
Showing posts with label lockdown journal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lockdown journal. Show all posts

September 5, 2021

Scrambled Eggs

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :) 

Telur hancur kering atau berjus. 

Berjus ala telur separa masak digemari ramai. 

Sometimes, a good breakfast is nice to have in the morning, I wonder a Malaysian full breakfast, how it's like. 

As for an American full breakfast, I googled to be slightly exact, they usually have scrambled eggs, bread, pancake, red beans (ya red beans, going to order it soon hehe..) Americans also have hash browns in the morning.  

Come we see Malaysian's breakfast, how it's like, already know, act like don't know hehe...

Hang in there, check for accuracy.. Yes, half boiled eggs are one of the Malaysian's famous breakfast.

In the hotel or food court like in Kelana Jaya we will know the complete Malaysian breakfast, nasi lemak, roti canai, kueyteow, some have kue nyonya. 

Actually roti Gardenia is usually considered one of our breakfast or my breakfast at home. I know there are many brands out there now, because  it's a habit of buying, out stretch hand to the normed brand. During work or school days, the bread are 'the rescuer' for kids to have breakfast before going to school. Not even Maggi mee would help, at least not for me.

If I want something filling, then the scrambled eggs is a quick fix. Make it like sandwich ready to go inside the recess box or packed brunch. Ensure that it is dried scrambled as the juicy ones might not last long. As for packed it's best to avoid vege like cucumber slices, a piece of vege in food is an essential item for decomposing process for fertilizer hehe. 

I styled the scrambled eggs on a piece of Gardenia breakfast and it's nutritious and delicious filling. 

Bon apetite! Enjoy your food ♥️

Kadang kadang menjamu selera dengan sarapan yang lengkap pun bagus, jika ada masa kan.. 

Saya terfikir sarapan lengkap untuk rakyat Malaysia bagaimana ya? Untuk orang Amerika, ala sarapan di McDonald agaknya. 

Saya cari di net, sarapan mereka ada kacang merah (ahh.. nak order nanti hehe...) Makanan mereka terdiri dari pancake, waffle, sosej juga kentang hashbrown.

Jom kita Scrambled Eggs, bagaimana pula sarapan rakyat Malaysia, sudah tahu gaharu cendana pula... jangan menggaru sudahlah ye hehe. 

Tunggu kita tengok apa yang signifikannya, ahh! telur separuh masak, inilah memang ada dari dulu dari rumah hingga ke restoran. Telur separuh masak ni sesuai untuk menambah kesuburan, betul ke? Macamanapun, kami pernah amalkan hehe.. 

Jika hotel buffet atau di Food court Kelana Jaya ada berbagai sarapan di situ. Nasi lemak, kuey teow, kueh nyonya dan sebagainya. 

Sebenarnya roti Gardenia lah penyelamat untuk sarapan pagi bagi yang kesuntukkan masa. Saya tahu ada berbagai jenama tetapi jika dah biasa, itu je yang diambil di kedai. Jika saya ingin yang lebih mengenyangkan, telur hancur cepat disediakan, tapi biarlah jarang-jarang sekali, kalau orang Amerika ada sosej, kita ada sardin kan.. jadi pengganti telur juga sardin, sekurangnya untuk saya la.

Bagi yang bekerja atau bersekolah, roti Gardenia lah yang menjadi pengalas perut. Maggi mee pun tidak dapat menolong waktu pagi hehe.. terutama sebelum keluar ke sekolah. 

Buat sandwic sesuailah untuk di bawa sebagai bekal. Pastikan kacau telur kering tanpa jus, letak garam bertahanlah ia beberapa jam. Elakkan letak sayur, sepotong sayur, timun terutamanya boleh jadi penyebab pemprosesan "compost" bagi pembuatan baja. 

Saya gayakan telur hancur diatas  sekeping roti gardenia. InshaAllah. Mengenyangkan, bernutrisi dan lazat. 

Bon apetite! Sila menjamu selera ❤️

September 4, 2021

Foodpanda or Pandan Fox | seram menunggu foodpanda

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video below :) 

Waktu senja terlalu dingin

Seakan berkaki empat berekor tetapi lemah gemalai

One of the reason that I don't want to have tea time is because we were kind of full til evening.  By evening, one of us would decide that don't need to eat for dinner. 

The dark moment was approaching when one of the tummy started growling. When it's dark, I have no mood to prepare anything and they too don't want anything heavy but then they also don't want bread.  So we scheduled for foodpanda man to come and send us some food. 

After finished the maghrib prayers, I asked abang to glance thru the window  to check if the delivery man has arrived.

He excitedly told us that Walton which is the neighbour cat that used to come here was outside. We were excited and went slowly as we don't want to shoo the cat away. 

When we went close, the 'cat' turned it's face and from that point only we realized that it was actually a pandan fox! No wonder the smell of the air was kind of different of pandan leave fragrance but yet not so strong. 

The fox stood long enough for us to take photos and filmed it. The sound of cars that moved around finally made the fox to go further away. 

Actually this is not the first fox that came visiting here. The first was during the first MCO with two foxes, we assumed they were the mother fox and her little cub fox. 

The news about wild animals went out for food during the lockdown were true. The animals felt comfortable to go out as the most of the humankind were staying inside their houses. 

Thats all for the wildlife reporting in urban living :) 

Have a nice evening. ♥️

Salah satu sebab saya tak mahu menghidang makanan petang; Bila dah nak malam, semua cakap tak lapar. Tetiba bila dah malam barulah seorang cakap dia lapar, seterusnya berjangkit dengan insan-insan lain.

Mulalah perut berkeroncong. Masa tu mama pun dak tak da mood dan tidak terdaya lagi. Lebih lagi mereka juga tak mahu makan roti atau yang berat berat.

Tetapkan masa dengan foodpanda untuk sampai pada waktu yang sesuai. Selepas solat maghrib, saya minta abang tolong jenguk di luar kot kot kemungkinan rider dah sampai. 

Dia jerit teruja kerana nampak Walton iaitu kucing jiran yang rajin datang bertandang ke sini. 

Kami pun keluar perlahan lahan, tak mahulah mengejutkan "kucing" tu nanti ia terus lari. 

Kami bergerak ke arah 'kucing'. Nampak panjang sedikit badan nya. Ambil juga video, tertoleh si lembaga yang diingatkan kucing tu rupanya musang! Patutlah di udara terbau wangi seakan  daun pandan tapi tak begitu kuat.

Sang musang itu berdiri lama juga untuk kami mengambil foto, bunyi kereta lalu menyebabkan ia makin bergerak jauh sedikit sedikit terus ke rumah jiran.

Sebenarnya ini bukanlah pertama kali musang pandan datang ke sini, tetapi kali ke dua. Kali pertama semasa PKP yang pertama, SubhanAllah! dua ekor menyinggah di sini, nampak macam ibu dan anak musang.

Kan ada berita tentang berbagai haiwan liar keluar waktu manusia semua di dalam rumah masa PKP. Tak sangka terjadi di kawasan sendiri. 

Sekian dulu laporan kehidupan liar di kawasan perumahan :). 

Moga kalian dilindungiNya ♥️

September 3, 2021

Water Cress Plants |Tanam Kangkung

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video :) 

Tanam kangkung dalam air

Dari grocer ke tanaman

It would be nice to have vege plants in the garden. I have tried planting water cress or kangkung in the pot. It didn't grow big then I put it near the water tap to make soil damp and wet.  Even then it didn't last long. 

Last year, I tried to make squid water cress salad, or sotong kangkung as known locally, the kangkung that I bought online came with the roots. Immediately I cut the stem  3 inches away from the roots and soak in tthe water. Then, I placed it in the fish water container with  water lettuce that floats on the surface. 

Water lettuce roots are bushy, so I lifted the kangkung root near the water lettuce root. Another cut, I hanged at the nearest plant and not letting the root float above the water surface. 

I took note that the  trunk of kangkung cannot be totally soaked inside the water. 

Everyday I would come out and check whether the new shoots were coming out. Once I saw it, I know it works. It even  creeps as you can see in the picture. 

Thats all for the agroculture wrap-up :) 

Have a great evening ❤️

Dalam taman, jika ada pokok sayuran, rasa ia lebih bermakna dan bermanfaat. Itupun kalau rajin kan.. 

Pernah cuba tanam kangkung dalam pasu tidak menjadi, kurus tidak bercambah, letak di tepi pancur air agar basah dan lembab tanah juga ia tidak boleh bertahan.

Tahun lepas, kangkung yang dihantar dari pembelian online ada akar. Terus saya potong 3 inci dan letak dalam kolam ikan.  Dalam bekas ikan itu ada pokok kiambang.  Akar pokok kiambang lebat jadi saya tumpangkan akar kangkung di salah satu pokok kiambang tu. Batang kangkung tak boleh terendam dalam air, jadi biar terapung saja atas air. Ada beberapa kaedah saya letak di dalam bekas itu, salah satu kangkung saya ikat dekat pokok yang berdekatan situ.

Setiap hari datang menjenguk syukur bila nampak pucuk kangkung sudah berputik dan menjalar seperti di dalam gambar. Alhamdulillah. 

Itu saja liputan alam agro :) 

Salam  sejahtera ❤️

Lemon Gravy Fish | Ikan Kuah Lemon

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video below :) 

Sempat jenguk tiny backyard

Tiada mentega tetapi buttery

Hisbiscus bloomed before the sun was approaching noon and that was the time I was busy preparing lunch. 

I made an effort hehe this time around to go out and filmed the scene of red bougainvilleas.  I took the inside slippers for bathroom and wore them outside for awhile. 

Came inside, wash the slippers, wash hands and continue cooking for lunch. I cooked only three dishes which are stinky beans sambal or sambal petai, lemon gravy fish and tumeric fried chickens for adik. 

I would like to jot down recipe of lemon gravy as the sour lemon was sweet til I wanted to eat the skin of lemon. So might as well I keep it here. 

Season 3 pieces of fish with mix Italian herbs and salt, cooking oil for frying. Fry the fish well done. You can use Grouper, Red Snapper or Golden Snapper fish slices. I use Salmon since it's already there in the freezer :) 

Gravy ingredients 

1 lemon - slice thinly

3  capsicum red, yellow, green - cut bite size cube

1 tbs of blended anchovies

1 tbs of corn flour (mix with 100ml water and  3 tbs sugar

1 tsp black pepper

1 tbs mix italian herbs

1 tbs sweet basil

1 onion cut finely

8 garlic or 1 whole garlic, cut finely

2 in ginger, slice finely

1 tomato cut cube size

100ml full cream milk

Sautee onion, garlic and ginger til the smell fragrant of aroma 

Add the rest of ingredients

Make sure the lemon is soft and tender. Add corn flour juice and mix well to thicken and lastly add milk for a creamier taste. Let it simmer and finally pour on to the fish. 

Thats it, ready to eat :) 

Enjoy the rest of the week ❤️

Bunga raya mula berkembang semasa matahari nak terik menjelang tengahari. Masa tulah saya sedang sibuk menyediakan sajian tengahari. 

Gigih juga saya, sempat keluar untuk merakam video bunga raya yang berwarna merah untuk tatapan kita bersama, selipar dalam rumah saya keluarkan untuk pakai di luar. Sebenarnya ada selipar luar tu, tapi ia dah mengecil hehe.. (kalau teringat saya akan ambil gambar).

Masuk rumah, cuci selipar, basuh tangan sanbung masak. Saya masak makanan tengahari cuma tiga jenis lauk sahaja, sambal petai, ikan berkuah lemon dan ayam goreng untuk adik. 

Kuah ikan lemon yang saya masak itu sangat sedap, hirisan lemon tu rasanya jadi masam manis, macam nak makan kulitnya. Jadi saya catitkan resepinya disini. 

3 potong ikan perap dengan seasoning herba campu itali dan garam, dan sedikit minyak - digoreng hingga garing. Boleh guna ikan kerapu, merah atau jenahak. Disini saya guna ikan salmon sebab memang dah ada dalam peti ais :)


I biji lemon dihiris nipis

3 biji Capsicum - hijau merah kuning - dipotong dadu

1 sudu besar ikan bilis yang dikisar

1 sudu besar Tepung jagung dibancuh dalam 100ml air dan

3 sudu besar gula ( rasa dan tambah untuk kurangkan rasa masam lemon tu) 

1 sudu kecil Lada hitam 

1 sudu besar herba campur

1 sudu besar Sweet Basil

1 labu Bawang besar - dipotong halus

2 inci Halia  di hiris halus

1 biji Tomato di potong dadu

100 ml susu penuh krim

Tumis bawang besar, putih dan halia, sampai naik bau wangi. Masuk ikan bilis yang dikisar. Masukkan bahan-bahan lain. 

Masukkan lemon, biar masak hingga lembut. Air jagung  yang dibancuh masukkan dan kacau hingga kuah menjadi likat. Tambahkan susu supaya kuah berkrim. Rasa dulu, jika masih terlampau masam, kena tambah gula lagi. 

Tuang kuah tu keatas ikan, dan hidangkan buat santapan tengahari. Bismillah. 

Nikmati hari-hari yang bermakna menuju minggu baharu:) kejap kan. ❤️

September 2, 2021

Bulbul Birds with Rice | Burung Merbah dengan nasi

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video below :) 

Beras atau makanan burung

Burung atau tupai yang berkunjung

The sun had risen, I went down late after cleaning or tidying up. I usually love to see whats going on outside the house. 

From the sliding door, I saw a bubul bird, it didn't surprise me coz I expected it to come. I had purposely put a little rice on the hanging pot as birds or squirrels love to stop by for a quick meal. I saw two Bulbul birds. 

I'm writing this because I wanted to remind myself and all kids of today to look far, as care for eyes. I am aware not all window has views but it's all in our perspective to have desire to look then good view appeared. 

I remembered when I was in a high rise building, I stared out until I saw a cloud floating and passed by in front of my eyes.  Slowly but amazingly. 

Then I realised now that my phone camera did not have any time lapse function and I doubt that it has that feature, perhaps I have no knowledge about it. 

The Yellow-vented Bulbul or Merbah Kapur can be found abundantly in the Klang Valley area actually. They have bright lining in around the eyes. The size of Bulbul is big but not as big as a pigeon. 

I wrote about feeding food for other creatures that we live around us together, the least that I can do to sustain the fauna and flora around us. 

Have an awesome day❤️

Matahari dah terbit tinggi rasanya, saya turun lambat selepas mengemas dan mencuci. 

Saya suka menjamu mata memandang luar dulu sebelum ke dapur. Dari pintu kaca sliding, saya ternampak burung merbah di atas pasu gantung. Taklah terkejut tetapi sukacita kerana memang mengharap burung ini datang. Saja saya letak nasi di dalam pasu kerana tupai atau burung menyukainya. 

Saya dapat lihat dua ekor burung merbah bertandang.

Saya menulis ini pun untuk mengingatkan diri dan anak-anak untuk pandang luar tak kira permandangan rumah, bangunan atau kereta kerana tabiat tenung luar akan terjumpa yang menarik menjelma hehe.. seramlah pulak ye. 

Teringat saya semasa berada di dalam bangunan yang tinggi, sengaja pandang luar, lihat awan terapung melintas bergerak perlahan di depan mata, sambil ambil video.

Masa tu tak da ciri "time lapse" kalau adapun tak da ilmu pun tentang tu hingga ke hari ini hehe.. 

Bagaimanapun, burung Merbah Kapur yang mempunyai mata yang cantik 'bercelak' ni mudah dijumpai di Lembah Klang. Bersaiz besar tapi tidak sebesar burung merpati. 

Sekurangnya saya tak lah menulis tentang makanan kita ja, malah makanan burung & tupai pun; Inilah yang terlarat saya boleh buat untuk kesinambungan flora dan fauna sekitar hehe.. 

Moga kalian melalui hari dengan keindahan ❤️

August 29, 2021

Petaling Jaya City

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video :) 

Di sebelah ada taman riadah bertasik

PJ Hilton sebelah kanan

After settled some important matters in Shah Alam, we straight away drove to  Petaling Jaya, stopped by at A&W outlet. We bought lunch there to  bring it home. 

PJ Old Town is now known as a City, Petaling Jaya City. 

Last time I waited for bus at the bus stand or waited for my mom to come and pick me up from driving  school.  After her work at Pejabat Setiausaha Shah Alam is done, she made an U-Turn and stopped at the bus stand and fetched me up. Then, we drove back to home via Federal Highway heading east bound towards Klang. 

I used to learn driving here, at the opposite of PJ Hilton, which called Armada. There was a driving range to learn driving but we had to go out to the highway for driving practice. 

It was so hard learning to drive here because of  the slide ramp at the traffic light on the cross over. I got panic when syncing with clutch and fuel paddle balancing while letting go the hand brake, worried of the car would got reversed instead and hit the car at the back hehe.. 

Such a beautiful City  right on a bright day. Here in the city there is a famous jewellery shop named Poh Kong. 

My dad brought me there, and he asked me to choose the jewellery that I wanted. I chose a small yellow gold item. My dad had a way to surprise his kid to buy a jewellery that last forever and my blissful memory that is unforgetable. 

Happy Weekend ❤️

Selepas selesai urusan di Shah Alam sebab ada hal yang mustahak, kami terus ke Petaling Jaya, singgah di A&W. Beli hidangan untuk makan tengahari sebelum pulang ke rumah.

PJ Old Town yang dikenali dahulu tetapi sekarangi a adalah Bandaraya Petaling Jaya. Dulu saya akan tunggu bas di depan PJ Hilton tu atau menunggu ibu pulang dari kerja di Pejabat Setiausaha Shah Alam. Beliau akan buat U turn dari cross over terus singgah menjemput saya  di tempat menunggu bas di selekoh ke Lebuhraya Persekutuan hala timur ke Klang.

Saya belajar memandu di sini, disebelah Armada, susahnya belajar kereta di sini sebab perlu naik "slaid" naik "cross over" tu sebab perlu tekan "clutch" dan minyak mengimbang semasa lepas "break" tangan, takutnya ter 'reverse' bila ingat, risau terkena kereta belakang hehe..

Cantik kan Bandar Petaling Jaya pada hari cerah, langit biru menyerikan lagi. Di situ ada Poh Kong, di situlah bapa saya membawa saya membeli barang kemas emas kuning, dia suruh pilih, saya ambil yang kecil. Bila ingat kembali, bapa saya pandai buat kejutan ringkas tetapi menjadi memori indah yang diingati selalu. MashaAllah.

Selamat Berhujung Minggu❤️

August 2, 2021

Packed Coconut Rice | Nasi Lemak Bungkus Sendiri

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video below :) 

Nasi Lemak ikan, berbagai topping pun boleh.. 

Letak lauk dulu dalam cawan, nasi kemudian, nak ambil video lagi, nak lipat lagi.. 

The magical hands of our root here. Bungkus is our lunch box, bento or tiffin known as 'sia' in the yesteryears and present time of farmers, paddy planters to bring the meal to the work place. So wanted to teach kids how to fold our take away meal but they are too busy and yet i myself not sure how to do it. I figure out how to do it first, then did another one, by the third time, all of us was hungry and i couldnt go on for another. So set in to fill each other's tummy. When everybody is full, all is calmer.

Love how it turned out, two piece of paper, supposedly another piece is from banana leaf. Then it looks elegant with green at top and brown below. For rice, take an empty cup, fill the fish, boiled egg, cucumber, lastly is rice. Turn it upside down  on the wrappers. It is nice with the dish on top as toppings.  This is one of our country's product, nasi bungkus (packed rice) , nasi lemak bungkus (packed coconut rice) . And it is easy to order, bungkus or eat here.

May we have continuous rizq..

Seni hasil tangan dari keturunan kita ni sangat halusi dan kreatif. Bungkus adalah sebutan melambangkan pasaran. Bungkus ialah bento, tiffin "sia" atau bekas "tupperware" bekalan petani, penoreh getah atau pesawah. Istimewa bekalan orang dulu dan masih digunakan hingga kini. Jadi naklah tunjukkan cara bungkus, dan asal usul kita dengan nasi bungkus bekalan harian kepada anak-anak. Anak-anak sibuk, mama buat dulu lagipun belum mahir membungkus nasi.

Sedia 2 helai kertas, sepatutnya  kertas surat khabar sehelai, daun pisang sehelai, lapik 2, potong helai yang dibawah, biar lebih kecil, biar daun pisang nampak bahagian atas, rindunya berada di stesen atau di lapangan, dah keliru dah jiwa. Sebelum tu, guna cawan kosong, letak lauk, timun ikan, dulu, akhir sekali nasi. Tekan elok-elok, baru terlangkup di atas kertas bungkus, topping cantik yang berlauk, untuk adik letak sikit ja., mama ambil dulu sebab dia ada kelas. Inilah produk negara tercinta. Nasi lemak biasa, sebungkus, bungkus 1, mudah nak order pun, belum berbicara, dapat baca apa dalam minda :)

Moga kita dilimpahi rezeki berterusan inshaAllah❤️

July 31, 2021

Fruits overnight oats

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below:) 

Renyah dan remeh proses dalam video hanyalah demi anak tekak

Sesambil, nikmat pagi dan makanan yang disebatikan 

Beautiful morning should be cherished it well, open one or two windows, like we used to know.. For better air ventilation. One of the things that we should do, to make air quality better. Open for 10 minutes is more than enough. At least  to get air circulation. If prefer can open window at night. Oh! and I myself don't dare to do it nowadays. We are skeptical to open the windows as scared of insects, flies or mosquitoes come inside. Open the windows of highrise condo or apartment would be okay. That's for the sake of feeding the fresh oxygen through our nostril to the lungs. 

As for the nutrients transported to your body is a good meal like oats, fruits, the important thing is not to skip breakfast. Easiest fix are oat in a jar with cut fruits. All loves it but one, said oats are better warm and fruits are tastier eating just raw like that. I knew he didnt like it. So to those who loves it, will eat again when I'm in mood to do it again :).. 

Spread love and get love in return inshaAllah. 

Pagi yang indah patut dinikmati, buka tingkap, macam biasa dengarkan, untuk peredaran udara yang baik. Salah satu perkara yang patut buat untuk menambah baik qualiti udara, Buka tingkap 10 minit pun memadai, jika boleh buka waktu malam bila nak tidur, alamak yang menaip pun tak berani. Zaman sekarang cuak sangat nak buka tingkap sebab tak nak lalat masuk, nyamuk masuk. Sky home sesuai buka tingkap, contoh rumah condo atau apartment. 

Itu untuk demi helaian nafas, duduk, senyap, dengar pernafasan sendiri, tenang ja. Untuk pengisian nutrisi dalam tubuh pula, makanan yang sedap, overnight oats berbuah untuk sarapan, yang penting jangan tinggal sarapan. Makan yang mudah hadam, berserat, buah-buahan. Oats dalam jar, letak potongan buah, dibuat untuk semua, seorang yang mengadu, oats atau cereal lebih sedap makan suam, buah dimakan begitu saja. Mama dah agak dia tak suka tu. Ok bagi yang suka boleh makan bila mama rajin hehe.. 

Sebarkan kasih sayang, ia kembali bertambah inshaAllah. 

July 30, 2021

Nasi Lemak Pandan / Jamah dalam perjalanan

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video below :) 

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Separuh jalan sampai rumah, singgah kejap juga

Terpaksa singgah di pekan berdekatan, mengisi tenaga kejap. 

Trip for event needs. Here with some kind of event, the state capital is the place, for tradition stuff. Before, after or in-between, there's a break for tea or meal while items hunting. We had coconut pandan rice, peanuts, cucumber, boiled egg and chillie sauce with tamarind juice not vineger around it. We had this meal from a fairly large city, which was a rubber plantation before. This town is now recognise as a city of municipal but not sure, have to check it out the confirmation. I know further in was a palm oil plantation. The issue here is the food that we fed our tummy on that very day. The shop that we stopped by was a kind of kopitiam style yet with a fast food system, order and pay at the counter. We chose the seating place and the food were served to enjoy. 

Local famous meal, can be at morning or afternoon. Bismillah.💕

Love y'all

Perjalanan untuk keperluan majlis. Sinilah terdapat berbagai jenis bahan, fabrik kenduri atau perayaan. Bandar yang merupakan ibu negeri juga pusat kerajaan. Sambil mencari, pasti singgah rehat untuk minum teh atau makan2. Kedai makan berelemen kopitiam menjadi pilihan hari itu. Gaya pengambil order tulis di kertas dan keriau pesanan ke belakang agak pupus di sini. Aturan nasi lemak bungkus di depan hanya kosong tapi mengamit selera, tersila duduk la juga hehe.. Walau kedai kopi teh tarik konsepnya, tapi pesanan dan order di kaunter. suka hati nak duduk meja mana, makanan datang dihidang. terus makan hehe.. 

Kami duduk menikmati nasi lemak pandan yang   boleh di jadikan sarapan atau minum petang. Alhamdulillah💕

Sayang semua ❤️

July 28, 2021

Tomato Juice| Senam Regangan


Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video below :) 

Buah tak cukup, nak buat jus

Senam regangan yang mencabar terpaksa selindung:)) 

Been missing so much of buying juice from outside. Think of this cafe and thought of that shop. Its a blessing indisguise that I suppose to upgrade and update my skills first and foremost. Previously i used to buy collagen supplements, but then Im trying to take the fresh food, and let the body do the work to develop collagen. The body needs collagen for joints not to mention as well as for supple skin. The supplements taken works when the body move a lot like walking, jogging or stretching. As long as the body warms up for smooth blood circulation. It is always better to make a point to exercise at the same spot is also possible as in the video. . Stretch out limbs sync with breathing could warms body up for good blood circulation. Actually wanted to make juice right, so opened the fridge, saw only one orange left, opened the vege's drawer. saw tomatoes. Took two tomatoes, the one and only orange and a glass of water. Cut the fruits in small size as the juicer required, pour water and blend. The whole mix will get 2 glasses of juice. For exercise, start brisk walking then proceed to jogging, slow but surely will get thd hang of it. Or do stretching like in the video, one spot exercise but need strong focusing... 

Love ourself, love others

Kerinduan membeli jus juga menjadi-jadi. Ingat kedai tu kedai ni, jadi lebih baik buat sendiri, hikmah pkp biar istiqomah dalam memajukan kemahiran diri. Dulu beli supplemen berkollagen, sekarang cuba makan yang segar, biar badan membuat kolagen. Kolagen elok untuk dalaman iaitu sendi-sendi.

Keanjalan kulit pun perlu kolagen. Makan supplemen pun kalau tak bersenam, peredaran darah kurang lancar pun tiada gunanya. Seeloknya  bersenam ringan atau buat regangan seiring pernafasan  dapat memanaskan badan, inshaAllah. 

Sebetulnya nak buat jus kan.. Buka peti sejuk tak ada pula buah, cuma sebiji buah oren, lihat dalam laci sayuran ada buah tomato. 

Ambil segelas air, 2 biji tomato dan sebiji buah oren.  Potong jika perlu bergantung kepada mesin juicer la. Lepastu masukkan semua potongan tadi dan masuk air mesin. Dapat dua gelas. Ngam ngam.. Berkenaan  bersenam tu, boleh mula berjalan perlahan dulu, berganjak ke laju sedikit hehe atau buat stretching reganng dalam video. Regangan setempat tapi perlu fokus yang kuat...

Sayang diri, sayang semua.. 

Bran for the homeless| Dedak untuk gelandangan

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) English version and one minute video below :) 

Cerianya bunyi-bunyian, misi menyelamat segolongan, terserempak sebatang kara pula. 

Setiap taburan di hargai, terutama si bapak 

Long months are gone  been safe at home Alhamdulillah. Got to go out to get sun exposure. Laziness had strucked too, struggling to defend. With strenght in mind, after asar solah, we went out for a walk. Out from the gate is the T junction, we chose walked straight ahead, the road that is opposite of home. Strolled straight, our right side is a playground as well as recreation spot. We didn't stop, neither kids want paused inside. Yellow tapes were obviously still sticked everywhere at the kids and basket ball court. Eventhough missing people, saw few heads, the familiar one was security staff. 

At our left is housing break with road that crossed and stumbled with a clan of two feets creature, many kind like turkey, chicken, roosters. They are seemed like abandoned. We planned to come back with bran in hands to feed them. As tomorrow comes, we were out to same spot where they hanged out. They cherished our present to feed them, all heads facing food that we threw. Alhamdulillah. Happy feet. 

Love always, 

Beberapa  bulan duduk di rumah, hanya keluar untuk mendedahkan diri kepada sinaran matahari. Kemalasan juga melanda, jenuh melawan. Kuatkan minda, lepas asar keluar berjalan kaki, keluar pagar, ada simpang empat depan rumah, ambil jalan lurus bertentangan rumah. Jalan lurus, belah kanan ada taman beriadah, tak singgah adik abang pun tak terjah. Tape kuning masih berkerawang kawasan permainan, juga di bola jaring, walau rindu manusia, nampak ada, pegawai keselamatan dan beberapa kepala. Di sebelah kiri, ada rumah berselang jalan simpang tiga. Lurus ja tak belok, kami terserempak dengan sekumpulan beberapa jenis ekor ayam, ayam piru, ayam belanda, kami teruskan perjalanan, berancangan untuk kembali esok hari, berbekal dedak ayam atau roti buat jamuan ayam gelandangan ini. Kembalinya kami esok, mereka berkaki dua ini seakan menunggu kami, sambut baik, menunduk - menunduk makanan yang ditabur. Alhamdulillah.

Spread kindness, its a form of charity - Mufti Menk

Sayang selalu.. 

Toast | Roti Bakar

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) English version and one minute video below :)

Adik berdiri mengerjakan sesuatu

Mama teruja, abang berborak

Kind of surprise when saw adik right infront. As usual, she would sit first in a chair. Since mama is just opposite her,  my eyes hooked on what she is doing, move here and there. Didn't realised what she was up to. Washed her hand, brought the saucer and spoon there. Back with butter I thought as it us blocked with her body. She stood still so long facing the diy cabinet, recycled from a tv cabinet actually. Since the fat tv analog reception went obselete, the thin digital tv come along that is mounted direct to the wall. 

Adik relaxed standing doing nothing when the breads were placed in the toaster. Not like mama, would quickly rest my physical hehe.. while toaster is toasting the toast. When everything was done, adik sat by the kitchen nook, quietly bite the  toast, drank plain water and the vitamin given she put it on the saucer to take it after. A morning with adik :) 

Have a great day everyone

Terkejut adik di depan. Biasa turutnya adik duduk di kerusi dulu. Mama yang bertentangan, terpaut pula dengan apa adik bergerak ke sana sini. Belum perasan apa yang dilakukannya. Basuh tangan, bawa piring kecil, ke hulu kembali, ambil sudu. Ke hilir ambil marjerin agaknya,  terlindung dengan tubuh tu. Berdiri tegak berlama juga, di depan kabinet yang diy ja, bawah tu kabinet TV lama, tv gemuk jadi kurus dapat, melekat di dinding bagai spiderman la pula. Tercengang adik di situ sebab roti dimasukkan ke dalam pembakar, masa menunggu adik tidak lari duduk macam mama hehe.. ambil peluang rehat kejap.. Untuk adik hanya menunggu, baru bergerak ambil susu pekat dalam tube tu, aduh manis tu sayang mama. Usai semua, adik barulah duduk, senyap mengunyah, roti bakar yang sedia sendiri, vitamin C

 ke multivitamin ke tak pasti untuk budak-budak yang diberi, terletak dalam piring. Awal pagi bersama adik :) Alhamdulillah❤️

"Bukan Luaran tapi apa yang tersirat di dalam hati yang dipandang" - Mufti Menk

Doa dan ingatan.. 

Snack | Untuk tonton Olympic 2020

Bahasa dan video seminit dibawah:) English version and one minute video below:)

Kata adik tak sabar menunggu walau snek di tangan

Abang ada kelas, habis kelas naik skuter

The night of the opening ceremony of Olympic 2020 began. We asked adik to watch the mega sport event. She could learned about Geography from the event as the names of countries were called out and the athletes entered the stadium. She could also learn the faces and traditional dress worn by the athletes representing their countries in the parade.

Actually adik was a bit reluctant to watch as her brother was busy with night tution and she made excuse that it was a movie night. Since we are adamant to made her watch it, adik said that she need to have a snack, just like when we were watching movies. 

So, there goes adik with a packet of Cheese Ring from Double Decker (we couldn't get her the favorite Super Ring from Oriental Food due to the lockdown). BTW these type of snacks always comes with high sodium (salt) content, which let some of us to believe that they can be a remedy for sore throat (old wives tale! ). As for abang, he's not a fan of the snack. We would need to get him a different one. And so it goes.. 

May we are blessed with barakah. 

Malam pembukaan sukan Olimpik 2020 sudah tiba, dan kami berkeras supaya adik menontonnya, supaya adik boleh belajar Geografi dari nama nama negara yang dipanggil semasa perarakan atlit masuk ke stadium. Boleh kenali serba sedikit cara pemakaiaan, wajah penduduk negara-negara berkenaan.  Adik enggan tonton sebenarnya sebab abang tak dapat tonton kerana ada kelas malam tu. Adik cari alasan yang. malam jumaat adalah malam tonton movie. Dia cakap walaupun tonton sukan, nak juga ada snack macam tonton filem terpilih. Snack hanya boleh dijamah bila adanya activiti tonton filem. Duduk la adik  dengan sebungkus  snack Double Decker, Cheese Ring. Sedap cheese ringnya tak sama Cheese Ring yang pack warna biru tu apakah namanya oh Super Ring. Dari rasa dan teksturnya Double Decker  Cheese Ring lagi enak. Snek ni ada garam, kadang dapat melega tekak, tapi tak semestinya, tak boleh anggapnya sebagai petua terutama zaman sekarang. Hal remedi perlulah jumpa doctor. Abang tak makan snek ni pula, jadi terpaksa beli jenis berlainan.

Salam Rabu..moga diberkatinya selalu.. 

July 27, 2021

Apple Pie

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah:) English version and one minute video below:)

Crustnya tak cukup diolah bagi cukup

Video dari crush epal di potong ke pai.  Panik juga bila pastri mengering. Beranyam lagi untuk tutup pai. 

The dough from puffs is still in the fridge. Bring it out to soften. I was aware that the puff's filling is finish. Thinking of to do something with it like apple pie. Search easiest recipe for apple fillings. Most of the recipe of fillings need to cook in a pot like making jam. So I tried to prepare items that need to boil on stove. Anyway start with wash apple with vege wash, then cut the apple to small pieces, not really diced. While the crust is getting set on cupcakes tray. 

An apple and 6 pie cups are ready on the tray, was assuming an apple is enough. Cut apple mix with 1 table spoon of raisins, while adding 1 spoon of cinnamon, the crusts are getting drier. So we put oil, there no way to knead again the dough. Thats when I think there's no time to cook the fillings. Had to be creative to take it a short cut. Logically, the fillings need to be cooked while in the oven. If i put honey the whole pie would be sweet. Moreover it is a hot day, I find uneasy to eat honey in such a weather. I have ran out of time, so didnt cook corn flour to pour in the mixed apple. Somehow I dont trust the crusts as it might not stand the water. So the recipe is an apple that already cut, add a tablespoon butter, Yes butter will cook the apple while melting the two tablespoon brown sugar. It will be caramelised. Juice apple coming out the crusts stay crunch not soggy.  The situation becomes not calm because of limited items available. If it spoiled, its not ok not to cry over the spilt milk. Somehow "a voice said its ok to let the items all to be cooked in his tummy." See they are waiting to eat and want so much to have it.. Mix well the fillings and spooned out and put in the pie cup. Cover them with extra crusts. Place them in the oven, bake in 180°C for 15 minutes. Grateful it turned out nice and tasty, the crusts are stable, after a bite didnt break, second bite, it hold strong juicy fillings, and crunchy too. Alhamdulillah. 

Happy greetings to all. 

Adunan kulit karipap yang tak habis disimpan di  dalam peti sejuk. Rasa inti karipap dah habis. Teringat pai epal, cari resepi yang paling simple di internet  Kebanyakkan inti epal perlu di masak. Jadi buat persediaan untuk masak intinya. Potong epal bersaiz kecil, tidak mendadu sangat. Kulit pai juga di canai dan di letak dalam tray cupcake.

Epal sebiji, pai kelonsongnya ada enam,  sesudu besar kismis. Sesudu serbuk cinnamon, alamak! Crusts kulit pastry tu mengering, sebab ambil masa menyediakan isi tu. Letak minyak pula di kulit pastri. Nak uli semula, tak kuasa. Rasa dah tak da masa nak masak epal bagai, terpaksa ambil jalan pendek, secara logiknya isinya mesti mendidih semasa dalam ketuhar tu. Jika letak madu, manis kerana epal dah manis juga kismis. Disebabkan kesuntukkan tak jadi bancuh tepung jagung untuk  campur dengan epal, kulit karipap tu pun tak pasti tahan air ke tidak. Jadi sebiji epal, dipotong kecil, sesudu besar mentega, ya mentega dapat memasak epal dan 2 sudu besar gula perang yang dimasak akan jadi caramel, jus epal dah berair melembutkan inti. Disebabkan bahan ada sikit, jika tak menjadi memang sayang dan rugi, tapi terdengar suara cakap, OK je  biar masak dalam perut  pun takpe. Hati ni lagi la rasa, risau, dah ada yang menunggu ni nak makan pai epal. So gaul bahan yang disebut, kalau ada serbuk buah pala, lagi omputih rasanya heee.. Kaut epal yang digaul sebati, masukkan dalam cawan pai. Potong lebihan kulit anyamkan atas pai, panaskan ketuhar, 180°C selama 15 minit. Pai epal masak dengan eloknya, sedap, pastrinya stabil, tak pecah selepas beberapa gigitan., inti berjus sedap, kulit pun lembut ada kerangupannya tak ketara. . Alhamdulillah.

Salam bahagia. 

Oats Porridge / Bubur Oats

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah:) English version and one minute video below:) 

Sukatan yang betul untuk buat oats ni.. 

Mudah prosesnya tapi tetap satu persatu jugak, slow ja video tapi menjadi

The easiest breakfast is taking bread for breakfast. Coffee brewed put side by the breakfast saucer. Take bread and dip in coffee.  Once in the blue moon, actually supposedly as often as possible, taking oatmeal is always better. Waking up to a nice morning but finding it hard what food to make is first world problem too. 

Begins with boil water, if coway water just press red in, otherwise take kettle and heat the amway filtered water. Grab the oats jar, spooned the oats. The video taken, I took 7 table spoon of instant oats. Pour hit water at the oats' level in the bowl. Turned out so thick hard to drip in hehe.. After this, I measure 5 spoons are good enough for instant or rolled oats. More oats, less water, it happens sometime, pour skin milk settles the challenge of the day hehe.. 

Now can starts with topping, put in nicely as its easier to recognise whats eaten. As for tomorrow, could alternate cut fresh fruits. The varieties motivate us to take oatmeal as often. Sometimes, for some said the tumny feel not tight or full with soft food in the morning.  Takes time to get used to the eat clean low calaries. On the side, try to take a slice of bread, or else wait for awhile for the oats to absorb, sure feel fillings for hours. InshaAllah

Send prayers and love to our parents or loved ones. InshaAllah. 

Yang paling mudah untuk bersarapan ialah dengan roti kosong. Kopi dibancuh letak tepi, ambil roti cicah. Tetapi bukan sesekali sepatutnya seselalu buat oats itu yang terbaik. Bangun pagi pun macam masalah dunia juga memikirkan apa nak makan. 

Masak air, kalau guna Coway tak adalah kena masak air tapi jika guna Amway kenalah panaskan air hehe.. Yang mana bagus diantara.. Air dah panas, ambil mangkuk, hari yang video diambil ni, terletak 7 sudu besar instant oats, air panas sama paras oats, pekat jadinya, selepas video, berganjak ke sukatab 5 sudu saja tak kira rolled atau instant. So terbanyak oats dan kurang air, susah juga nak telan, tapi tuang susu selesai terus cabaran dihadapi. 

Mulalah decor toppings kalau tidak susah nak perasan apa yang dah letak atau belum, nampak begitu boleh esok letak potongan buah pula.  Jadi ada pelbagaian topping baru rasa nak makan oats harian. Rasa kurang kejap perut bila makan lembut pagi-pagi. Nak biasa tu ambil masa, maka makan juga sekeping roti. Tunggu sekejap untuk ia kembang dalam perut, kenyang inshaAllah.

Dan Tuhanmu telah perintahkan, supaya engkau tidak menyembah melainkan kepadaNya, dan hendaklah engkau berbuat baik kepada ibu bapa.. (Surah Israa:23)

Kirim doa, cinta kepada yang tersayang, ibubapa. InshaAllah. 

July 26, 2021

Popcorn Chicken / Ayam popcorn


Bahasa dan video seminit dibawah :) English version and one minute video below :) 

Bunga raya dah mula mengembang, tu kira waktu tengahari :) Ayam popcorn yang sedap

Bertungku lumus memproses video tak pastilah boleh ke video jadi seminit.. 

During school holiday, faces of kids appeared double with food to feed for them hehe.. The raw stock that we have are chicken which is only breasts. The other part of chicken that is alluring and easy to cook in any way turn out yummy. The breast part kind of tedious to make delicious. When popcorn crossed in mind was thinking of mushroom soup to match in a set. Complete set i set aside and simply made it first when its ready, will think of something to eat with or freeze them to eat later. We added on sesame seed to this recipe. The taste is so good when biting is like the ingredients are being mash in the mouth, slow going through give the delicious and yummy taste hehe.. Ingredients and methods are as usual and simple.. 

400 gm chicken breasts

3 1/2 tbs corn flour

Crumbs 1 1/4 cup

Sesame seeds 3 tbs

Garlic powder

Ginger powder or any stock

Mix well, salt and sugar amount as desired. Coating time,  flour first, then dip in white egg and go on with bread crumbs as well as sesame seeds. 

May success be yours in any undertaking.. 🌸

Take provision, but the provision is the taqwa of Allah swt. So have taqwa of me, O people of intelligence  Surah 2: 197

Cuti sekolah menjelang, lihat muka anak-anak, nampak makan apanak jamu ja. Bahan mentah yang ada hanya isi ayam bahagian dada. Bahagian kepak, peha, drumstick yang sedap dimasak apapun. Fikir juga buat ayam pop corn ni mesti  digadingkan dengan sup kulat atau mushroom. Hidangan lengkap biar dulu, masak dulu, nak makan terus pun boleh, nak bekukan pun boleh. Resepi popcorn ni ditambah biji bijan, memang lazat bila dikunyah bagaikan dihancur perencah dalam mulut, perlahan menelannya, setiap rasa terasa hehe.. 

Bahan-bahan biasa

400gm ayam bahagian dada  dipotong kecil (bite size) yang mudah makan. 

3 1/2 sb tepung jagung

3 sb Biji bijan

Serbuk bawang putih

Serbuk halia atau serbuk perisa

Garam  gula secukup rasa

Gaul, salutan tepung tu, tepung dulu, telur putih tak cukup guna juga telur kuning, akhir tu serbuk roti dan biji bijan. InshaAllah. 

"Segala yang baik yang kamu kerjakan, Allah mengetahuinya. Bawalah bekal, kerana sesungguhnya sebaik-baik bekal adalah takwa. Dan bertakwalah kepadaKu wahai orang-orang yang berakal sihat" . - Surah Al-Baqarah:197

 Moga maju jaya atas segala yang diceburi.. InshaAllah. 

Sliced Chicken / Hirisan Ayam Nipis boleh dipelbagai

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) English version and one minute video below :) 

Tupai bertandang, bukan tupai biasa, tapi tupai pinang (dalam video) memang suka tupai omputih yang ekor kembang tu, apakan daya, baru ni baby murai pula menyinggah. Alhamdulillah. 

Tupai pinang, ayam sliced diproses dalam video:) 

Sliced chicken salad, subway sandwich alike but fresh not processed chicken for breakfast. Alot of work only then sit, sip and bit in between:) Alhamdulillah. 

Roasted the spiced breast meat, cut.  fried vege, stack up as observed:) eat like a lady and gentleman hehe.. 

Pray that all of you be blessed with happiness, wealth and enough with everything. Share a doa for you all. 

إِنَّ هَـٰذَا لَرِزْقُنَا مَا لَهُ مِن نَّفَادٍ

(Inna haza larizquna maalahu minnafad )

Truly such will be Our Bounty (to you); it will never fail;-

– Surah Sad Ayat 54.

Doas complete us. Have an amazing day. InshaAllah. 

Sandwich hirisan ayam ala subway tapi dari ayam segar bukan yang diproses. Banyaknya persiiapan, baru boleh jamah diantara duduk dan hirup. Alhamdulillah. 

Bakar isi bahagian dada yang dilumur rempah ratus, hiris setelah masak. Goreng sayur, tingkatkan lapisan ayam atas roti seperti kita pernah tengok, kunyah ala keperempuanan dan lelaki yang tampan hehe.. 

Didoakan kalian dimurahkan rezeki bahagia, sejahtera dan cukup segalanya.

Selit kongsi doa disini.. Surah Saad :54

إِنَّ هَـٰذَا لَرِزْقُنَا مَا لَهُ مِن نَّفَادٍ

(Inna haza larizquna maalahu minnafad ) 

(Sesungguhnya ini ialah pemberian Kami kepada kamu, pemberian yang tidak akan habis-habis.

Aameen❤️ Salam Isnin, 🌹

July 25, 2021

Labu Yogurt Layered / Membaca perlu PG = Parent Guide?

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah:) English version dan one minute video below :) 

Melapiskan labu dengan yogurt ditabur manisan.. 

Abang membaca buku biasa pun perlu ditegur.. 

Labu, yogurt, serbuk gula merah atau madu, abang menggunakan penanda buku DIY, uncang tehnya

During the hot day here, the sky is blue indicates that the air is clean and fresh. Due to heat and humid, being outside couldnt stand too long.  Went out, back under the roof, not just that but search for cold liquid to quench the throat. Seek the icecream by chance if lucky might have. Sadly theres none, came across of pumpkins and yogurt, since natural yogurt not yummy at this moment. I figure to mix between and sprinkle with brown sugar or honey for an option.

The natural taste yogurt is meant for my journey to eat no sugar. I had no choice but u turn the old route. Here i go with pumpkins steamed, scoop in the meat or pulp in the recycled jam jar, 1.5cm thick each, alternate with yogurt same level then repeat, and get ready with another empty jar. The target is to finish the two ingredients, as if not to satisfy the icecream cravings.  Settled, so delicious the combination, one must try. 

We did some reading session, abang read well yet need to guide on the Prophet's name, that we must mention peace be upon him as a doa citation. Not just at movie or tv show need parental guide but on reading material as well. Depends on certain books some is written some dont. So thats why we need parent guide on if possible. It requires practice though, by the way abang already used his own diy bookmark, bravo! 

Have a nice day 🌹

Hari panas-panas, jenguk langit, biru, udara bersih. Sebabkan panas, keluar sekejap, lari masuk, cari air menghilangkan dahaga. Tersua buah labu, terus kukus. Pada mulanya mencari-cari juga aiskrim ke kut2 pernah beli, tak da pun, tahu kalau terbeli yogurt mesti habiskan sebelum ttarikh luput. Tapi yogurt natural  yang dibeli untuk nak makan dengan buah manis sebab nak cuba kurang gula. 

Pi mai pi mai, tak buah pula, hentam je labu, terpaksa pusingan u (u turn hehe) . Tak boleh nak pi pula tak manis,  buat je dulu, biar selesai hal yogurt, nanti rugi bila luput.

Jadi berbalik ke kukuskan labu, pelan-pelan masukkan isi labu dalam botol jem ulang pakai, dalam 1. 5cm, gilir dengan yogurt, sama tebalnya, ulang sampai ke puncak, ambil sebotol lagi, ulangi, target habiskan labu dan yogurt. Selesai dapat pencuci mulut berkhasiat, lazat memang patut trai.

Tentang pembacaan yang patut ditegur dalam video tu ialah disebabkan buku yang ambil ringan tentang nama Nabi tidak ditulis sallallahualaiwasalam. Jadi tegurlah yang mana ingat dan tahu. Biasa parental guide PG tu kat drama atau telefilem tetapi di bahan bacaan pun kena tapi bergantung pada setengah buku. Dan abang pun dah guna bookmaark buat sendiri dalam buku Prophet Muhammad SAW. Alhamdulillah.

Moga kalian berbahagia selalu🌸

Leftover dinner for breakfast / Lauk semalam untuk sarapan

Bahasa dan video seminiit dibawah :) English version and one minute video below :) 

Get to capture crow crowing for food

Bahan semalam untuk sarapan  sesambil terambil juga video gagak duk minta makanan. 

Dalam video sibuk memproses lauk semalam untuk sarapan. Mesti perah limau atau lemon. 

The eyes can also get the blame hehe..Saw seafood, green vege  and lemon, immediately thinking of eating some kind of carbo not because of the salad but prawns, squids, fish and others that come from same habitat hehe..  Open the fridge, none of the above exist in the fridge except two only, they were bit of fish and fish ball, kind of rare for a bread to prrss in the ball, it might sproint out.. 

The fried fish and vege, cut and mix well with mayonaise. Similar seafood salad recipe. Usually, the mixture with lemon squeezed with shrimps, squids as and dory fish. Cut small, mixed with little vege, mix well. 

Make everyday special❤️ InshaAllah. 

Lauk semalam untuk sarapan.. 

Dari matala puncanya, nampak makanan lauk, udang, sotong, mahkluk yang datang dari habitat sup besar, laut tu kata anak-anak.

Buka peti ais, yang disebut-sebut tak wujud pun dalam peti ais ni, yang nampak cuma ikan lebihan semalam dan bebola ikan. Terus terfikir, nak kapit harta karun tu dengan sponge ala carbo berbentuk empat segi haha..  Bebola boleh terpelanting keluar je bila dikepit.. Dalam video cuba nak buat smile dengan mentega hehe. 

Keluarkan apa yang ada tadi ikan dan bebola ikan. Ikan dan sayur dipotong kecil, gaul dengan mayonaise. Resepi seakan salad makanan laut. Cuma mesti ditambah perahan limau atau lemon. Lebih kurang macam seafood salad tetapi letak ikan dan bebola saja, memang sedap. Kalau pandai potong sandwich ala kedai, lembut je makan. Baru belajar macammana nak potong sandwich nanti nak try. 

Selamat nencuba, dan menjamu selera😊

Salam sayang, make your day lovelier each day inshaAllah ❤️

July 23, 2021

Teppanyaki / Masakan Jepun

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) English and one minute video below :) 

Mata atas bawah, tengok tukang masak dan makanan yang dimasak :))  Tupai pun menjenguk. 

-Squirrel smelled something good-

All begin with patience and turn taker that unite people. After frying fish Japanese style and shooing the flies that came to join not spanish fly ok but fly and other insect. After garlic, soy coated fish frying ends, dad and son got to rest their four limbs while eating it with tortilla kind of wraps.  Preparation and the performance come priority in some place like teppanyaki where people sit and stare at the chef - using flat iron to fry or grill. While heating up. the aroma  in the air is the appetizer. Same here the fragrant blown us full.  Alhamdulillah very satisfied and happy ending :) 

May we stay safe InshaAllah. 

Bermulanya dengan sabar dam ambil giliran menyatukan diantara satu sama lain. Selepas masak dan menghalau lalat bukan lalat orang spain yang  bertandang tapi lalat biasa dan serangga lain. Dah selesai masak,  sama2 bapak dan anak. 

baru dapat rehat tulang empat kerat sambil makan. 

Persediaan dan persembahan memasak teppanyaki pun di ambil kira seperti di restorannya di mana pelanggan tunggu dan tengok, aroma tulah pembuka selera. Alhamdulillah kenyang dan gumbira akhirnya:) 

Moga kita kekal sejahtera. InshaAllah. 


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