
October 1, 2014

Kenduri /Done it well

Assalamualaikum / Peace be upon you all dearies,

Aqiqah dah selesai tu memang lega, jemputan cuma sedara/rakan/jiran terdekat kerana sebahagian kambing di hantar ke masjid Kota Damansara. Kebetulan di situ ada majlis tazkirah. Syukur sangat kambing sangat sedap, ada yang makan tunduk tak berdongak ke atas langsung...time nak balik pun ada yang minta kambing saja, kalau yang lain takut tak habis.

Tergeraknya saya untuk beraqiqah ni, biar la satu rahsia dulu, tak tahu la pula nak cerita, tapi rasa nak buat kerana terlalu bersyukur keranaNya :) Persediaan saya sangat macam main masak-masak bekas yang comel-comel tak sangka kenduri di rumah yang tak besar kurang sesuai. Bagaimanapun ada menyediakan teh tarik, meja 6' dan meja makan sedia ada, tetamu selesa melepak membuka cerita rasa kepuasan juga.
Cutlery semua di sini

Dalam keluarga, saya yang pertama buat aqiqah berdoa di rumah, jadi ada kekurangan kerana tak biasa, sambil ambil keberkatan dari kenduri ini dan juga mengharapkan lebih fokus kepada Fadya kami buat keputusan jemput Ustaz ke rumah dan terharu Allah aturkan Fadya dengar doa itu dan selepas kenduri pandai dia berAmin pula, kalau di masjid, tak pasti la dia macamana sebab dia bukan baby lagi :). Walaupun aqiqah sudah selesai, saya tetap berhati-hati dalam semua hal, dan terus berdoa.

kain meja menjadi tema kut, meja bole lipat
English version
Grateful gathering has been done well, we felt relief, small invitation was made as the rest of the goat had been sent to the nearest mosque. It is coincidence that at the mosque had a function so there are many people could enjoyed the lamb. Thankful that the goat was so good, some bend their head having it without turn right, up or left. Even some had asked for goat to take home.

Way in the beginning why aqiqah was crossed in my mind because I realised but then let it
sempat jugak bercupcake :)
be a secret first, I myself not sure how to start but out of gratefulness for a Him. My preparation was like play toys home and kitchen, all the containers were small not suitable for amount of visitors came and for the size of the house. managed to put a dsix feet table with the ready dinner table made the guest sit and chit chat everything up. raise some satisfaction at least.

In my family, I am the first to do kenduri or grateful gathering for doa took place at home, so there are many downside and upside of it, coz never done it, while hope for blessing and prayers to focus on Fadya, we decided to invite Ustaz home, Allah had shown that Fadya was at peace to hear the doas for her, if it was in the mosque not sure how to handle her coz Fadya is an exploring baby :)
Even that had done well, I will make sure to be extra careful and give continuous doas.


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