
March 11, 2014

Faiq dengan nadanya / Faiq with his words

Bila faiq basuh tangan kat sinki dia tengok pokok yang di letak tepi tingkap tu dan memberitahu yang pokok tu tak hidup, tak hidup mama

Dah masa tu kami sibuk tengah makan, papanya tanya macamana nak bagi hidup
Faiq jawab air hujan.

Tadi pun saya cakap dengan Faiq kena simpan mainan, sebab bila pijak sakit tau.
Faiq cakap maaf mama, maaf mama sangat-sangat.

Pagi ni pun dia minta tengok lion dance dalam tab. Saya cakap nanti lepas sekolah
Dia cakap tolong,;tolong, tolong mama.

English version
When Faiq washed his hands, he saw indoor plants at the window and said
Mama, this plant didnt grow, he continue  this not growing, mama

Since we are still eating then papa asked how to make it grow, Faiq.
Then faiq said "Rain" the tree needs rain.

I told Faiq "your blocks hurt me when I step on it
Oh mama I'm so sorry, am really so sorry.

This morning he asked
Mama, I want to see lion dance in the tab,
I said later
He said please please please mama.


  1. alolo, sweetnya bahasa dia..

  2. sweet sgt..anak oh anak...;D

  3. sweet little faiq.... so cute with those kind words...

  4. Anak kecil bercakap ikut bagaimana didikan penjaga
    Tolong, please, thank you semua tu dia dengar dan tangkap dari org yg terdekat..



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