

December 1, 2021

Frozen Homemade Karipap and Spring Rolls

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video below :) 

Thinking to make some products to sell | Memikirkan sesuatu produk untuk di jual

If ever I have a product like McD that even economy inflation or down, the price of McD still on the rise and help maintain people having jobs all time, could I live legacy to younger generation, Que Sera Sera :)). 

Kalaulah ada produk macam McD tu walau dalam kegemelut ekonomi jatuh, harga McD tetap menaik dan masih mengekal pekerjaan segolongan ramai sepanjang zaman, bolehkah   meninggal warisan ke generasi baru, Que Sera Sera :)) 

Yes, I am serious in thinking of something to generate income and to improve life as the commercial sectors are beginning to bloom again. And I am at that same level like my dad said, which is I still grateful and thankful. 

I've made our version of puff that is frying type and the fillings are minced chicken, carrots and potatoes. 

The crusts; I found that it was too hard for me to knead, mould and fry, I already sighed. 

So, I came up with spring roll sheet which ready to fill the fillings, I figured Singapore beehoon are the best for the taste. But still need skill to roll them perfectly. 

We tried and rehearsed how to do the process and the taste after few days of being frozen. 

It was yummy as expected but the spring rolls were kind of oily, yet good breakfast, served with longan and banana. 

Need food tasters, I guess :) 

Happy December❤️

Ya, saya serius memikirkan sesuatu yang boleh menjana pendapatan. Juga menambah baik kehidupan selaras dengan ekonomi disektor komersial yang sedang makin berkembang. Dan saya di takuk yang sama bak kata bapa saya, saya tetap bersyukur di tahap apa sekali pun. 

Saya buat versi karipap goreng dan inti daging ayam cincang, lobak merah dan ubi kentang. 

Kulit karipap, rasa sukar nak menguli, mengadun, menekap dan menggoreng, dah saya mengeluh.

Jadi, terfikir kulit popia yang sedia untuk dibentang, letak inti bihun goreng Singapura tentu sedap. Tapi perlu kemahiran untuk menggulung.

Kami cuba, ala raptai bagaimana proses dan rasanya bila terbeku beberapa hari. 

Memang enak macam dijangka, cuma popia tu agak berminyak, tetap menjadi sarapan yang bagus Alhamdulillah disajikan dengan longan dan pisang. 

Perlu pakar merasa makanan, agaknya :)

Salam Desember ❤️


  1. Muito boas dicas de alimentação, obrigada pela partilha!
    *Passando para desejar-lhe um feliz mês de Dezembro com muita paz e realizações.
    Um abraço.

  2. I miss springrolls! Yours looks really tasty and moreish.

  3. Wah buat jual ke? Hehe siap buat ujikaji.

  4. kalau sedao boleh jual...

    boleh juga menambah pendapatan

  5. Los he probado y son deliciosos pero yo no se hacerlos. Saludos.

  6. Memang kena buat sesuatu untuk tambah pendapatan atau dijadikan pendapatan sampingan..SA sendiri jual lauk pauk walau takde la untung lebat..cukup la untuk belanja dapur...

  7. meniaga memang seronok. tapi kena rajin dan kreatif sebab saingan banyak. all the best to you

  8. All the best to you..
    Semoga dimurahkan rezeki..

  9. We haven't made spring rolls in a very very long time and we loved them. My husband has a very old recipe for the skins from Japan-I need to find that.
    enjoy your day

  10. I don't know how to make currypuffs, I only know how to eat them 😂

  11. Spring rolls look great.

  12. oh popia boleh letak inti meehoon ya. eem uli karipap le yang bercinta nak buat. hehehe

  13. Selamat bereksperimen lagi. Saya doakan semoga dikurniakan inspirasi dalam mencari produk yang sesuai :)

  14. I like the green plants outside your kitchen window. So green and lush. In your video, I am amazed to see your curry puff with so much fillings in them. So very attractive and tempting to eat.

  15. harga barang sekarang makin menaik. Risau tu dah tentu. Dalam masa yang sama senntiasa bersyukur. Ehh so unik jadikan bihun sebagai inti popiah. boleh cuba :) Terima kasih untuk ideanya.
