
June 26, 2014

Teguran / Advice

english version below

Bila dapat tahu ada gabungan franchise sekolah daerah lain dengan sekolah Faiq, perasaan saya menjadi tak menentu tertanya ada kebaikkan atau tidak dengan murid makin ramai ni...

Saya mengimbas kembali awal tahun ni, ada guru yang berhenti kerja di sekolah itu sebab bahagian pengurusan yang tidak memuas hati, dan memberitahu bahawa ramai yang tak menghantar budak-budak di situ. Oleh sebab demikian sekolah itu kosong, memang saya nampak perubahan di rak kasut pun sudah menunjuk murid sangat kurang.

Bila hantar Faiq pada awal tahun ni memang guru akan datang memberitahu itu ini tentang Faiq..."saya ni baru ja melatih minda untuk pandai tengok hikmah dari teguran, tengok kebaikan atas situasi...

Saya mengaku dalam perbualan dengan guru tapi pasti menghabiskan ayat.."yang penting kita memupuk minat Faiq ke sekolah"...dan guru setuju...

Hari ni...saya dapati rak kasut penuh sampai melimpah ke lantai...punya ramai murid...rasa sedih pulak...
mungkin guru pun tak sempat nak perhatikan Faiq lagi...

Setiap teguran saya ambik tindakkan...tak pernah terlintas Faiq baru nak masuk empat tahun, guru dah nak suruh dia itu ini...saya anggap Faiq mesti kena boleh juga...bagi ajaran dengan teladan...

contoh...Buat apa weekend...Faiq mungkin tak pasti apa weekend.. terangkan... atau berlakun dengan suami soal jawab ini...

sampai Faiq ada kemahiran mendengar... masa 3 tahun lebih...dia akan tanya "So how baby"  bila keadaan yang kelam kabut tanya saya,  itu soalan saya pada suami hehe...biasa la bila howw babyyy hehe...(macammana ni sayang)

sambung soalan weekend tu jawaban Faiq ialah...went to the town house  pegi ke "rumah pekan"...mungkin guru tak faham sebab kami panggil rumah maktokwan ni rumah town house... saya ingat lagi anak buah saya kata hotel rumah condominium/aparment tu:) Bergantung pada persepsi seseorang cakap murid-murid pergi tesco, aeon...Faiq lain macam duduk kat rumah tapi dia perbetulkan bukan tapi..rumah lain...

Saya latih minda bersyukur bila menerima teguran (apa orang kata ni) sebab mata mana lagi boleh tolong tengok kalau bukan kawan-kawan, guru-guru yang saya hormati...jadi terima kasih kepada mereka nampak juga kebaikkan kita atau sebaliknya.... ya bila sebaliknya susah skit kan...yang ni membuatkan kita lebih tabah dengan tindakkan, ringan ja menerima..bila tahu solusi...latihan minda perlu lebih..

Ingin naik sebelum matahari...


English Version
When they acknowledge me that the other part of the town's school franchise had merged with Faiq's school, my mind divided itu goodness or otherwise..with increament numbers of kids.

Flashing back early this year, there were teachers back off and left the school due to the unsatified management system, even told me that I could see the only few kids there. Infact the shoe rack showed the few numbers..

When sending Faiq in the morning, sure the teacher came told this and that about Faiq..that he supposed to do this above his age or at his age...everytime I knotting head but ending with saying, we must make him love school anyway...( at that time i started train my mind to see good things of any situation...)

Today I realised that shoe rack are fulled and filled the floor too with many sadden me that I figure there is some adjustment on teacher parent communication would be less as lack of focus and time on Faiq...

Every advice I took it with action, it didn't crossed in mind that Faiq was just turning 4, was ok for him to be like that, he had to move further i figure, with teaching by parents as role model, by action for him to observe and do with thinking..

Example ...Where did you go during the weekend...maybe Faiq was not familiar with the word we explained to him...infact we husband and wife acted like we teacher and kid, to demo it to him...sometimes he imitate us..."so how baby" the question i asked husband at sighing time...

answered Faiq was went to the house or town house...we know this because we call it grandys house is town house so he pick it up..I remember my nephew called condominum or apartment, hotel...different perseption to accept..

Teacher told us like other kids anwers are Tesco, aeon but Faiq's kind of the staying in the house..

I train my mind to be grateful receiving advise as ( what people say) as where could I possibly find eyes that could see the good and bad in us... if not friends, family, teachers that i respect...when receiving goodness is easy instead of the other way round...but that is the training all about...the strength developed...

I want to rise before the sun...


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