
July 3, 2008

I love Guitar

Good on me too:)


Just to remind me to focus, nothing else. Don't get distracted by the side views. Like a horse wins the race. As you can see, the eyes are covered on the side. Look forward...

July 1, 2008


Yes this month is my birthday month, I'm welcomed to the world this month hehe... I believe people who are born in the beginning of the second half year is the best month for them becoz it shows that I have the balance of life, half a year in the womb, half a year in the world. I live in two totally different world in the SAME year hehe.. its a good chance to have opportunity like me:D Sebahagian hidup dlm perut-safe, comfort zone and came out to the wonderful, colorful the same year Actually, I wanted to stayed in the womd safely, so safe but I trust my mother will take care of me...anyhow hehe. Thats why I'm out here with full of love...I love you Mak

June 30, 2008

Today in History

the 30th of June is the peak of the mid of the year. It is in the centre of the year. Really in the middle of the 12 months but its the end of the first half year. Tomorrow is the second half year begins. Hope I define it which is good enuf to understand. Half year has gone with full of memories. Ends with a ticket from the DBKL as I simply parked my gadget (its cute how mY dear declared a car) at the yellow line. I told loved ones, one said don't let it bother me, it's like setitik nila rosak susu sebelanga if I get upset over it. Relates to my blog, the background is dark, the writing stand out quite well - just the opposite. Susu is white n healthy, nila ruins all:) Coz I live life to the most appreciations till it comes with kena summon. I panicked... and get over it!

June 29, 2008

Bonds of Love

Why are you so sad And why is it so bad
When some one leaves you behind

Won't you ever know
Don't you realize It's just a part of life
When you fall in love With some one some time
It's smile with a broken heart

Oh falling in love With Allah....The bonds of love survive

No mountain too high when there's way
Come to Allah you'll never fail
The truth's so close it shall prevail

Allah, we belong to You
And everything we do We do it all for You

Allah, always by our side
Guiding us to the light
Everything shines bright
No matter day or night

The End

of the weekend. Another best new week awaits. My fingers stucked at the keyboard instead they are should be at the iron and my body against the iron board, housechores should be made up earlier. I delay it till late... as I went to meet up with my cute and witty nephew and presented him a gift for his new study desk. I'm thinking about a new concept of a lifestyle, some adjustment and yet interesting and improving. Again thinking and wishing, and Allah decides the best for me. As for the moment, Spiderman movie on the side...printer can be used again, a comfy bed untuk bermimpi....Alhamdulillah


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