
August 16, 2021

Apricot, Dates Toppings | Chef Gordon Ramsay

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah:)

English version and one minute video below:)

Topping pisang, appricot, date penuh dengan potassium

Chef Gordon Ramsay pun ada cabaran :) 

Last night, before I got message from my maksu. She wanted to ask me to cite Surah Yassin everyday. And she also asked about Mochi recipe, I sent her the recipe. She said she would call me today as the day was late already. I wished good night to her. While I was messaging maksu, I was watching Gordon Ramsay cooking in South Africa's Kwa-Zulu Natal region. The view in Africa is beautiful. It kind of funny when he had to go fishing but first he had first to find worms. Ramsay said, he felt like some eyes were watching him where he was, exactly right as giraffes and rhinos were watching. He was with the local guy. He was in scary state, he even said its okay he stood behind the guy just incase. Beautiful scenery, MashaAllah. Just now I recited Surah Yassin, Surah Taubah, last but not least I wanted to recite Surah Inshirah. By the time I wanted to do it, my mind was full of stuffs as abang and adik haven't finished their Merdeka school projects as yet. Abang has just showered looked fresh and ready. I said come we read Al-inshirah together so that Allah SWT make it easy for you to finish the project InshaAllah. He also recite the doa before studying from surah Taha. So now he is in PDPR. And I'm going down for breakfast. Sometimes I had oats with dates, apricots, banana and raisins just to shared. 

Moga dipermudahkan urusan kita, inshaAllah.❤️

Semalam, dapat mesej whatsapp dari maksu yang dirindui, beliau mengingati saya membaca Surah Yassin setiap  hari kerana banyak hikmahnya (nanti mama huraikan) beliau juga bertanya tentang resepi mochi, saya hantar resepi, beliau beritahu yang beliau akan call saya. Semasa saya bermesej dengan maksu, saya sedang menonton Chef Gordon Ramsay dengan expedisinya memasak di South Africa daerah Kwa-Zulu Natal. Sebelum memasak, dia perlu menangkap ikan, dan sebelum memancing perlulah cari umpan, itupun dia perlu cari dulu dengan seorang warga tempatan di sana. Kelakar bila Chef Ramsay beritahu yang dia dapat rasa ada mata mata yang memandangnya, dan sememangnya pun, sekumpulan Sang Ziraffah dan Badak Sumbu sedang memerhati beliau. Dia terpaksa cakap yang dia akan duduk di belakang jejaka Afrika itu untuk melindung diri. Permai sangat permandangan di situ. MashaAllah. Saya baru habis membaca Surah Yassin dan dua potong akhir surah Taubah. Baru nak berganjak ke Surah Al-Inshirah, terfikir yang abang dan adik belum habiskan projek hari merdeka mereka. Jadi ajak abang yang kacak segar lepas mandi mengenakan tshirt dari Aeon Jusco berharga RM10 itu untuk membaca surah Al-Inshirah bersama-sama, mudah mudahan selesai kerja-kerjanya hari ni. Abang juga dipersiapkan doa sebelum belajar dari surah Taha. Sekarang abang berada dalam kelas PDPR dan saya nak turun bersarapan. Kekadang saya ambil oats dengan taburan apricot, pisang, kismis dan kurma hanya dikongsikan disini. Alhamdulillah. 

Selamat berpuasa bagi yang berpuasa, Salam Isnin❤️

Carrot Cake | Butter Scotch Gardenia

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :) 

Sepotong kek dibahagi dua

Mesti beralas perut sebelum nikmati kek

As we are in the month of our merdeka celebration, I am thinking of making merdeka chocolate cake consists blue, red, yellow and white butter cream. But I ain't an artist nor expert in cake making. SubhanAllah even at position of knowing bssic to do it, I did got order for birthday and nikah event. When delivering the cakes, I also gave money as a gift for the event. The money flow in and out and back inshaAllah increasing. The order was just a plain cake without any cream frosting, I searched on the net and found this beautiful marble cake recipe.  I tried and it turned out similar and hand delivered to them. 

I have few experienced in this area and made some delivered via delivery service. I kept the photos in the hard disk and will dig out and keep the memory in here, InshaAllah. 

As I ever mentioned before, I've tried some food concepts like keto diet, a discpline which consume protein and fibre more. My current diet is more to 'on and off' but less carbo or sometimes no carbo at all and see how it goes with my mood. I'm just human and a woman right, whom loves sweet, and moreover having a partner in common interest right? Having said that, I 'accidentally' ordered a slice of carrot cake from Secret Recipe for remedy of longing, I even planned to eat early of the day and vowed to have it half only and promised to eat something else first. So it happened... that one morning in the breeze of early morning, I shared it with adik,  the partner in common interest. We had bread butter scotch gardenia. 

Syukur Selalu. InshaAllah.❤️ 

Sempena bulan kemerdekaan, terasa nak buat kek coklat krim mentega putih, merah, biru, dan kuning. Tapi tak berseni lagi tak reti pula. Tak patut bercita-cita tinggi kan? Dalam tak pandai pun, pernah dapat order kek marble jelita, pesanan hanya cuma kek butter kosong, tak berkrim tapi saya cari resepi di net, terjumpa yang viral dan saya cuba buat dan hantar kepada mereka. Ada untuk majlis harijadi atau ada untuk majlis nikah, saya kirim pula duit untuk hadiah majlis masa hantar kek, duit 'pun pi mai pi mai" tapi bertambah inshaAllah. Ada photonya tapi dalam harddisk, akan korek nanti buat bahan memori di sini. InshaAllah.

Sebenarnya sebelum PKP tu, pernah saya sebut adalah permulaan saya makan rendah karbo.. tah lah. Diet saya tu, cuma sayur dan lauk iaitu protin dari ikan atau ayam. Kurang nasi atau tak ambil langsung begitu on dan off. Tetapi sesekali tak boleh tahan, perempuan kan? salah jatina pula ek, lepas tu ada geng pula tu iaitu adik suka juga kek. Terorderlah kek carrot dari secret recipe buat b ubat rindu. Rancang makan pagi, berikrar nikmati separuh je, janji makan selepas makan alas perut dulu. Jadilah bersarapan kek carrot tu disuatu pagi hening sebelum tengahari. Alhamdulillah. 

Moga sihat sentiasa❤️


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