
July 27, 2021

Apple Pie

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah:) English version and one minute video below:)

Crustnya tak cukup diolah bagi cukup

Video dari crush epal di potong ke pai.  Panik juga bila pastri mengering. Beranyam lagi untuk tutup pai. 

The dough from puffs is still in the fridge. Bring it out to soften. I was aware that the puff's filling is finish. Thinking of to do something with it like apple pie. Search easiest recipe for apple fillings. Most of the recipe of fillings need to cook in a pot like making jam. So I tried to prepare items that need to boil on stove. Anyway start with wash apple with vege wash, then cut the apple to small pieces, not really diced. While the crust is getting set on cupcakes tray. 

An apple and 6 pie cups are ready on the tray, was assuming an apple is enough. Cut apple mix with 1 table spoon of raisins, while adding 1 spoon of cinnamon, the crusts are getting drier. So we put oil, there no way to knead again the dough. Thats when I think there's no time to cook the fillings. Had to be creative to take it a short cut. Logically, the fillings need to be cooked while in the oven. If i put honey the whole pie would be sweet. Moreover it is a hot day, I find uneasy to eat honey in such a weather. I have ran out of time, so didnt cook corn flour to pour in the mixed apple. Somehow I dont trust the crusts as it might not stand the water. So the recipe is an apple that already cut, add a tablespoon butter, Yes butter will cook the apple while melting the two tablespoon brown sugar. It will be caramelised. Juice apple coming out the crusts stay crunch not soggy.  The situation becomes not calm because of limited items available. If it spoiled, its not ok not to cry over the spilt milk. Somehow "a voice said its ok to let the items all to be cooked in his tummy." See they are waiting to eat and want so much to have it.. Mix well the fillings and spooned out and put in the pie cup. Cover them with extra crusts. Place them in the oven, bake in 180°C for 15 minutes. Grateful it turned out nice and tasty, the crusts are stable, after a bite didnt break, second bite, it hold strong juicy fillings, and crunchy too. Alhamdulillah. 

Happy greetings to all. 

Adunan kulit karipap yang tak habis disimpan di  dalam peti sejuk. Rasa inti karipap dah habis. Teringat pai epal, cari resepi yang paling simple di internet  Kebanyakkan inti epal perlu di masak. Jadi buat persediaan untuk masak intinya. Potong epal bersaiz kecil, tidak mendadu sangat. Kulit pai juga di canai dan di letak dalam tray cupcake.

Epal sebiji, pai kelonsongnya ada enam,  sesudu besar kismis. Sesudu serbuk cinnamon, alamak! Crusts kulit pastry tu mengering, sebab ambil masa menyediakan isi tu. Letak minyak pula di kulit pastri. Nak uli semula, tak kuasa. Rasa dah tak da masa nak masak epal bagai, terpaksa ambil jalan pendek, secara logiknya isinya mesti mendidih semasa dalam ketuhar tu. Jika letak madu, manis kerana epal dah manis juga kismis. Disebabkan kesuntukkan tak jadi bancuh tepung jagung untuk  campur dengan epal, kulit karipap tu pun tak pasti tahan air ke tidak. Jadi sebiji epal, dipotong kecil, sesudu besar mentega, ya mentega dapat memasak epal dan 2 sudu besar gula perang yang dimasak akan jadi caramel, jus epal dah berair melembutkan inti. Disebabkan bahan ada sikit, jika tak menjadi memang sayang dan rugi, tapi terdengar suara cakap, OK je  biar masak dalam perut  pun takpe. Hati ni lagi la rasa, risau, dah ada yang menunggu ni nak makan pai epal. So gaul bahan yang disebut, kalau ada serbuk buah pala, lagi omputih rasanya heee.. Kaut epal yang digaul sebati, masukkan dalam cawan pai. Potong lebihan kulit anyamkan atas pai, panaskan ketuhar, 180°C selama 15 minit. Pai epal masak dengan eloknya, sedap, pastrinya stabil, tak pecah selepas beberapa gigitan., inti berjus sedap, kulit pun lembut ada kerangupannya tak ketara. . Alhamdulillah.

Salam bahagia. 

Oats Porridge / Bubur Oats

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah:) English version and one minute video below:) 

Sukatan yang betul untuk buat oats ni.. 

Mudah prosesnya tapi tetap satu persatu jugak, slow ja video tapi menjadi

The easiest breakfast is taking bread for breakfast. Coffee brewed put side by the breakfast saucer. Take bread and dip in coffee.  Once in the blue moon, actually supposedly as often as possible, taking oatmeal is always better. Waking up to a nice morning but finding it hard what food to make is first world problem too. 

Begins with boil water, if coway water just press red in, otherwise take kettle and heat the amway filtered water. Grab the oats jar, spooned the oats. The video taken, I took 7 table spoon of instant oats. Pour hit water at the oats' level in the bowl. Turned out so thick hard to drip in hehe.. After this, I measure 5 spoons are good enough for instant or rolled oats. More oats, less water, it happens sometime, pour skin milk settles the challenge of the day hehe.. 

Now can starts with topping, put in nicely as its easier to recognise whats eaten. As for tomorrow, could alternate cut fresh fruits. The varieties motivate us to take oatmeal as often. Sometimes, for some said the tumny feel not tight or full with soft food in the morning.  Takes time to get used to the eat clean low calaries. On the side, try to take a slice of bread, or else wait for awhile for the oats to absorb, sure feel fillings for hours. InshaAllah

Send prayers and love to our parents or loved ones. InshaAllah. 

Yang paling mudah untuk bersarapan ialah dengan roti kosong. Kopi dibancuh letak tepi, ambil roti cicah. Tetapi bukan sesekali sepatutnya seselalu buat oats itu yang terbaik. Bangun pagi pun macam masalah dunia juga memikirkan apa nak makan. 

Masak air, kalau guna Coway tak adalah kena masak air tapi jika guna Amway kenalah panaskan air hehe.. Yang mana bagus diantara.. Air dah panas, ambil mangkuk, hari yang video diambil ni, terletak 7 sudu besar instant oats, air panas sama paras oats, pekat jadinya, selepas video, berganjak ke sukatab 5 sudu saja tak kira rolled atau instant. So terbanyak oats dan kurang air, susah juga nak telan, tapi tuang susu selesai terus cabaran dihadapi. 

Mulalah decor toppings kalau tidak susah nak perasan apa yang dah letak atau belum, nampak begitu boleh esok letak potongan buah pula.  Jadi ada pelbagaian topping baru rasa nak makan oats harian. Rasa kurang kejap perut bila makan lembut pagi-pagi. Nak biasa tu ambil masa, maka makan juga sekeping roti. Tunggu sekejap untuk ia kembang dalam perut, kenyang inshaAllah.

Dan Tuhanmu telah perintahkan, supaya engkau tidak menyembah melainkan kepadaNya, dan hendaklah engkau berbuat baik kepada ibu bapa.. (Surah Israa:23)

Kirim doa, cinta kepada yang tersayang, ibubapa. InshaAllah. 

Karipap's fillings / Inti Ayam

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah:) English version and one minute video below:)

Video legend masa pertama kali buat karipap 

Masak intinya, proses kulitnya, adoi sado terus kejap.. 

Homemade Chicken Puff fillings recipe was modified to the steak taste. The taste is similar to pie's fillings. The most delicious ever tasted. The crust was mix unmixed like pie pastry. The texture was perfect but hard handling. When frying the crust, it tends to break. So replacing from butter to margerine, back to brand, comes another are the caused. Usually when the process of puff begins, plans made. When the fillings done, continue with the crust. The crust need to be made by small batches ad small quantity is easy to knead, roll flat not time consuming. Having few reacts like appetizer before the main course, tendency to look for more but theres none left.  The solution is to make it as often, so its not awe as first, second or third. Tips : It is better to dice small chicken meat then use minced. As it tastes better as ths juice comes out while munching and grind it. 

250gm ayam kisar

10 pcs garlic

1 big onion diced

Salt as to taste

Carrot 1 medium size, diced 

Ginger 2 in (mash) 

Pepper to taste

Italian herbs

1 potato diced small. 

Fry in a pan or pot. 

May we count our blessing. 

Karipap homemade ni dimodified rasanya ala steak. Citarasanya yang seakan pie. Memang tersedap yang pernah rasa. Kulit karipap diolah resepi campur-campur macam pie. Teksturnya ranggup tapi mengendalikannya agak sukar. Bila digoreng mudah pecah. Jadi ditukar mentega ke majerin dan jenama juga menjadi asbab. Biasa perancangan dibuat, sebelum karipap dimula, buat intinya dulu, kulitnya kemudian. Kulitnya juga dibuat secara kecil-kecilan, sebab kecil quantiti ulinya lebih mudah, canainya sekejap. Makannya bagai pembuka selera (appetizer). Nak lagi dah habis sekelip mata. Solusinya selalu  buat jadi mangli...  Tips: daging ayam dipotong dadu lebih sensasi bila digigit dari daging kisar,  tak rasa sangat bila pepak. 

250gm ayam mince neat

10 ulas bawang putih

Bawang besar potong dadu

Garam secukup rasa

Carrot 1 sedang2, potong dadu

Halia agak 2 inci (tumbuk) , lada hitam secukup rasa

Italian herbs

Kentang 1 biji, potong dadu, 

Masak dalam pan atau pot pun ok je. 

Moga kita syukuri nikmatnya. 


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