
June 6, 2024

Open Sandwich | Sandwic Terbuka

Assalamualaikum / Peace be upon you. Bahasa version below / Versi bahasa di bawah

Gotta chance to be here, feel relax ever meeting up with my friends again. Meanwhile, I will share this simple food journal, only making Sandwich. 

I saw in Pinterest an open sandwich, which is also called open faced sandwich. Whoever that favour decor but has no medium to practise it, just take a bread as base and build the topping nicely. That's sandwich with one sliced bread all about.  

Thing you'll need:

    1. Bread

    2. Sardine

    3. Vege

    4. Sauce

There's apple pie shown, later we'll archive it here at a different time.

One chunk of sardine like that, looked as if there's more protein and can be seen obviously from a distance. If we mash it up, it'll not make a big impact. Taste will be the same only to munch with more effort :) 

Have a nice day ❤️

Berpeluang kembali lagi, tenang jumpa sahabat² di sini. Sesambil tu kongsi jurnal makanan ringkas, Sandwich je pun.

Lihat di Pinterest sandwich terbuka ni disebut 'open faced sandwich'. Orang yang suka dekor ni tetapi tiada ruang nak didekor, dekor roti sebagai dasarnya. Jadilah sandwich roti bawah saja.

Bahan2 nya:

1. Roti

2. Sardin

3. Sayuran 

4. Sos

Ada apple pie tu, nanti kita arkib kan di sini pada waktu lain.

Sardin seketul gitu, konon nakkan protin lebih dan nampak jelas dari jauh, jika di lenyek mungkin tak perasan. Rasa sama je, cuma usaha untuk mengunyah lebih :) 

Salam sejahtera ❤️


  1. It's always good to see you update the blog. The sandwich sounds great with sardine.

  2. simple tapi mengenyangkan...

  3. Pasti sedap! Suka makan roti multigrain & seeds macam ni. Rangup dan sandwich jadi lebih sedap. Menyihatkan dan menyelerakan tengok food plating dengan pelbagai warna isi dan toppingnya.

  4. Thanks for your sharing

  5. Hi Sis... lama tak bersiaran.
    Alhamdulillah kembali menulis.
    I suka roti with seeds dan mmg itu yg selalu dibeli berbanding yg biasa. Terasa lemak2 sedap.

  6. Wah Cik Puan memang gemar memasak ya :)

  7. Gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso.

  8. ringkas dan. pilihan ramai
    feberett jga



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