
April 19, 2014

karaoke / G2000

sempat lagi mama berkaraoke malam annual dinner. Lagu umbrella lagi. You have my heart.
saya grab mic dan nyanyi, staff company yang practice pun tak jadi nyanyi. saya cari gak lagu sebelum tu ingat nak nyanyi lagu Taylor Swift sampai Faiq bole hafal dah lagu I wanna know you better know now. malam tu saya pakai tudung hajaba, china mai blaus, pants G2000 sedekah preloved dari Director company tu sendiri, siap beliau cakap Familiar seluar tu heee :)

emak saya enjoy my show tu yang penting heee.

i sang umbrella at annual dinner. i wore  head wear Hajaba, china come blouse and pants  G2000 hand down from the company Director, when she saw she said very familiar pants heee :)

mom enjoy most the my show :))

pesanan emak / mom's message

coffee or tea?

semalam saya tweet tentang doa yang makbul dengan hayati hajat dihati baru doa dimakbul, saya cuba dpt anak makbul, sebab yakin dan rasa boleh jadi ibu. tapi untuk jadi kaya belum dimakbulkan mungkin saya tak boleh rasa dan tak reti nak jadi kaya kut :)

teringat emak pesan
emak ingatkan kami untuk berfikiran besar dan layan diri kelas pertama.

bila keluar makan emak akan ingatkan untuk berusaha untuk jadi kaya supaya bila nak order makanan boleh tengok descripsi menu tu sendiri dari terpaksa lihat harga dulu sperti emak biasa order sky (jus langit)/ air kosong bila di hotel besar.

english version
I tweeted about wishes granted. when i asked to have kids i feel and confident that i can be a mother. but to doa to be rich it is not smooth as i dont know how to feel rich like mother comes in instinct. thats why it is yet to be granted

remind me of my mother ask us to think big and treat ourselves first class.

when in a restaurant mom would remiind us to give efforts to be rich  so that when we read menu descriprtion can order straight unlike mom look at the price first to place order and end up having plain water or skyjuice at big hotels.

thoughts / nota

before sleep its a ritual to cite doas, remind the believes, refresh the mind.and relax the soul to wake up for tahajud with His permit♡

sebelum tidur mendoakan menguatkan kepercayaan, merehatkan minda dan menenangkan jiwa supaya lebih bertenaga
bertahajud dengan izinNya ♡


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