
July 24, 2024

Marble cake wt 3 tsb oil & less sugar | Simple dinner

Kek Marble & Dinner Ringkas

                        Simple Video

I was kind of reluctant to bake a cake with 3 eggs, yet I did it anyway 😅

Intrigued with 3 tbsp oil and less sugar which is 1/4 cup of sugar with 1 cup of flour.  

Have plenty of eggs in the fridge, l took out 3, and have my lil one to crack them all. 

Started whisking, add 1tsp baking powder, pinch of salt, 1 tbsp ovalet, 1 tsp vanilla, divide the batter in twos, add 1 tbsp cocoa  powder in one batter. Now it's ready to bake for 35 mins at 180°C temp.

While it's baking, back to real routine, already reached dinner time, For the main meal, I just prepared quesadilla with capsicums & spinach. 

That's the journal of dinner and dessert. 

Love ♥️

Saya macam separuh hati nak bakar kek dengan 3 butir telur, tapi terbuat juga..😅

Tertarik dengan 3 sb minyak dan kurang gula di mana 1/4 cawan gula dengan 1 cawan tepung.

Ada banyak telur di peti sejuk, saya keluarkan 3 biji dan adik tolong pecahkan semua. 

Mulalah putar, masuk 1 sk serbuk penaik, secubit garam, 1 sb ovalet, 1 tsp vanilla, bahagi adunan kepada dua, masuk 1 sb serbuk koko dalam satu adunan. Dah siap untuk dibakar selama 35 min dalam suhu 180°C. 

Semasa menunggu kek dibakar berbalik ke realiti. Tiba masa  makan malam, makanan ruji, Saya hanya sediakan quesadilla dengan cili benggala dan bayam.

Itu lah jurnal catitan makanan saya. 

Sayang ♥️


  1. Se ve tan rico . Gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso.

  2. Oh, so skilful of you to prepare quesadilla. I don't know what is quesadilla so I have to search online for the meaning. Must be tasty 😋

  3. Adalah baik to guna kurang gula untuk buat kek. Lebih sihat! 💪👍

  4. Great that you can enjoy healthier cakes with less guilt!

  5. sedap tu marble cake...

  6. Mudah je resepinya, almost semua bahan sedia ada di dapur ni 👍

  7. Awesome to see your creativity! The cake looks amazing!

  8. I'm curious to know why you are surprised that a recipe requires 3 eggs in its preparation?

  9. If you used fewer ingredients than necessary and the cake still turned out good, that's what matters 😂😅😂



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