
August 14, 2021

Super Ring for Movie "Togo" the leadership spirit Dog

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video below :) 

Siap super ring, buah oren dan cawan-cawan diisi air untuk nonton

Togo keletihan untuk meneruskan misi penting

Last night we had movie night. We watched a 'based upon a' true story movie, about a dog with leadership spirit named Togo. Togo lived with a maried couple in Alaska which bred and trained sled dogs. The village was hit by Diphtheria bacteria which attacked mostly kids. 

The master of Togo, Seppala volunteered to get the serum to the hospital for curing the disease, which was about 680 miles away round trip.

Togo was a hyperactive puppy is the beginning, they thought they couldn't cope with such behavior. They gave him away but he always find a way to escape and came back where he always felt faithful and belonged to the couple. The wife was trying to keep Togo but the husband on the other hand try to get rid of Togo. In the end, it turned out that Togo is great lead dog for the sled ride. Togo was already 12 years old when they need his service to lead in sledge during heavy snow and winter storm. The wife reluctant to let them go but the husband had no choice and get Togo to lead to the place where the serum was available. 

There were many rest points to go the main destination and come back to the hospital where the serum should be ended. 

Since Togo was an old dog, he still determined to finish the mission. He was lacked of energy at the second last destination, and he has to stop and other dog Balto had to continue the mission. Sadly, other dog had the name when the serum arrived, with the press was ready there to record the history of the arrival of the serum. 

Happy Saturday❤️

Semalam kami menonton filem berdasarkan cerita benar mengenai seekor anjing yang berjiwa kepimpinan bernama Togo. Togo tinggal dbersama pasangan suami isteri di Alaska. Ia dibesarkan dan dilatih untuk menjadi anjing sled. 

Kampung Togo dikejutkan dengan serangan bakteria Dipththeria dimana mengancam hanya nyawa kanak-kanak. Tuan Togo, Seppala, secara sukarela mengambil serum di hospital yang jauh., dianggar 680 batu dari kampung mereka. Demi nyawa kampung, seppala dan Togo redah ribut salji.

Togo adalah seekor anak anjing yang hyperaktif pada mulanya, dimana mereka tidak sanggup memelihara anjing berkelakuan demikian. Mereka serahkan Togo kepada orang yang sanggup menjaganya. Akan tetapi Togo mencari jalan unyuk melepaskan diri, dan kembali ke pangkuan yang ia kenali semasa dilahirkan. Si isteri mencuba sedaya upaya untuk membela Togo tetapi si suami ingin melepaskanya. Akhirnya, terserlah yang Togo adalah seekor anjing bersemangat dengan kepimpinan yang tinggi. Ia dilahirkan seekor anjing yang berada didepan untuk meminpin 6 ekor anjing-anjing yang di belakang. Tiba masanya mereka terpaksa mengguna khidmat Togo untuk membawa Tuannya ke  bandar mengambil serum. Mereka tidak begitu yakin kerana Togo sudah berumur 12 tahun, masa yang sama mereka tiada pilihan dalam keeadaan terdesak menyelamatkan kanak-kanak dijangkiti bakteria. 

Dalam perjalanan terdapat  beberapa tempat berhenti rehat ke destinasi dan kembali ke hospital dimana berakhirlah misi mereka. 

Walaupun Togo seekor anjing yanv tua, ia masih bersemangat untuk melengkapkan misinya untuk memgambil serum pembunuh bakteria. Sedihnya, Togo kekurangan tenaga semasa mereka sampai di destinasi yang kedua akhir. Juga Tuannya pun lemah. Togo terpaksa berhenti berehat, dan terpaksa serahkan tugasnya kepada anjing lain yang dibeti nama Balto untuk menyelesaikan misinya ke hospital iaitu hanya satu tempat lagi sahaja. Togo tidak berdaya lagi. 

Sedih teramat sedih bila Balto yang diberi pengiktirafan dan disambut ramai dengan pemberita, serta jurugambar merakamkan saat bersejarah semasa ketibaan serum di hospital itu. SubhanAllah.

Sangat tersentuh dengan kejadian yang seakan kehidupan manusia harian. Sedih hingga kami terus search ceritanya lagi di net.  Filem keluaran Disney. 

Salam Sabtu ❤️

Sandwich green and orange :)

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video below :)

Potong kecil-keil, pada firasat nak ulang makan

Tiga lapis lagi kenyang, tapi hanya letak 2 lapis 

In this week we ate sandwich. We have the ingredients but l feel like eating the ingredients just like that. But be reminded that eating them alone will not be satisfying or fufilling. In the beginning, we ordered avocados, 3 pieces in a packet. Planned to plant them, yet the seedings are still sitting by the sink. It seemed we cannot be farmers as yet. 

So here we go, prepared with slice of bread. Little bit of sauce only to avoid the taste go over the top. As seen in the restaurant or on the net  they add scrambled eggs, it would be three layers of color ie: yellow (eggs) , green (avocado) and orange (salmom) . After the breads, I placed the sliced of smoked salmon then cut avocado. The taste of the individual items will still have a lasting lingering final taste. Unlike how we eat rice with squid, we would finished the rice first and kept the squid aside, then eat squid only and tasted solely squidy. A trait brought forward from our chilhood past - 'save the best for last' 

I've also put up the photo of flowers that are neatly placed on the pot's plate as to invite butterflies, Yet only pesky snail tried hard to climb up for the feast. SubhanAllah. 


Dalam minggu ini ada termakan sandwich lagi.  Order avocado, datangnya 3 biji, cadang nak tanam dengan biji benih dari buah yang sudah dimakan. Tapi ia masih jadi hiasan di tepi sinki. Bahan-bahan yang menarik begini rasa nak makan begitu sahaja. Perlu diingat bila ratah sahaja takkan kenyang. 

So pengorbanan berlaku. Terpaksa sediakan dua keping roti,  pengalas iaitu sos dan butter disapu nipis-nipis, lepas itu letak smoked salmon, biasa di dalam menu restoran atau net, ada yang tambah telur hancur. tiga  lapis jadinya. Setelah fikir masak-masak tak nakla, nak rasa avocado dan ikan semangga-mangga.

Sos pun letak sikit, memang suka rasa asli bila sesuatu yang lazat, macam makan sotong atau udang, kita letak asing hingga nasi habis baru bau dan kunyah pelahan-lahan sotong tu kan. Teringat zaman kanak- kanak, 'simpan yang sedap untuk penghabisan' 

Saya lampirkan foto bunga-bunga yang diletak atas piring pasu untuk mrnjemput rama-rama tapi siput slow and steady usaha memanjat untuk  datang kenduri bunga :) 

Moga kita aman dan damai sentiasa. ❤️

August 13, 2021

Sotong Kangkung Recipe | Squid Salad

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

Pensediaan dengan menunggu selalu terkantoi. 

Sabar itu, separuh dari iman, jadi teruskan hingga sotong kembang

Waiting to get ready is such a pain. 'Paitence is half of iman' as one hadith said; Therefore, I continue to wait till the dried cuttlefish rehydrates. 

The feeling of going to Penang Island, and lavish the famous dish at Gurney Drive hawker center, none other than Sotong Kangkung. The adventurous feeling of going thru and fro' from the hotel to the eatery via trishaw is memorable luxe.

Talking about Kangkung brought me back to my childhood memory about a story from my mom hiding in a river using Kangkung stalk as an air passage enabling her to stay long enough without loss of breath.  Such an amazing and unique discovery of people in oldies. Whilst we think of eating, even during processing. Not even looking at it closely. If I ever have a chance show the kids how a kang kung plants look like. Oh! for a sake of eating, too focused.. hehe. 

We bought the water crest. Once the kangkung brought in the house, I stood up and took out the dried squid, soak in abu water, soak it for at least 5 hours before the pieces rehydrate. You can also get them ready at wet markets.

I had second thought and end-up keeping the soaking squid in a container with lid instead. I couldn't stand the strong smell which was so inviting to pests I guess. I even recite the Ayatulkursi to prevent any critters from coming, and go far away instead. The next day, the processed continues. I washed the squid and boiled it as well as the green vege, tossed and cut them to bite size. 

Place the green first, cut squid on top, the last but not least the sauce. The sauce  was made out of a fruit sauce called rojak gravy which has prawn paste as one of the ingredient.  I mixed rojak gravy 2 tbs, chillie sauce, tomato sauce, soy sauce and chunked nut to sprinkle and also roasted sesame. Not forgetting malacca sugar. 

Cuttlefish and water crest gravy recipe

2 pieces of dried cutttlefish

2 packs of Kangkung

2 tbs prawn paste or rojak gravy

1 tbs chillie sauce

1tbs tomato sauce

1 tbs soy sauce

1 tbs  brown sugar

Chunked fried peanuts

A bit of roasted sesame seeds 

Mixed well, or cook well. 

Sayang selalu,, ❤️

Perasaan siapa yang tak terbawa ke Pulau Pinang, ke medan makan di tepi laut.  Order air di  pintu lain, duduk di depan kedai lain, kenalah rajin ber-'catwalk' ke sana sini di Gurney Drive. Cekup beca, balik hotel, mewah rasa.

Bila bercakap tentang kangkung, teringat emak cerita dia duduk dalam sungai, batang kangkung dijadikan salur udara, kan batang kangkung macam straw, berlubang di tengah.. Unik kan perjumpaan orang dulu-dulu! Manakala, kita ni nak makan ja, tak sempat nak belek-belek, sekurangnya tunjuk la kat anak mmm anak lidah, anak lidah..nak telan je hehe..

Kang kung di beli hari yang nak buat. Kang kung masuk dalam rumah ja, saya bangun keluarkan sotong kering yang dibeli tahun lepas. Buka plastik, ambil besen, letak 2 keping atau 2 ekor sotong kering dalam besen dan masukkan air abu, berapa liter, jap tanya pakar, dicampur air biasa., Rendam  selama 5 jam minima. Saya tukar dalam bekas yang ada penutup sebab tak boleh tahan baunya. Baca ayat kursi juga untuk hindarkan pest, makhluk perosak suka akan bau yang wangi biasa menjadi sasaran. Risau, proses sotong kangkung tetap diteruskan..

Esoknya baru dicuci, direbus. Kangkung juga begitu, dipotong bahagian akar, basuh, direbus asing. Isi sotong yang empuk, dipotong besar yang boleh masuk mulutkan. Sama untuk kangkung.

Untuk kuahnya, tiada petis udang, diganti denga kuah rojak madu, sos tomato, kicap manis, sos cili, gula melaka

Resepi kuah Sotong Kangkung

2 Bungkus kangkung

2 keping sotong kering

2 sb = sudu besar kuah rojak madu

1 sb sos cili

1 sb gula melaka

1 sb kicap

Kacang goreng tong heng (aci kan?) 

Sedikit Bijan disangai

Campur semua, mula nak masak. Tak jadi, semua sos, kalau petis tu kena masak. 

Berselera betulkan makanan orang asia ni. 

Love always❤️

Otak-otak Recipe

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video below :) 

Nak buka daun kelapa pun 

Satanya tak sesegar

During the first MCO, I was having problems wih Food Panda apps or portal. Local dish or small businesses are mostly are present in there. Adik loved and missed waffle from the kiosk, and sometime the tasty kaya balls. After we settled on the important matters, on the way home, we stopped by the kiosks place to fulfil adik wish. Looking at the place, the feeling to breathe fresh air became so clear and essential, suddenly:) 

We went out and order Fried banana cheese, Waffle with chocolate and peanut butter. Suddenly we saw Terengganu and Johor delights, we orderred Satar and Otak-otak. Unexpectedly, we stay longer when the latter food we ordered came ready first. We ate while waiting the other orders to be ready. After that moment, I was looking and asking for recipe of Satar and Otak-otak to make it at home. I had my first Sata at the Foodtruck Park at Jalan Ampang, and been loving it ever since. 

For the Karipap recipe, I asked from my aunty. As for Lempeng Pisang, I saw my uncle's recipe in a flight magazine. So we'll keep first the below Otak-otak recipe. 

Ingredients for grilled fish paste

2 tbs ground chillies

1/2 big onion

4 lemon grass

Buah keras or Candlenut 2 pcs

(grind the above and sauteed all with 2 tbs oil) 

Main ingredient

2 cups of ground fish

1 egg

1/2 - 1 cup of thick coconut milk

1 tbs tumeric powder. 

Pour coconut milk bit by bit make sure not so watery. 

2 tbs tepung jagung


Sauteed items mix with main ingredients. Salt and sugar to taste. The paste alike laid on the coconut leaves. 

Then, grilled for about 10 minutes I think. After I made some I will update the recipe here. 

Salam Friday with full barakah ❤️

Ketika PKP yang pertama, apps Foodpanda saya menghadapi masalah. Makanan lokal atau peniaga kecil lebih banyak di food panda berbanding portal lain. Adik suka waffle biasa tu yang kekadang bersebelahan dengan kaya ball. 

Selepss uruskan hal hal penting, kami singgah di warung untuk mengotakan permintaan adik. Bila tengok tempatnya, rasa nak hirup udara luar. Kami pun keluar, order Pisang goreng cheese, Waffle chocolate, ternampak pula Satar ikan, pertama kali makan Satar di food truck park kat Jalan Ampang tepi Ampang Park yang telah roboh tu. Sedapnya tak terhingga. Masa lalu di bawah pokok ternampak, order terus, sekali harung dengan Otak-otak. Cepat pula siap Otak-otak dibanding dengan pesanan yang lain. Sambil menunggu kami perkena dulu Otak-otak  dan Satar. 

Jadi saya tercari-cari juga resepi simple untuk dibuat sendiri. Resepi Karipap saya dapat dari mak cik. Resepi Lempeng pisang pula dapat dari Pakcik tapi bukan dari dia sendiri tapi resepinya tertulis di majalah lapangan terbang. (Flight magazine). Okaylah, kita simpan dan catat resepi otak-otak dulu. 

Resepi Otak-Otak

Bahan tumis:

2 sudu besar cili  - kalau nak pedas, boleh tambah

1/2 biji bawang besar

3-4 batang serai 

buah keras disebut kalau letak 2 biji

2 sudu besar minyak 

(untuk tumis, bahan di atas di mesin atau di kisar) 

Bahan utama:

2 cawan ikan di mesin halus 

saya cadang nak guna dory hehe.. 

1 biji telur 

1/2 – 1 cawan santan pekat 

Tuang santan sambil gaul  dan agak agar tak terlalu lembik. 

2-3 sudu besar tepung jagung

1 sudu besar serbuk kunyit. 


Bahan yang telah ditumis digaul dengan ikan dan campurannya.  

Gula dan garam secukup rasa.

Letak isi yang digaul sebati atas daun kelapa.

Bakar 10 minit atas bawah. Nanti saya cuba, baru tahu berapa lama.

Salam Jumaat yang penuh barakah InshaAllah. ❤️

August 12, 2021

Roti Jala - Rolled Crepe

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah:) 

English version and one minute video below :) 

Melipatnya pun dalam belanga

Menjala sakan hehe.. 

Now we know the name of a tea time meal originated from fishing net. The inspiration flowed down to homecooking with flour for tea time known as Roti Jala. As for me it's also called Roti Surai, a pancake or crepe type ingredient but using a special apparatus to get a 'fish net' type of looks, like a piece of crepe or pancake with lots of holes. 

On 8th Agust 2021 in history was the day we made roti jala not for the first time, but many times which occured continuous improvements. We've bought the plastic cup with holed legs a.k.a roti jala mould, as before we just settled out for a plastic cup poked with handmade holes.

I'm sure some people out there with good cooking skills that could produce fine roti jala. They could convert their homecooking skills into professional and commercialized this home dish. We had tasted some outside, saw in an outlet of a shopping mall that sold roti jala dish at RM14++ per set.  Five rolls of roti jala with a bowl of chicken curry. As for us, we do not  implement this as yet, will have to wait till we master it.

Back to our own made roti jala on Sunday, we didn't finish and kept them in the fridge. On Wednesday, we heated up, the roti jala still tasted good. 

It was a challenge making roti jala because we're not sure that the batter was liquidified enough. The tool was in hand, the pancake looked like a meal turnout rough, like it was cooked by KL gangster. Alhamdulillah we were full after giving our effort to make the drean come true. Didn't remember to tell the kids about our home meal is better than pizza. Adik tried a bit needs time getting used to the taste. InshaAllah. 

Assalamualaikum ❤️

Rupanya roti jala ni dapat dari inspirasi nelayan yang menjala ikan dengan jala. Tentulah jala itu satu alats atau perkakas penting untuk kaum nelayan. 

Pada 8hb Ogos 2021 hari Isnin dalam sejarah kami buat roti jala hehe.. Kalau pandai buat dan sejukkan sebab lebihan roti kami simpan di dalam peti sejuk dan makan hari Rabu 10 Ogos. Panaskan, masih lembut dan rasa sedap tapi rupa parasnya tak lah sesuai untuk dijual, idea je ada, biar yang pandai buat roti untuk menjamu keluarga atau jadi peniaga. Roti jala berset memang menjadi permintaan sekarang. Restoran Nyonya ada keluarkan Set Roti Jala, kari ayamnya biar pekat berlemak, bukan ceroi.  Harga mahal di restoran dalam mall, anggaran RM14 ++ dapat 5 gulung roti jala dengan semangkuk kari ayam. 

Cubaan  kami membuat roti jala penuh cabaran, dengan bekas kaki berlubang tu untuk surai bancuhan tepung roti surai atau jala. Saya panggil roti surai. Tak halus seperti roti jala orang, nampak macam KL gangster yang masuk dapur je hehe.. Tapi kenyanglah haritu setelah memasak, Alhamdulillah, lupa nak cerita dekat abang adik yang makanan minum petang kita ni lebih enak dari pizza. Adik rasa sikit, dia suka. 

Salam sejahtera❤️

Birds - not Food |Bukan makanan kucing

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video below :) 

Burung belaan adik menjadi sasaran

Bukan halau, tapi memberi amaran ja

A year ago, adik dreamt of a petting zoo themed birthday.  For the first time we were excited but for the second idea we became sceptical. 

Having other animals means that a double up on all housechores. Coincidently a month before, a mother cat came for visit, that was during school holiday. During that time we even had a staycation at the A'famosa resort. Our prayer stop at the nearby surau outside had us encountered with a couple of kitties, the surau goers even told us to take the kittens as they are strays. We didn't take the advice since we were on the way to the destination and not going back home. To make a long story short, we came home and saw a few stray kittens that are hanging around the house. Definitely they are the first member of the petting zoo. A few weeks later approching the party  date, we thought of adding some more member in the fish tank. There we went to a local petshop and ended up with two rabbits as they were offered so cheap, and two lovebirds (parakeets). At the beginning, we intended to give the birds back once the party is over. Eversince then, day by day, came up with the lockdown & MCO , the original plan has remain just a plan. Thought about the condition of the shop, the environment there is not natural for the pet to call home. The birds are not as brave and indie as the free ones. So the birds are still here and thats the main reason the fluffy tailed stray cat we called Cookie came by to aim or to admire,. I saw one morning Cookie erupted with her hunting instincts, targeting the birds, I screamed and nagged at her explaining the birds are not her food, she looked and seem understand and walk away, didn't take it to her heart and did came back  and well behaved after that. 

Stay calm❤️

Setahun yang lepas, adik mengimpikan hari jadi bertemakan zoo yang boleh dibelai, sebelumnya sudah meraikan majlis begitu. Yang pertama ibubapa yang lebih teruja, kali kedua mula dah cuak. Mempunyai haiwan lain bermakna bergandalah kerja-kerja rumah. Majlis yang lebih ke tema ladang, farm life gitu. Majlis yang kedua ni lebih ke belai membelai haiwan ala petting zoo. Kebetulan sebulan dua sebelum hari jadi adik, ada ibu kucing datang bertandang, pada cuti sekolah pada masa tu. Beberapa hari kemudian, kami pergi bercuti di A'famosa resort, terkenang riang masa abang adik menunggang gajah. Di perhentian sebelum sampai ke situ, kami singgah di surau kat kawasan kampung berdekatan, ada beberapa ekor anak kucing yang comel-comel belaka, orang yang keluar masuk surau situ cakap, boleh ambil anak kucing tu, sebab tidak bertuan. Pendek cerita kami tak ambil sebab bukan hala balik rumah, dan dalam kereta pun dah sendat. 

Sesampai kami dirumah, ibu kucing yang pernah bertandang tu sudah melahirkan beberapa anak kucing, kelabu, jingga dan hitam jika tak silap. 

Itulah permulaannya, anggota-anggota ahli petting zoo yang sedia ada. Kira jadilah mengelolakan majlis bertema petting zoo, ikan dalam balang pun tersergam boleh diperagakan. Seminggu dua buat  persediaan, disebutkan nak tambah ikan dalam akuarium, sekurang kurangnya boleh membahagiakan kanak-kanak yang bakal hadir. Punca ke kedai pet tu la terjebak 'terbeli pulak' burung-burung parakeet, arnab 2 ekor sebab peniaga bagi harga murah sesangat, kami pun ingat mudah, bawa balik ahli ahli keluarga baru ni. Asalnya cadang nak pulangkan butung kepada kedai tapi tup tup PKP, pastu fikir balik, burung di kedai kurang alam semulajadinya. Jadi di sini, kami cuba letak dekat dengan pokok. Pernah terlepas, tetapi burung belaan tak begitu lincah macam burung liar. Jadi itulah kucing ekor gebu di beri nama Cookie ini datang mengacau burung suatu pagi, saya jerit dan berleterlah dekat dia. Dengar, tumpu ja ia bagai memahami, terus pergi tetapi kemudiannya kembali tanpa mengusik burung burung itu lagi. SubhanAllah. 

Bawa-bawa bertenang ❤️


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