
April 22, 2014

cara faiq mengajak / faiq's way to ask

 "Faiq cakap jom naik kereta, lepas tu pusing jalan ni (ke kiri). Saya dah agak apa  mesej faiq ni, saya tanya lepas pusing pergi mana? pergi ke rumah, rumah maktok sambung Faiq. Rasa geram tengok dia terang dekat papa dia pun sama. mungkin heran kami tak kemana pun.

chit chat

" Faiq said lets go to the car, and go this way (to the left). i can sense what he means i asked him then we go to where? he continues go to the house, to maktok's house. so cute to see how he explained to his papa too. might be he wonders why we dont go anywhere now.

nafas sambil gerak/ breathe as you stretch

4 mo with helper

berdiri tegak, bernafas sambil mengimbang berat badan, tangan kanan memegang ibu jari kaki kanan sambil mengangkat ke kanan.  rasa renggangan di bahagian bawah peha, bernafas. mata tumpu pada ibu hari supaya lebih stable.

biar tubuh bergerak posisi lain sambil bernafas. minda menerima
tips : untuk permulaan lakukan di tepi dinding / first do against the wall
photo from

stand upright, right hand grab right toe, breathe at the samtime synchronise movements.
balance body weight on one leg, look to the front or toe. feel the stretch under the thigh. breathe. stronger hand as it hold the the weight of the leg. focus to stay stable.

let's body move differently as we breathe. mind received


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