

March 12, 2022

DiY Coffee Art | Kopi Cantik DIY

Bahasa dan video pendek di bawah:)

English version and  short video below:)

Since we are in charge of  thinking about cafe idea at the madrasah, I tried to toy around with coffee art stencil |

Dah diberi tugasan untuk memikirkan tentang cafe di madrasah, saya cuba buat seni kopi guna stensil

I initially thought of just adding marshmallows on both hot and cold coffee | Mulanya, saya ingat cuma nak letak marshmallow kedalam kopi panas dan sejuk. 

I tried to heat up milk, and pulled and poured to foam it but the milk bubbles and the art shape didn't last long. 

I then sprinkled the cocoa powder on the floating marshmallows, but it didn't turn up the way I expected as well. 

Last but not least, I sprayed whipped cream on to the coffee and let it settle. Then, I sprinkled the cocoa powder and Voila... ! What amazing result.. like I am at the hipster cafe already lol. So grateful.  

Stuff needed:

- A cup of coffee 

- Whipped Cream

- A plastic or paper cut stencil with coffee art design (I got a set online from Shopee) 

- Cocoa powder

That's it. My heartfelt prayers for peace abroad and may God protect all humankind safe from war and any natural disaster all around the world. 

Happy and safe Saturday ❤️

Saya dah cuba panaskan susu dan tarik macam teh tarik untuk mendapatkan buih, tapi bentuk corak atas kopi tu tak boleh bertahan lama. 

Kemudian, saya cuba tabur serbuk koko atas marshmallow, pun tak jadi elok.

Akhir sekali, saya 'spray' krim putar atas kopi dan biar ia 'settle' dulu. Kemudian baru saya tabur serbuk koko,  Wow! Hasil yang mnenakjubkan, rasa ala ala berada di cafe hipster pulak hehe. Alhamdulillah... 


- Kopi secawan

- Krim putar (dalam spray can) 

- Stensil plastik bercorak atau kertas dipotong corak kopi (coffee art card stencil) 

- Serbuk koko

Itu saja. Hati kecil mendoakan keamanan diluar sana, juga perlindungan serta keselamatan didunia untuk keseluruhan manusia sejagat dari perang dan bencana alam. 

Salam Sabtu dan moga selamat semuanya. ❤️


  1. loving your coffee art-very fun.
    Ma peace come soon

  2. That looks very pretty! I would love one for my breakfast too.

  3. Very pretty your coffee art. I sayang to drink it because if I drink it, the pretty coffee art will be no more. I also like your bowl of healthy breakfast next to your coffee.

  4. Que rico y lindo café. Me dio muchas ganas . Te mando un beso.

  5. Cantikk mcm bentuk bunga
    Suka tgk

  6. looks like a very tasty coffee, seeing it at 6 in the morning made me hungry, rss how delicious.
    Friend, have a good week with health and peace.
    kisses 🌷

  7. Ooooo... begitu caranya. Menarik!

  8. Usaha tangga kejayaan.

  9. Pernah cuba juga buat coffee art, tak menjadi. Good idea jugak spray tu. Finally ada jugak rupa art tu kan :)

  10. buatkan utk sy boleh? hehehe
