

March 15, 2022

Rice quail eggs with chilli paste | Nasi dan sambal telur burung puyuh

Bahasa dan video pendek di bawah :)

English version and short video below :)

Planning was tight of that day, decided to eat lil heavier for breakfast | Rancangan padat untuk hari tu, terus nak makan lebih berat untuk sarapan

Actually eggs with broccolli added rice | Sebenarnya telur burung puyuh bersama brokoli tambah nasi

Told the kids that I'm going to film moments and noted down what I did and have done while they are at school or studying and vice versa; They did the same after came home or finished school. 

I took photos of the breakfast meal, with video of squirrel visiting at the window before we took off to KL City. 

In KL, the task is to clear the unit and to fill up the fridge with food supplies, for their uncle to stay for quarrantine, upon arrival from California. 

Took view of the buildings, I wondered why I like all that. Squirrels, photos of breakfasts but not lunch. Funny but true hehe..

Happy Tuesday ❤️

Bagitau abang adik yang saya rakam suasana dan tulis sikit apa yang telah berlaku dan lakukan semasa mereka di sekolah atau sedang belajar dan disebalik tu, mereka juga buat yang sama bila habis sekolah atau berlajar.

Saya ambil gambar sarapan, video tupai singgah makan di tingkap sebelum bertolak ke KL.

Di KL, kami kemas unit dan stok makanan dalam peti ais, untuk Uncle mereka yang akan menginap di sini apabila beliau sampai dari California untuk kuarantin.

Ambil permandangan bangunan, hairan juga kenapa saya suka sangat semua tu. Tupai, dan gambar sarapan tetapi bukan gambar makan tengahari. Pelik tapi benar hehe..

Salam Selasa ❤️


  1. Suka sambal telur puyuh. Mungkin suasana pagi yang buat semangat nak ambil gambar. Tengahari dah penat. Hehe

  2. I love quail eggs! They are so good for us. That's a great meal to kick start the day.

  3. Comelnya telur puyuh!

  4. lauk sedap.. Alhamdulillah =)

  5. Lama tidak makan lauk telur puyuh.

  6. I am interested in seeing your videos, they show me how people live, what they eat, what a Thai city is like from a place so far away from my country Argentina.

  7. Broccoli is great and so is your video.

  8. I have never had a quail egg Your meal sounds deliclious

  9. part broccoli tu saya suka, kekadang berebut dengan anak2 bila masak.

  10. Nampak lebih menarik bila ada brokoli dalam hidangan tu...

  11. My friend, life is like that, there are days when we change our menu and this one was very good.

    I wish you a nice day.
    Kisses 🌷

  12. Simple but very nice! Have a nice day ahead

  13. Oh I suka U snap gambar tupai atau binatang2 yg berselang seli dgn makanan. I rasa itu dah jadi mcm your "trade mark" yg harus dikekalkan sbb jarang blogger lain buat.

  14. I like your breakfast of rice, quail eggs and vegetables. Good that your garden welcomed Squirrels. So nice of you to stock up food in the fridge for the quarantine. Is the cny tower decor still in front of suria klcc?

  15. lama tk mkn telur burung puyuh

  16. Suka makan telur puyuh, sedap buat sambal atau makan dengan sambal begini pun sedap. Seronokya uncle akan stay bersama.

  17. sebut telur puyuh otak mesti ingat hidangan udang panjat kat meja pengantin hahaha
