

March 17, 2022

Japanese Food at Jalan Nagasari | Makanan Jepun di Jalan Nagasari

Bahasa dan video pendek di bawah :)

English version and short video below :)

Headed to pick up parents|  | Bergerak menjemput ibubapa

Before uncle meet up with his friends, I brought abang adik along | Sebelum Uncle berkumpul dengan kawan-kawan, saya bawa dulu abang adik sekali

Hustled up and down about Uncle's quarantine. To release his wrist band was tricky, he couldn't go in any building coz his 'under quarantine' status. He had to go via government channel, not sure about the arrangement and system. 

While he trying to figure out how to go about doing it, the chip on his wrist would be able to detect all the places he went. 

Ok back meeting up for Sunrise country food, he chose jalan Nagasari,  I'm not quite a food adventurer, but whenever travelling, we searched for kosher or halal based on our local Islamic scholar Hussein Yee, by checking the ingredients.

We had a good time there, a flower guy from outside the eatery stopped to sell roses. We bought one each for Uncle and adik. Wow! This would be the first time adik recieved a rose.

Roses are red Violets are blue...  

Somehow having lunch reminded me of a movie "Holiday in the Wild". She and her friends just women who lunch but have benefits out of it when in aid. 

Happy Thursday ❤️

Renyah dan remeh hal kuarantin Uncle. Nak potong gelangnya ambil masa kerana dia tak boleh masuk mana-mana bangunan (untuk PCR) dengan status kuarantinnya tu. Kena buat melalui kerajaan, tapi tak pastilah peraturan dan sistemnya. 

Sementara dia perlu uruskan, chip dekat pergelangan tangan tu boleh mengesan ke mana saja beliau pergi. 

Ok lah, berbalik ke perjumpaan jejak kasih di restoran negara matahari terbit. Uncle pilih yang terletak di jalan Nagasari, saya tak berapa jenis meneroka bab makan, tapi pilih yang halal dan berasas pesanan Ustaz Hussein Yee, periksa bahan-bahannya.

Kami bersantai berkumpul, seorang jejaka dari luar kedai jual bunga ros, belilah 2 kuntum sekuntum untuk Uncle, lagi satu untuk adik, wah! adik ni pertama kali menerima bunga ros.

Bunga mawar merah...sebuah misteri.. 

Tiba teringat movie Holiday in the wild, dimana wanita-wanita ini (women who lunch) hanya berkumpul untuk makan tengahari, tetap memberi faedah bila didalam kesukaran

Salam Khamis ❤️


  1. suka makanan Jepun..sushi especially..

  2. Parece una comida muy rica . Te mando un beso.

  3. seronok berjumpa Uncle setelah sekian lama.semoga dipermudahkan urusan keluarga sis

  4. Memang renyah urusan bila dijangkiti covid ni. Seronok dapat jumpa uncle dan dapat bunga ros jugak :)

  5. Sounds like that you had a great meal with your family!

  6. What a fun time you are having with the your brother. Enjoy!

  7. Rasa macam romantic diberi bunga ros.

    Uncle yang teringin makanan Jepun.

  8. ok tak harga makanan kat sini?
