
Showing posts with label Kampung Bharu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kampung Bharu. Show all posts

June 7, 2024

Nasi Lemak di Kampung Bharu | Coconut Rice at Kampung Bharu

Assalamualaikum / Peace be upon you

Bahasa version below | Versi Bahasa di bawah

At dawn we headed KL to pick up relative. Since he's not ready, we decided to have breakfast first.


Parked the car at the shop's compound and we sat at the table.

Ordered two packs of coconut rice and two cups of coffee.

The rice tasted normal, still good as we were hungry. The chilli paste was tasty yet slightly sweet the way I like it. 

Not sure what's the name of the shop. But it's behind the University Kuala Lumpur building. 

Have a lovely day❤️


Di hening pagi, kami menghala ke KL menjemput saudara. Sebab dia belum siap lagi, kami terus cari makanan untuk sarapan. 

Letak kereta di parkir, dihadapan kedai dan duduk di meja. 

Pesan dua bungkus nasi lemak dan dua cawan kopi. 

Nasinya rasa biasa saja, masih membuka selera sebab kami lapar. Sambalnya enak, ada manis sikit macam yang saya suka. 

Tak pasti apa nama kedainya, tapi ia di belakang bangunan university Kuala Lumpur. 

Salam bahagia♥️


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