
April 7, 2022

Nyonya Biscuits with Welcome Teas, Mee Rebus, Nasi Lemak Royal Kedah, Complimentary Coffee at Malacca |Biskut Nyona dengan Teh sambut tetamu, Mee Rebus, Nasi Lemak Royale Kedah, Kopi Komplimentari

Bahasa dan video pendek di bawah :)

English version and short video below:)

After we had Boost Juice, we went to Publika etc. the next day off to Malacca. 

| Setelah menikmati Boost Juice kami pergi Publika dll. Keesokkan hari baru pergi ke Melaka. 

Since I compiled the later photos of food, would U-turn after this hehe | Dah kumpul gambar makanan yang terawal sikit nanti belok U balik hehe

Arrived safely at Malacca the historical city, we went straight to find a hotel. The road structure in Malacca city mostly are one way; So, we drove from a circles before finally found the hotel. 

At the lobby we had Welcome Tea with Nyonya Biscuits but I used to call it 'biskut timbang'. Immediately I poured the tea from the majestic looking pot to the beautiful China cups, adik enjoyed opening the packets of different type of biscuits which were :

Pineapple Tart Biscuits

Colored Sugar Cookies

As for dinner, we planned to go out but dad wanted to eat Mee Rebus;  mee with beef gravy.  So, we ordered via Grab and ate at the library as a hotel has few designated rooms. By the way the restaurant opens at 7pm but we (my dad) couldn't wait. Stopped at the library ala reading room.

The next morning, I ordered Nasi Royale Kedah, coz the hotel didn't have room service, they only do delivery of food to room from the reception where the Grab dropped in. 

While waiting for the food I fixed myself the complimentary coffee with the coffee machine. So let all the tummies of the troop full, then only made our moved out and about. Where to? Brb To be continue.. :) 

Happy Thursday ❤️

Sampai di Melaka, bandaraya bersejarah, kami terus cari hotel. Struktur jalanraya di bandar ni kebanyakkannya sehala, buat laluan bulat pusing pusing barulah terjumpa hotel. 

Di lobby kami disambut dengan Teh dan biskut Nyonya, saya panggil biskut timbang, nostalgik. Terus tuang teh dari teko majestik ke cawan China comel. Adik suka buka  paket biskut, adala beberapa diantaranya ialah:

Biskut jem nenas

Biskut gula warna-warni

Untuk makan malam, kami rancang nak keluar, tapi bapa tak menyempat nak makan Mee Rebus. Saya pesan melalui Grab dan makan mee rebus di bilik bacaan. Hotel seakan mansion tu mempunyai berbagai bilik khas. Sebelum tu, restoran di hotel buka pukul 7 malam, tak dapatla menunggu. Makan je kat bilik ala perpustakaan. 

Bila pagi menjelang, saya pesan Nasi Lemak Royale Kedah  sebab hotel bagaikan rumah agam "mansion" tiada "room service". Cuma ada penghantaran ke bilik dari kaunter penyambut tetamu dimana Grab letak makanan di situ. 

Sementara menunggu makanan dihantar saya bancuh kopi complimentary dengan mesin kopi. Biar perut-perut angkatan  kenyang. Baru boleh keluar jenjalan. Ke mana ya? Tungguuu... Bersambung.. :) 

Salam Khamis ❤️

April 5, 2022

Top Commentator of March 2022


Bahasa di bawah dan tiada video kali ni :) 

English version as below and no video for this entry :) 

Appreciated so much to everyone who visited here | Hargai sangat setiap sahabat yang singgah sini

I chose one that has never been announced here yet in the top 5 of best 10 in the list. |

Saya pilih seorang yang belum pernah diumumkan di sini tapi 5 teratas dari 10 terbaik dalam senarai. 

Eventhough I don't announce it every month, please know that I love having all of you here. I know my entries, mostly about food that I learnt from the MCO era were non special or outstanding, yet friends here support me unconditionally. 

Since MCO, I realised that everyday is special, gratefully to record the memory when time permits Godwills. 

As I said earler, I started from a friend of top 5 and later on I would go to top 10, though as some names I anxiously excited to announce too. Perhaps next month, the month of celebration or the following months ahead would be kind of busy, hope I will manage anyway. 

Okay the time is here to announce the the winner of  top commentator is... First and foremost all praise to God, I love all of you, I want to mention all of you is the Winner. 

But for month of March, the winner is... is dear Blogger Angie of Angies Recipe - Taste of Home. Thank you for your visits, words, existent here and accepting my visits. Love all your post on good food and ambience of your living country.  

Hope you all the listed below (or not) to visit her and each other and I am sure you'll be delighted and inspired with her posts everytime.


Azhafizah MN


Angie's Recipe


Farrah FM


J. P. Alexander



As for Blogger Angie, please come forward to give details via my email And from there, we could discuss what you prefer to receive tangible gifts, even I'm not sure how to send to overseas but will figure it out :) 

Happy Wednesday ❤️

Walaupun saya tak umumkan setiap bulan, harap semua tahu yang saya berbesar hati menyambut kedatangan sahabat semua ke sini. 

Tahu la, entri saya berkenaan makanan yang saya mula dari era PKP tu tiada keistimewaan atau ketara lain dari lain tapi sahabat-sahabat tetap memberi sokongan padu tanpa syarat. 

Sejak PKP, saya sedar bahawa setiap hari itu adalah istimewa, bersyukur setiap rezeki dan rakam memori bila berkesempatan InshaAllah.

Seperti saya ungkapkan, saya mula dengan sahabat blogger dari senarai 5 teratas dan masa akan datang dengan tak sabarnya saya akan umumkan nama dari 10 senarai keatas pula. Mungkin bulan depan dimana bulan merayakan kemenangan selalunya sibuk sikit mungkin ke bulan lebih depan tapi akan saya usahakan. 

Okay, masa sudah tiba untuk mengumumkan Pemenang Komentator teratas ialah... Pertama dan diawali dengan Alhamdulillah, saya sayang anda semua, nak sebut yang anda semua ialah Pemenang. 

Tapi untuk bulan Mac ini, pemenangnya ialah.. Blogger Angie dari Angies Recipes - Taste of Home. Terima kasih blogger Angie keatas kedatangan, ayat-ayat ceria, selalu berada di sini. Suka semua post makanan dan suasana negara Blogger Angie.

Harap semua dalam senarai di bawah atau tidak, singgah blognya dan blog memasing. Pasti sahabat semua akan terhibur dan terinspirasi dengan postnya. 


Azhafizah MN


Angie's Recipe


Farrah MN


J. P. Alexander



Ya buat Blogger Angie, tolong tampil kedepan untuk memberi info melalui email Dari situ kita berbincang pilihan cara untuk menerima hadiah yang boleh dipegang ni, itupun saya tak pasti nak hantar keluar negara, kenalah belajarkan:) 

Salam Rabu ❤️

April 4, 2022

Grilled Fish Teriyaki and 33 beads bracelets for Zikir Counter | Ikan bakar berkicap dan 33 butir manik Tasbih

Bahasa dan dua video pendek di bawah :)

English version and two short videos below :)

Cooked fish and chicken for dinner, and made tasbih bracelets for goodies. | Masak ikan  dan ayam untuk makan malam, dan kemudian buat tasbih untuk dibuat cenderamata.

Two titles in a post as to finish up the photos which soon will be transfered to hard disk. | Dua tajuk sekali harung kali ini nak simpan sikit di sini seterusnya alih ke cakera keras hehe

Simple dinner served to lower the grocery budget and light for night sleep, one block of protein shared.

I made it nice as usually they tended to eat right there and then not finished fast.

Talked and ate till the end. But yet, there was leftover from adik. She has more liking to bread, and she had it just before evening. I even told her to be patient and not to eat bread again til' the night meal.

I got caught again in beadings, I know some don't like it when I am in a 'quiet' mode with my hobby hehe..

I made sure that I've settled the housechores, fed everyone and then only sat quietly in my own world.

Still figuring out when is the best time to have the art and craft time, before bedtime or just squeeze in whenever in the mood.

That's all for updates on light dinner most of time to rotate bread or pasta and having left my old hobby and found it back. The bracelet also acted as Zikir Counter as goodies if anyone interested :) some had even passed to their relatives and acquaintances. 

Happy Tuesday ❤️

Hidangan makan malam yang mudah untuk mengurangkan bajet barangan makanan dan pengambilan ringan (kurang portion)atau tukar pasta atau roti untuk malam hari. Seketul protin yang dikongsi bersama. 

Saya membuatnya seperti selalu, mereka makan tak menyempat juga cuma tak  pula laju menghabiskannya. .

Berbual dan makan hingga kehujung. Tapi masih ada baki makanan dari adik. Dia lebih minat makan roti dan baru lepas makan roti sebelum waktu petang. Siap pesan kat dia supaya sabar dan jangan makan dulu sebelum makan malam. 

Saya ni terjebak balik dengan manik manik. Saya tahu ada yang tak suka bila saya dalam mod 'senyap' dengan hobi saya ni hehe.. 

Dah pastikan yang semua kerja rumah dah beres, dan semuanya dah makan sebelum saya dok senyap dalam alam manik hehe.. 

Masih tercari cari waktu sesuai untuk masa kraftangan saya ni, samada sebelum tidur ataupun tangkap muat bila mood ada. 

Itulah dia cerita tentang makan malam cuba kurangkan potion dan tentang terjumpa balik dengan hobi lama saya yang telah agak lama ditinggalkan. Gelang manik ni juga boleh dibuat sebagai tasbih zikir, cenderamata yang berfungsi jika ada sesiapa yang berminat :) Ada yang dapatkannya untuk di beri pada sedara mara dan juga kenalan.

Salam Selasa ❤️

April 3, 2022

Breakfasts of many days | Sarapan dari beberapa hari

Bahasa dan video pendek di bawah :)

English version and short video below :) 

Homemade breakfast and by invitation to the shop |

Sediakan sendiri sarapan dan dengan dijemput ke kedai

Broccoli and carrots fillings tortilla, putu mayam,  potato chic fritters, , rice flour apam, flat bread.  | Tortilla isi karot brokoli, putu mayam,bergedil ayam, apam


The whole week of  last weeks, I had many types of meal that i myself could not make it at home. 

Sometimes I came home from sending kids, I stopped at the restaurant. At another time, I went straight back home fixing breakfast and then went out to accompanied my parents. 

The lists of breakfast were from southern asian, western and Asia below.:

Sandwic Tortilla

Roti Canai

Putu Mayam

Kuih Muih


Everytime I had meals at the shop, I ordered warm water and that made me feel guilty a bit.. since didn't need to pay much for their business. 

I have my own reasons coz I had to flush my sugary and carby intake after consume too much. I thought a lot. They are fine and well off actually and making tons of money :) Relax babe. 

Happy Sunday ❤️

Minggu lepas berbagai hidangan sarapan yang dinikmati Alhamdulillah. 

Kadang saya balik rumah dari hantar budak-budak ke sekolah, saya akan berhenti di kedai makan, atau terus balik sediakan sarapan, ada sekali tu keluar pula makan bersama parents bila diajak. 

Setiap kali bila menjamah di kedai, saya pesan air suam, yang tu yang membuat saya rasa bersalah kerana bayaran air kosong tak menolong banyak perniagaan mereka. 

Saya ada sebabnya kerana saya nak detox gula dan karbo yang diambil rasa terlebih makan. Saya ja yang fikir banyak..Mereka OK jer dan buat duit berton-ton :)  Bertenang babe. 

Salam Ramadan, ampun dan maaf. Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa buat sahabat semua yang berpuasa. 

Salam Ahad ❤️

March 29, 2022

Chicken Pita at Sunrise | Pita Ayam semasa matahari naik

Bahasa dan video pendek di bawah :)

English version and short video below :)

Prepared lunch box for abang. | Sediakan bekalan masa rehat untuk abang. 

Beautiful sunrise on the way home. | Matahari naik yang indah masa hala ke rumah. 

Bought Mission Bell brand pita bread for the meal. Cooked the chicken filling earlier on the day before, and just reheated it up. Cut the pita into two and filled it up with chicken with herbs but less pepper. 

By the way, pita bread has pocket inside, so there's no need to cut it in between, it's easy to  stuff fillings inside hehe.. 

I heated up the chicken pita in a sandwich maker until the light went off. Packed them for abang and off we went, to send him to school.

Came back and repeated the same procedure of making the sandwich ala taco bell and bite to fill our tummy hehe..

Happy Tuesday ❤️

Beli roti pita dari brand Mission. Masak ayam awal pada hari sebelumnya. Panaskannya dan potong dua roti pita lalu isikan dengan ayam herba yang kurang lada hitam. 

Apapun, roti pita ni dah ada poket di dalam, jadi tak payah hiris pula tengah-tengah tu, senang nak perosok masuk isinya hehe...

Panaskan roti dalam pembuat sandwich sampai lampu padam. Bungkus dalam bekas dan terus keluar hantar abang kesekolah. 

Balik dan sampai rumah, ulang langkah buat roti ala taco bell dan ngap untuk isi perut sendiri hehe.. Alhamdulillah. 

Salam Selasa ❤️

March 28, 2022

Boost Juice at Genting Highland

Bahasa dan video pendek di bawah :)

English and short Video below :)

After a long ride, we need to stop. |

|Setelah berlama di dalam kenderaan, perlu berhenti sekejap. 

Pit Stop at Premium Outlets. 

| Hentian di Premium Outlets

After picked up Uncle, we thought of moving forward up north but he seemed wanted to explore around here.

It was a bright and beautiful day but became gloomy on the way to the high land nearby.

Went up to the peak, no one wanted to step down, even lunch we made our way to a Starbuck drive thru only.

Then, the nature calling for one of us, I realised that we must take a break. But dad still wanted to sit. Was worry a bit, coz he sat for so long and it could make his legs cramp. 

Sure he will soon, so we took a break for prayers and drinks. 

We had 3 tubs of Boost Juice

Uncle bought Mango something, 

Adik had Cookies Creams while

myself enjoyed the juice that had ginger, sorry I do not recalled the names and it's proper menu. 

Boost Juice are made of frozen fruits, vege, roots. Sipping with straw and tasted the crushed,  delicious snow ice, melt in mouth tiny flakes, all natural with no sugar added. It was really rejuvenating after a long journey.

Regret abit no nice video. 

Happy Monday ❣️

Hari tu nampak cerah dan indah tapi tiba-tiba menjadi malap dan redup semasa perjalanan ke tanah tinggi terdekat iaitu genting. 

Naik ke puncak, tiada sorang pula nak jejak keluar, hingga makan tengahari pun nak duduk di suap kat pandu lalu Starbuck. 

Setelah ada seorang yang dapat panggilan semulajadi ke tandas, barulah sedar kami semua perlu rehat dan rawat terutama buat bapa yang tak nak turun. Risau juga sebab takut kakinya kejang. 

Takpa pelan-pelan dia turun, jadi kami turun rehat dan rawat bersolat dan minum-minum. 

Kami beli Boost Juice 3 tub. 

Uncle beli yang ada Mango

Adik minum Cookies Creams manakala yang empunya blog hehe nikmati jus campuran halia, sedih dan maaf kerana tak dapat bagi menu yang sempurna. 

Jus Boost ni terdiri dari buah buahan, sayuran serta akar (halia) yang disejuk beku. Menyedut dengan straw terasalah pecahan halus ais berkecai, ala salju, cair dalam mulut. Tiada bahan tambahan atau gula. Sangat menyegarkan. Kecewa juga dan maaf sebab tiada pic atau video jus yang elok. 

Salam Isnin💖


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