
Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts

May 4, 2014

diet during bearing / diet semasa mengandung

1 year / 12 months

1. Minum materna
2. acid folic
3. Obimin 
4. protein powder ( not always)
5. teh tarik (breakfast)
6. toast bread, kuih, fat rice (breakfast)
7. buah kurma
8. salmon (because feed faiq salmon when he was 1 year plus)

yang ni ja yang ingat sebab selalu ulang ni. memang breakfast awal sebab terlalu lapar waktu pagi. coffee totally skip. tak minum langsung. 2 minggu pregnant pegi hong kong, masa ni panik sebab banyak berjalan, naik train, dalam airport pun jalan jauh. terasa sakit kaki, kasut pun bertumit tinggi.

Jadi Fadya rambut lebat mencicah lebih dari telinga. kulit alhamdulilah smooth tapi tak seputih faiq yang mama tak minum teh tarik. (mungkin sekali sekala) tapi protein tak miss :) Fadya lebih makan apa yang kita makan. Faiq memilih makanan / minuman pun.

During pregnant with Fadya i had taken as the list above. i had pulled tea that is full of condensed  milk and the tea is black tea that has caffein not as much as coffee. with Faiq i didnt take this and coffee. i focus on taking materna and protein powder to aim for fair skin. the outcome was has planned. but Fadya turned out to be more flexy on food. i was kind of panic when i went to hong kong 2 weeks of bearing Fadya. long walk and standing even at the airport long walk. even high heels hurt. 

but fadya's hair thicker and longer up to ears. smooth skin Alhadulillah.

April 26, 2014

birthday cupcakes

cupcakes memang comel dan sedap. kagum kepada yang berbakat menghias cupcakes. mama hias meja macam main masak masak ala hi-tea gitu. good dayy mate :)

english version
cupcakes are cute and yummy. amazed with the talented to decorate cupcakes. mama decor the table like play hi-tea toy set. selamat siang sahabat :)

April 25, 2014

craft / kraf

mama, nak cuba? / mama, wanna try?


Assalamualaikum, Its friday :)

kalau lambat jalan dia akan pusing macam ni./ if the stroller didnt move she turn herself.

sejak fadya baby lagi, dia lebih suka bebas dari bertali keledar. tepat 2 tahun dia nak duduk kerusi biasa. teddy bearnya diletak atas kerusi baby.

cara kami sekarang letak dia atas stroller cepat2 jalan. dalam kerusi baby  (car seat) dalam kereta cepat bagi buku atau makanan. Boleh la jugak. ataupun letak dia atas tilam sambil minum susu.

english version
Fadya prefers belt free since she was a baby. when she turned 2, she decided to sit on normal seat and let her teddy sit on baby sit.

what we did, put her in the stroller and fast push her around. in the car we give food or book right after put her on the seat. or lie her on a thin mattress.

April 24, 2014

jom breakfast

pic 2010 at sunrise mont kiara

ambil masa nak mandikan faiq dan adiknya, saya buat roti dulu, pastu baru mandikan abang dan adik. Masuk dalam kereta. Ada raisins saya akan bagi baru mereka duduk sambil tengok luar, tanya itu ini. Bila sampai awal, kawan saya masih ada untuk breakfast bersama.

take time to shower faiq and his sister,  i prepare bread first, then shower them. Get in the car. I will give some raisins so that they sit still and adk this and that. When early, my friend is still there to have breakfast together.

April 22, 2014

cara faiq mengajak / faiq's way to ask

 "Faiq cakap jom naik kereta, lepas tu pusing jalan ni (ke kiri). Saya dah agak apa  mesej faiq ni, saya tanya lepas pusing pergi mana? pergi ke rumah, rumah maktok sambung Faiq. Rasa geram tengok dia terang dekat papa dia pun sama. mungkin heran kami tak kemana pun.

chit chat

" Faiq said lets go to the car, and go this way (to the left). i can sense what he means i asked him then we go to where? he continues go to the house, to maktok's house. so cute to see how he explained to his papa too. might be he wonders why we dont go anywhere now.

April 21, 2014

TV / Decor

Faiq suka tengok TV dari kecil lagi. camera pun tak nak tengok. mama pula suka tengok sofa warna biru, ceria ja.

Not yet 2 years, Faiq showed so much interest in watching TV, even not looking the camera when called, while mama loves the decor,it seems the blue colored sofa brightens.

face expression shows/
expressi muka sangat menunjuk

April 18, 2014

sesi perjumpaan dengan guru/ meeting with teacher

Salam Jumaat,

Alhamdulillah perjumpaan denga guru Faiq sudah selesai. Masa Faiq turun tu, Faiq terjatuh atas pasir berminyak hitam. kotor habis seluar. Saya smbik Fadya dan ajak Faiq masuk. Saya memberi salam dan minta  nak salin baju Faiq dulu. Teacher sangat mesra ajak saya masuk kelas. Faiq pun tukar baju. Sesi teacher dan parents pun bermula. Teacher puji Faiq mahu tulis dan memberi tumpuan di dalam kelas tak macam dulu tulis tak mahu tekan. Berbanding dengan budak lain Faiq tahu eja dan tulis Thursday. Teacher minta Faiq demo depan saya. Saya cakap Alhamdulillah. Teacher cakap dia happy sangat tengok Faiq punya perkembangan.

Teacher minta saya lebih beri perhatian tentang homework sebab lepas ni dia nak bagi lebih banyak. Saya pun naik panik hehe. Oh kena tanya Faiq la, sudah bersedia ke, then dia cakap ready. saya sambung ada contoh Teacher ? Dia keluarkan buku latihan orang besar punya, OK Faiq, boleh? Can. Teacher cakap kena rajin, nanti besar nak jadi apa, Faiq jawab nak jadi Captain America. mmm saya cakap kena buat sesuatu dengan cepat. Mandarin Faiq pun ok. Syukur.

semoga hari ini lebih ceria dan bersinar.

Teacher is happy with Faiq's progress. He is more focus and more clearer in writing unlike before he played and not serious in writing. i said Alhamdulillah. his mandarin is ok too. wo is I :)

April 16, 2014

1 tahun biskut diatur jadi kek / cookies

cookies arranged birthday cake

nak satu :)

moga hari ini lebih bercahaya
enlighten the day

April 14, 2014

Our morning / Pagi kami

 english version below

Awal pagi tadi, menyiapkan Faiq dan Fadya tak begitu mudah. Faiq minta tengok TV, bila di pujuk pergi ke kereta pun dia cakap nak tengok TV. Jadi saya dengan nak cepat terpaksa cakap, kalau duduk rumah, macammana nak tahu perbezaan di antara binatang dengan makhluk asing. Baru la Faiq tutup TV, terus turun bawah.

Early on today, it was not that easy for me to make Faiq and Fadya to get ready. Faiq wanted to watch TV, when I persuaded him to go to the car, he said wanted to watch still. So I had to explain since I need to go early to, if you stay home, how would you
differentiate between alien and animal but he knows his the hero to the rescue. Then he switched off the TV, he went down the stairs.

Bila bagitau pakcik dia ada di amerika, dia cakap pakcik adalah captain amerika mmm:)
when told that his uncle is in america, he said his uncle is a captain America

April 7, 2014

super hero

Bila terbaca blog Nor Azimah, saya tertangguh nak cerita pasal Faiq, asyik dengan superhero. Suka betul dia dengan superhero, jadi risau jugak. Tapi saya cakap terus dengan Faiq, Rasulullah, hero kita. Dia sambung selepas Allah mama.

Walaupun suka dengan super hero ni, faiq asyik tanya hey Spiderman, what happen to your ears? Dia tanya "spiderman, apa dah jadi dengan telinga kamu". saya terdengar nak tergelak la juga, dan cakap dengan Faiq wah perasan juga Faiq, so dia cakap ada telinga.

Buku pun dia ingat dari Rasulullah, selain Al-Quran, saya tetangkan la sedikit sebanyak ysng saya tahu.

english version
when I read Nor Azimah's entri, i realised i supposed to write on Faiq is into superhero now but the photo is in laptop. He loves superhero that worries me too. i directly said to him that Radulullah is our hero. He continues after Allah is Rasulullah, then mama.

Eventhough he loves super heroes,  he realised spiderman flaw and ask "what happened to your ears?" how come no ears, not Alien. wow you can realised that i noticed. he mentioned that he has ears.

He thoughts books from Rasulullah but I told him only Al-Quran and try to ecplain to him ehar I know.
cheeky one

April 6, 2014

was fine / baik baik

faiq dan fadya tenang dan bermain bila bersama teacher.

they were fine with teacher around. Alhandulillah.

while you did this, mama thought of you two.

April 5, 2014

Music Instrument / Menyanyi

Bimbang Faiq pandai menyanyi lagu Taylors Swift walaupun dia selalu istgfar, mengucap laqhaulawala, bissmila, doa makan skit skit.

Faiq tahu hampir separuh lirik everything has change dengan tone yang sangat betul. i wanna know you better know you better know you better know now. selepas chorus tone meninggi pun dia tahu.

Faiq cuma dengar sekali sahaha lagu ni masa saya memilih lagu untuk masuk pertandingan menyanyi di company adikberadik. tapi saya menyanyi lagu umbrella iaitu lagu Rihanna.

Semasa saya menaip post ini, saya dengar Faiq tanya papa "are you fart?"

Teringat saya, pernah saya burp sedawa , Faiq tanya mama are you angin?

Pernah juga dia suruh saya pegang belakang dia, lepas dia burp burp burp

lepas tu dia minta saya duduk, dia cakap dia papa, Iam papa sambil urut saya kat belakang and minta saya burp burp burp hehe..

you are such an observant kid, we better watch out next

Just worried when Faiq can sing though he can cite short citations. he can memorize lyrics while he only listen to the song once. While I am typing this he asked papa Are you fart?

I remember he asked me do i have wind in my body. Sorry I cant going typing now as I have to have breakfast with them now. Have a great weekend.

be gorgeous just to feel good :)

maid kat tengah tu. faiq loves guitar most.

April 3, 2014

too cute / comel je

bila nak mandi segala mainan pun dibawa mandi. biasanya ikan plastik tu di tinggal dalam cebuk. yang pertama faiq akan buat, isi air dan snorkel / masuk sebahagian muka jenguk ikan. saya suruh faiq basuh dulu cebuk tu baru isi air sebab takut ada baby nyamuk. faiq selamba ja cakap "terlalu comel anak nyamuk tu mama".. mmm sebelum ni faiq dah tonton majalah 3 tentang aedes, dia suka dan dah cakap too cute the baby nyamuk tu.  eeee

too cute mama, babies are harmless why you said eeee
baby baik kenapa express eeee mama?

when shower time most of toys are brought in the bathroom. normally plastic fish are left in the bucket. first enter, faiq would fill water as if the fish are swimming in and he would snorkel half his face. i would say wash the bucket first then fill water in , coz the mosqitoe's  babies might be there, faiq just simply said they are too cute mama. early on he was too focused on documentary on aedes in majalah 3. at that time he mentioned that "mosquetos' babies
are too cute". eeee

April 1, 2014


Rajinnyaaa mama siap frame socks pertama faiq, nanti mama kutip lagi barang yang bersempah tu buh dalam frame na.
Things needed:
Cardboard as base
Uhu sticky glue
Socks or booties or mittens
Alphabets stickers

March 31, 2014

helpful / menolong

Dengan memerhati Faiq belajar menolong menyapu masa umur 1.6 tahun, ada video, bila-bila nanti boleh post sini. /

With observation Faiq learnt to help sweeping the floor at the age of 1.6 years old. Now he could operate vacuum cleaner and tungkus lumus (overly suck the dust).

somebody got to do it. do it with sincerely out of gratefulness without obligation. 

careness and joyous.

March 27, 2014

of course papa / boleh papa

Faiq cakap nak buah oren, so saya potong untuk dia ja, sebab untuk kami ada nangka, Fadya ratah sayur kacang bendi. Puas la Faiq makan ja buah oren tu, papa dia minta skit, dia cakap "opcos papa, of coz papa sambil nak bagi hat dalam mulut tu" hai tu ta elok sangat la Faiq.  Mungkin papa minta masa dah nak abis kut. Teringat saya masa kecik dulu adik saya kawai makanan dia, dia jilat semua, pastu pegi main.

Faiq asked for orange fruit, so I cut one off for him as we got jackfruit to finish, abd Fadya had ladies finger to eat. Faiq was happy that he got the orange fir him but papa want to eat a bit and asked him to give some, Faiq said " of course papa, of course while opening his mouth showing orange half eaten in it. Hmm i said that's not nice at all But maybe papa asked for it too late. It reminds me of my brother to conquer his food by licking all infront of us then went to play. Why la like that.mmm

wash hand dah

March 25, 2014

the flying creature / burung

Fadya terutamanya suka kejar burung, bila keluar dari keta terus lari kearah burung, dari situ kena pegang tangan dia sentiasa.

Si abang pun sama, jadi mama memang kalut, bersedia dengan beg bersilang siap-siap sebelum kereta. Kasut pun flat ja hmm.

Chasing birds right after got out of the car made my adrenaline rush up to catch them on the road, especially Fadya made me an active alert with full if action. Flat shoe as fashon for this purpose.

March 24, 2014

kid with books / buku segalanya

Fadya main kuda-kuda pun boleh baca buku

Kadang buku jadi tangga.

she finds a way to play and learn, that's what she got a book to read and books to make stairs.

March 2, 2014

Feeding Time / bagi adik minum susu

Bersyukur mendapat anak-anak, mendoakan mereka adalah anak soleh dan solehah. Pada mulanya inginkan anak tak kira lelaki atau perempuan. Selepas Faiq, mengaku mahukan anak perempuan dan mendoakan dan memberitahu kepada  Gynea, biarkan Allah s.w.t membuat kejutan dengan mengurniakan seorang puteri.

Grateful having kids, praying they are pious ones. In he beginning, wanting kids whether a boy or a girl. After Faiq, admit to closed friends and relatives that only expect a daughter with prayers and told our Gynea to let God makes a surprise to grant us a princess. 

Faiq at 1.9  years old feeding his sister of 3 weeks old. 

Bagi susu kat adik
Dah kenyang dan dah tido


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