

I wander to Publika from Traders Hotel, stopped at Mandarin Oriental. The wall is an attraction itself. The right photo taken can be printed out as a live window view.

Traders Hotel, KL

Mandarin Hotel 

painting, paste, print
with love


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