
May 27, 2009

Pilot run

I just changed the settings of the blog as to welcome commentator , onliners to contribute ideas. Here I go to test 123...Hope its there for you.

May 25, 2009


I'm blogging again, blog is to compile out, what's up, what's down, on or off of me, easiest way for better silaturahim as well, Ocean girl is a blogger-my lovely sister, contagious! That's why I'm here...getting back after laid back for ages eg...paused to smell the roses of the real world...real face to face...listen...inhale...exhale...sigh...breathe:)...and now ready to type on...

August 7, 2008


Love between man and woman ahem ahem, coupleship, friendship, relationship, marriage, family. I admire few couples, eg my lovely friend and her better half, beloved maktok and abahwan, H parents-nice couple always together. My aunty and uncle - smart couple, same colors attires, presentable in any occasions, parents..dont mention it. I'm old fashioned person, according to malays tak elok puji apa yg kita ada. more INTERESTS to come...

d Movie

was ok, not worth watching. wanted to see with a, was full, with another a, was hot and long q, managed to watch with zh finally but a waste:(

a good effort tho...SIGH!

August 3, 2008


I'm an 100% Achiever. For those who knew me, would know better. I thank to Allah and my mom's prayers. Alhamdulillah.


2008 Fundraising Dinner in aid of the rumah harapan for orphans. Held at Grand Ballroom, Sime Darby Convention Centre, Bukit Kiara. The speech was superb, I took home with it runs in my head still. The crowd was familiar as in the Sunday class.


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