
July 5, 2024

Piranha in Aquaria

Piranha di Aquaria  

                  Ocean Trip video 

We're delighted with brother and his friend's plan and told our kids about it. On the day, we dressed up for the fun day in Aquaria KLCC. 

Woke up early, was a bit skeptical coz brother who just came back from the states, earlier hesitates as he came to knew it was school holiday week here in Malaysia. 

Luck was our side, get ready, and drove to pick them up. Arrived there early.

Tips to feel easy at this tourist attraction. 

    1. Go as early as possible

    2. Parking conveniently at KLCC

    3. Walk through the tunnel to Aquaria

    4. Fill the tummy first as can't eat inside

    5. Bring IC or passport. 

    6. Tiket price varies RM52 ++

We were intriqued with the Piranhas that welcomed us. Yes, it was placed at the entrance. 

Pira means fish, sainha mean tooth. But saw like canine, all of it. Also meaning is biting fish, that's the thrill of predatory omnivor. Which mean they eat plant based and meat. 

Piranhas are known aggresively to tear apart human body  in seconds. Yeah! in seconds, believe it or not 😨, we saw it live and many, not checking the strength of the aquarium that protect us. Careless, yet trusting the Aquaria authorities on that. 

Another creature was the lobster, right after the piranha on the right.

This creature has smart brain I heard, and check it out it is true, it is a smart animal with feelings, carry their young 9 months, and has blue blood like spider. 

Amazing trip we had, we very much love and thanks to brother and his friend. We'll do more :)) and yet more fish to explore..  

Admidst walking out, we saw Kenny Rogers restaurant, we had roasted chicken for lunch. 

Peace and joy to you. Give gratitude always ❤️

Kami teruja dengan rencana adik dan kawannya untuk bawa anak² ke Aquaria. Tiba hari yang dijanjikan kami bersiap untuk keriangan di Aquaria KLCC. 

Bangun awal, tapi rasa skeptikal sikit sebab adik yang balik bercuti dari USA mengeluh awalnya sebab baru tahu yang minggu tu minggu cuti sekolah di sini. 

Nasib menyebelahi kami, Bersiap siap, dan pandu terus ambil mereka. Sampai awal pagi kami di sana. 

Tip nak rasa selesa di tempat tumpuan pelancong ini. 

1 Pergi seawal mungkin

2 Letak kereta di KLCC

3 menapak melalui terowong ke Aquaria

4 Isi perut dulu, kerana tidak dibenarkan makan di dalam

5 Bawa I/C atau passport

6 Harga tiket anggaran RM52 ++

Kami terlalu terpersona dengan Piranha yang menyambut kami. Ya, tangkinya berada di depan pintu masuk. Bergambar, berborak sesambil lihat mulut ikan bergerak. 

Pira bermaksud ikan manakala nha tu dari bahasa Tupi bermaksud gigi. Tapi taring kesemuanya yang saya perasan hehe.. Juga ia bermaksud ikan mengigit, itulah yang mengujakan, pemangsa yang omnivor, makan berasas tumbuhan dan daging.

Juga ia terkenal dengan mengoyak daging dalam beberapa saat ja, percaya atau tidak 😨. Dah lihat dekat hidup², tanpa periksa cermin aquarium tu kuat ke tak, lalainya kan. Tapi yakin dengan pihak Aquaria lebih arif. 

Makhluk didepan kanan tu udang galah. 

Makhluk yang bijak dan berperasaan saya dengar, dah check tadi betul, ia juga membawa telur selama 9 bulan dan berdarah biru macam labah-labah. 

Menakjubkan lawatan kami, berbanyak terima kasih dan sayang buat adik dan kawan. Kami suka :)) dan ada lagi ikan nak di kaji nanti...

Keluar dari Aquaria, ternampak restoran Kenny Roger, kami pun pekena ayam panggang untuk makan tengahari. 

Tenang  &  bersyukur selalu ❤️


  1. Linda piraña. Te mando un beso.

  2. How cool! I would love to be there too.

  3. What a fun trip to Aquaria KLCC for the children! The piranha fish are dangerous! Scary!

  4. Oh, what a fun day for all. Lovely food too!

  5. Such a great holiday. Adoring that photo! Love the foodie photo too💕🌈🍏🌸

  6. Here they are in the rivers of a region called Mesopotamia. They are dangerous to cross these rivers since they bite the legs of the horses that must cross them.

  7. Querida amiga, me gustaria estar ahi, mirando a las pirañas de lejos, hermoso viaje.
    Abrazos y besos, que tengas un feliz fin de semana.
    Abrazos y besitos

  8. Lama dah tak pegi Aquaria.. sampai ingat2 lupa tempat tu.
    Dulu pegi pun sbb nak melayan si kecik.

  9. Did you disable the comment on your new post? Can't comment there...

    1. Thank you for telling me. Just enabled it.



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