
March 23, 2013

Hair care/Jom jaga rambut

Please scroll for english version. Thanx:)

Saya lebihkan senam tunduk kepala ke bawah supaya darah mengalir lebih ke kepala dgn posisi ini. Rambut lebih sihat. Berdiri tegak, nafas, angkat kiri separuh bersila, tangan kiri berpusing dari blakang. Perlahan2 bongkokkan badan. Tangan kanan menapak di lantai, bernafas 5x. Untuk saya memikirkan ttg senam adalah anugerah  yg dipinjam yg perlu disyukuri. Tips: sebelum memakai tudung, sikat rambut belah tepi atau tengah, letak pin rambut. Ikat rambut dari bawah dgn pin yg ada net sanggul. Gulung dan pusing rambut masuk dlm net. Pasti anda dapat rambut cantik bila buka tudung.lurus dari atas beralun dibawah dan bekas ikatan pun tak ada..

I love doing foward band. As the blood tend to flow more to the head. And relax the neck. Stand upright..bring left leg bend to half lotus, grab toe with right hand from behind. Bend down, stay in the position with 5x breathing. For me working out on our body is showing gratefulness as its a gift that we care the most. Tips : before wearing veil. Comb hair, give side spilt or middle, pin hai. Tie hair low with hair pin that has net below. Twist n fold hair inside the net. For sure after the veil is opened. The hair flow straight from top but slightly curl down. Good thing theres no obvious tie shape left.

With love,

March 22, 2013

Lawak ibu/mom's joke

Version english please scroll down -
Ibu saya cerita masa dia belasan tahun dahulu, dia pergi tengok wayang. Satu masa tu dia terpaksa bawa adiknya iaitu maksu saya yang masih kecil. Bila pulang ke rumah dari panggung. Ibu pesan pada adiknya jangan beritahu abah dan mak iaitu abahwan dan maktok saya. Bila masuk rumah, maksu saya diam tapi sekian lama bersuara  "hari ini siapa pun tak tengok wayang :)"

My mom told me a story in her teenagers days. Its about she wanted  to watch movie but she had to bring her sister along. So in the way home after the movie she told her sister not to tell anyone about they watched movie. After they enter the house, her sister was quiet but voice out " nobody watched movie today :)".
with love,

Jom angkat berat/ lets weight lifting

Please scroll down for english version

Saya rasa tangan saya lebih kuat dgn cubaan mengangkat berat badan sendiri. Duduk bersila, letak tangan kanan blakang lutut. Tangan kiri disebelah peha. Untuk meringankan berat, kaki kiri tumpang atas kaki kanan. Bernafas pjg, dua belah tapak tangan  menapak di atas lantai, siku dibengkokkan dan lurus mengangkat seluruh badan. Otot perut mengempis dan menarik keatas. Bernafas dgn tenang.

I feel my hands are stronger after tryinh to lift my own body weight. I sat down in lotus pose, slightly raise right leg towards the side. It gives space for my right hand against back of my knee. Left hand besides the thigh. To lighten the weight put the left feet on the right feet near the ankle. Breath in, palms on and grip the earth. Elbow bended a bit and abruptly straighten to lift the whole body. Stomach muscle in and pull up. Breath calmly
Awareness , alert, alter,


Scroll for English
Melayu maju InshaaAllah (saya suka menyatakan yang positif sahaja  jadi betulkan Melayu sentiasa ingat pada Allah, InshaaAllah sebab ini adalah satu doa). Dan saya sambung Mulakan dengan Disney Junior Asia, bila channel disner junior asia disiarkan di Malaysia bermakna apa yang disiarkan biar ada Kebudayaan, perayaan orang Melayu/Islam, bagus sebab perayaan Kong Xi Fa Cai ada. Siaran begini mulanya pendedahkan kepada kanak-kanak yang meminati Disney Junior Asia. Tapi Disney karakter seperti Mickey Mouse, Agent Oso memang mudah diminati oleh kanak-kanak dan belajar kata "please mama" :). Untuk Disney Channel memang disiarkan Upin dan Ipin. Tapi bukan Disney Junior Asia untuk bayi2.
In my comments was simple, Malay is getting better.( I pratice saying the positive things only, so I corrected Malay always remember Allah) So I said, Start with Disney Junior Asia, when the channel is approved to air in Malaysia country, it takes responsiblity to make sure the add on of the culture, the festival of Malays/Islam as they have Kong si fa cai festival that is something to learn too. Kids loves Disney characters. even learned from them "please mama":). In Disney Chanel there is Upin and Ipin which is good yet it is not Disney Junior Asia for babies.
ethics, ettiquette, elected
with love,
Mickey starts holding pens :)
focused and wanted so much to do as watched as the charaters did :) 

March 21, 2013

Let's work out/Jom senam

             Visi bahasa dibawah (ingin melatih menulis dwibahasa)

The stretch forward is done by standing upright, bring the body weight to left leg, then slowly lift up the right leg up, grab the toe, look to the ftont. This position without i realised it the it tightens my tummy muscle. Strenghten and straighten the spine. Focus on the nose or infront for steadiness, no wobbling with focus :)

Posisi renggangan kaki ke depan di lakukan dgn berdiri tegap, berat badan biar di sebelah kaki dulu, fokus mata lihat depan. Pelahan angkat kaki kanan, pegang ibu jari kaki, lurus kaki dan tangan ke depan. Tidak disangka posisi ini menegak tulang belakang dan otot perut kempis kuat menegak sepertimana tulang belakang.
Pastikan mata fokus hidung atau depan supaya tak terhoyong-hayang :)

Senam, syukur, sihat
With love,

March 20, 2013

Dine, discipline, demo

Visi bahasa dibawah - ( nak cuba menguasai dwi bahasa)
When dinning out, i want everybody having it with peace. So i usually make sure my kids had their meal before we leave to the restaurant. Then i prepare proper place for them to eat, demo how i look at the menu excitedly, so that they would follow, discipline myself too :)
Santap, sopan, susila
Biasanya bila ada santapan di luar atau di majlis, saya akan beri anak-anak makan dulu. Saya dengan sopan, ton suara yg rendah memberitahu meja untuk letak pinggan, kerusi untuk duduk. Bertata susila saya duduk dan baca menu, kononnya foto menu itu menarik. Walaupun di kedai mamak :)

Aman, Alhamdulillah, Amin
With love, 


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