
Showing posts with label Mixed Vege. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mixed Vege. Show all posts

November 24, 2021

Fish and stir fry mix vege | Ikan dengan sayur goreng campur

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video below :) 

Limited time hits the breakfast prep turned to dinner | Kekangan masa terpaksa persediaan sarapan jadi makan malam

Still sauteed the shallots and garlic | Masih menumis bawang putih dan bawang merah

Lately the routine and the task were kind of hectic and urgent. Tried to manage time properly so that eating or praying will still be done at home. I dare not to do these activities at public places. 

Else, I adjusted the time later or earliest possible. Anyway, arrived and settled the obligations and prepared the dinner that prepared earlier for breakfast. 

It was mackerel dan were deboned before freezing. And the vege were not as fresh, since many mornings ago I've put it out for cooking but had to keep them in back due to time limitation. 

Grateful everything turned out fine and at the right place. Still eat like how I wanted too, slightly derailed a bit from track :) 

Peace Wednesday ❤️

Kebelakangan ini, rutin dan tugasan dah beralih ke sibuk dan cemas. Cuba mengurus masa dengan betul supaya masih dapat bersolat dan makan di rumah. Tak berani pula nak buat aktiviti tu menggunakan tempat awam. 

Jika tidak pun cuba juga uruskan awal  atau lambat. Apapun, sampai dan tunaikan tanggungjawab dan masak bahan sarapan tu ke makan malam. 

Ikan makerel yang dibuang tulang sebelum dibekukan.. Sayur pun dah tak berapa segar kerana beberapa pagi lalu, saya keluarkan untuk masak tapi terpaksa simpan balik sebab isu kesempitan masa. 

Syukur Alhamdulillah semuanya baik-baik saja. Masih makan macam yang telah dirancang, cuma lari sikit la dari kebiasaan :) 

Salam Rabu❤️

View from Jalan Kinabalu. 


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